2021-09-29 20:25:39.378 +10:00||Error|FilesChecker|Consistency ensurance failed. File not exist. File: "EscapeFromTarkov_BE.exe". ElapsedMilliseconds:95
This is also what I have in my logs file.
2021-09-29 20:25:39.378 +10:00||Error|FilesChecker|Consistency ensurance failed. File not exist. File: "EscapeFromTarkov_BE.exe". ElapsedMilliseconds:95
This is also what I have in my logs file.
I also have this issue all frameworks installed. Reinstalled them. EFT up to date and not corrupt as live Tarkov works perfectly fine. Reinstalled Windows on a new SSD now my game's been doing this. Worked fine before I reinstalled Windows.