Posts by Yue

    So when i go into reserve im able to spawn in and run around, kill things, loot, ETC but after id say 10-15 mins my game will freeze then close and this doesnt happen on factory (maybe because the timer is less then reserve?) and i havent tested on other maps yet. Ive tried reinstalling SPT twice now, cleared mods one by one and turned on ram cleaner and tweaked nvidia settings such as power management still happens and i have no idea what the error messages mean at all but these error messages are shown multiple times. (the unity engine one is newer and the object reference has been happening since yesterday)



    and "System.NullReferenceException"

    "Object reference not set to an instance of an object"

    I thought it could be questing bots but it was not, i have tweaked setting in SVM too but still happens i removed all custom clothing still didnt work. is there something im not seeing? im completely at a loss here.

    Im also not crashing due to memory either from what ive monitored i hit a maximum of 23-25 GB out of 32 GB

    EDIT: it seems its related to mods that change or add wave like spawns and/or could be SVM conflicting? still testing but ive looked at windows event viewer and it says something went wrong with unityplayer.dll and something called mono.