Posts by caloris

    Kippa thanks for the reply and your time first and foremost. English is just fine thanks :P

    I've found an update for the questapi from CactusPie for 3.7.6 (since Boop doesn't have a 3.7.6 version yet) but it doesn't seem to work unfortunately, I still get the same error.
    I've wiped my profile 2 days ago and it seemed to work until today, when I exited a raid and the same error popped up again.

    I wiped my profile twice and in the first wipe I played, I played with (the outdated) boopsquestapi till lvl 35 without any problems. Since the error hints at the hideout, could it be some sort of hideout config from Valens-AIO that could be the problem?

    I'm absolutely illiterate when it comes to modding and programming so I don't know where and what I should look for.


    Just exited a raid on customs and got immediately sent to the main menu with the an error:

    Critical error receiving profile data. Close the game and contact us at the forum
    In respone to http:/
    Input string '1707831480.2' is not a valid integer.
    Path '[0].Hideout.Areas[21].completeTime', line 1,
    position 22006.