Posts by Shlaf

    You just had to reinstall SPT, you could get those files from archive you've used to install SPT, which is already in your PC. Unless you used installer, i'm not aware how it operates and too lazy to check

    Yes for sure realize that after re-installing EFT lol, but it works ! And thanks again for helping me tho :)

    So I tried by changing values with the value editor and, nothing changes I still can't load factory day and woods ;( By any chance can we download seperate files to replace them ?

    (I'm struggling so, I back up my profile and mod files, and I reinstall SPT lol)

    It's indeed best to have fresh files, this way you'll be sure it doesn't have weird typos or missing structure due to fat finger. You're generally not supposed to edit core DB files, there's mods for that, after - BetterSpawnPlus should take a lead of what is inside vanilla files anyway, you only got to edit BetterSpawnPlus config to fit your needs.

    Understood, I'll give it a try, thanks man if something is still not good, I will let a message here.. Thanks again taking time for me :)

    You have BetterSpawnPlus, you can adjust values related to spawns there, which is highly recommended since it is overhauling wave system anyway.

    Ok, so if I resume, I can edit values with this mod without touching any .json files ? Because right now for me, the best is to get factory day and woods base.json default file, like "new fresh file".

    I don't know how and why this error is espcially on Woods and Factory by day, but there is only these 2 maps. But when I try to launch factory by night, it works... I tried to change in the base.json the line "RequiredPlayerLevel 0" to an other level but nothing changes, the problem is still here. I searched on the forum and internet if by any chance I wasn't alone to have this issue but yes, I think so. You will surely guess my next sentence, help me pls ;(.