Posts by homeless

    For some reason, I have this weird bug where after buying one item, I am unable to buy other items unless I restart my game or go into a raid.

    before patch 3.8 i had a similar issue and the two possible causes were to meny traders or to meny quests active can be turned in but havnt (for me it was the later, due to using the bsg gifts mod)

    another thing that might work go into your spt folder:aki_data:server:configs then open core.jason and change "removeModItemsFromProfile": false, to "removeModItemsFromProfile": true, that will then delete any traces of an item that you have removed but it didnt remove everything (it removed any traces of bluehead and another mod but kept all my mod items that i still have installed like the MICC case)

    hope you did manage to sort it in the end out of your mods the ones i also have are Amands Graphics. MoxoPixel's Painter, Mag Tape, Black Core, and Tactical Gear Component Hephaestus. SAIN, SWAG DONUTS, Big Brain, Waypoints
    your other option would be to open skp-aki profile editor and instead of doing cleaning from mods select backups and restore an earlier backup.

    i think this mod may of been the cause of an error message that nearly bricked my profile.
    Getting "an item with the same key has already been added"

    fix for the "same key id"
    i opened spt
    -aki went into "cleaning from mods"
    typed in the code in the error removed the two with the same code
    .... that didnt fix it so i typed in just the first 5 didgets and removed them and it worked..... or you could probably use a backup my key was 660d83ef010010f4fb079e28

    i think it might of been your mod because i used it claimed the keys then deleted the 2 items and then deleted the mod. then i went into a raid and on the exit screen this happened.

    i could be wrong but i think it was this mod as someone else had a similar problem and was also useing this mod