Posts by ArchangelWTF

    ArchangelWTF added a new file:


    Fixes the weird auto-vaulting bug where sometimes auto-vaulting will still be enabled even though in the settings hotkey has been selected.


    1. Download the ZIP and extract into BepInEx/plugins

    ArchangelWTF added a new version:



    • Added lighthouse marked room
    • Added a new config file with a lot more comments, as well as cleaning it up moving it from the JSON format to a JSON5 format that allows commenting
    • Adds removing backpack restrictions so that THICC item cases can be picked up.
    • Fixes blacklist to always be iterable.
    • Various other small refactors and changes that get rid of deprecated functions, as well as cleaning up some of the code.

    This release will require you to delete the previous install. if you have changed the previous configuration make a back-up and change the values back in the new config file.

    It is generally recommended to run this pretty far down the load order else things like loot in loose containers wont spawn! This mod should override mods like ALP and SVM but it should be overridden by FIKA in the load order.

    ArchangelWTF added a new file:

    ArchangelWTF added a new file:


    Fixes the issue in the hideout that creates a crazy white light by disabling the Super Sampling in the hideout.


    1. Download the ZIP and extract into BepInEx/plugins