Posts by wormy

    I just got past the infinite loading screen! Ill relay what I did in case it helps anyone in the future. Thank you for your help Chomp. I got home about an hour ago, double checked I had both Framework and Runtime installed. I then did a FULL uninstall of the Live game along with all SPT files I had created. By FULL uninstall, what I mean is I used the Uninstall.exe within the files, but even after that I made sure to delete the leftover BSG folder that was still exsisting. Even further, I went ahead and searched my %appdata% folders and deleted all BSG folders that were located in there. I believe those last two steps were the most important. The residue folder and the appdata information. I then used the automatic installer as recommended and the game booted up just fine. Yet to do a raid but glad I got as far as I did! Thanks again.

    Tonight was my first attempt at downloading SPT. Thought about it for a while now and decided to give it a go. Once everything is installed and I boot the game up (Running server first, then launcher), I get to the first loading screen in the game and it will not go any further. I have read through the FAQ and have tried multiple things. At first I thought I needed to run the patcher to get an older Live game file, but as listed above, the game version is correct. I did also completely uninstall the Battlestate games launcher as well as Escape from tarkov, also deleting all the files I had created while downloading SPT. Since then I reinstalled the Live game and then created a new folder for SPT and used the automatic installer to get that up and going again. Once again I just get the infinite loading screen. I then tried to do the manual install, where when I unzip everything I just overwrite all the files it asks me to. Nothing seems to be working for me. Thanks in advance for any help.