Kippa thanks for the reply and your time first and foremost. English is just fine thanks
I've found an update for the questapi from CactusPie for 3.7.6 (since Boop doesn't have a 3.7.6 version yet) but it doesn't seem to work unfortunately, I still get the same error.
I've wiped my profile 2 days ago and it seemed to work until today, when I exited a raid and the same error popped up again.
I wiped my profile twice and in the first wipe I played, I played with (the outdated) boopsquestapi till lvl 35 without any problems. Since the error hints at the hideout, could it be some sort of hideout config from Valens-AIO that could be the problem?
I'm absolutely illiterate when it comes to modding and programming so I don't know where and what I should look for.