Posts by OPoppin

    I have been running SPT for about a month now. Just decided to download the realism mod for the recoil and stance additions. Had no real interest in the trader or bot changes. Upon installing noticed that the flea market and traders were messed up in the sense that the inventories shown out of stock and such. Something that has never been in the my version before. Looked around a bit and found the mod congfig file in the Realism folder. Made sure to disable everything that I did not want. Made sure to safe each tab individually. Restarted the game multiple times and still the issue persisted. Saw the recent comment that a user would run a raid and then it would fix. Ran a quick factory raid and Tagila, and 7 raiders spawned. Killed afew and died because the helth changes were still active for some reason? Any advice at this point? I really like the recoil changes, but that is not going to help if I have to fight endless waves of Raiders? Thank you for any help you can provide.

    Cancel, I am an IDIOT. Great mod!

    I have been running SPT for about a month now. Just decided to download the realism mod for the recoil and stance additions. Had no real interest in the trader or bot changes. Upon installing noticed that the flea market and traders were messed up in the sense that the inventories shown out of stock and such. Something that has never been in the my version before. Looked around a bit and found the mod congfig file in the Realism folder. Made sure to disable everything that I did not want. Made sure to safe each tab individually. Restarted the game multiple times and still the issue persisted. Saw the recent comment that a user would run a raid and then it would fix. Ran a quick factory raid and Tagila, and 7 raiders spawned. Killed afew and died because the helth changes were still active for some reason? Any advice at this point? I really like the recoil changes, but that is not going to help if I have to fight endless waves of Raiders? Thank you for any help you can provide.