Posts by jokez80

    Hi ODT, I think the insurance values are incorrect. When I went to insure with Therapist, it was a lot cheaper than Prapor.

    I took a look at 'mod.js' and saw this:

    insuranceConfig.insuranceMultiplier["54cb50c76803fa8b248b4571"] = 0.3;

    insuranceConfig.insuranceMultiplier["54cb57776803fa99248b456e"] = 0.05;

    insuranceConfig.returnChancePercent["54cb50c76803fa8b248b4571"] = 80;

    insuranceConfig.returnChancePercent["54cb57776803fa99248b456e"] = 60;

    I think that therapist is only taking 5% of the value as insurance? Not sure if the other values are accurate either.