Posts by Joachim_UwU

    Works on my end and I haven't had this reported to me before so most likely it's an issue on your end. Only things that can cause it are mod conflicts/wrong SPT/EFT version or pirated version of SPT/EFT

    Thank you for the additional info, dw you did a good job reporting it. I think I found the issue and it'll be fixed for the next release

    Awesome, glad i could help!

    hey, im the guy who was having issues with the spread on the mechanic custom saiga 12. I did a bit of testing with other shotguns (including the base game saiga) and a handful of different ammo types. The only shotgun with any issues is the mech saiga, it runs slugs just fine but the spread on any type of multi projectile shell is insane. im not running any other mods that should be messing with ballistics. If theres any other info/testing you need lemme know, its my first time reporting an issue for spt so apologies if im missing any basics.