Posts by ash1688

    hey, I just got a back end error after I tried to accept the rewards for the first ammo quest where you need to hand over 1000 rounds and then when i went to go back into the stash I had lost the rewards


    I'm finding that after a 2nd raid run in the row I start getting micro stuttering while trying to empty my character.
    I haven't tried going into a raid after that as each time its happened I've closed and reopened the game

    found a bug with version v.09 but as I haven't upgraded to newer version I'm not sure if its been fixed but with gunsmith part 4 I'mn unable to hand in the upper receiver colt M4A1, the 260mm barrel, Ive tried buying the weapon from both the fleamarket and peacekeeper incase I was getting the wrong one from the fleamarket.

    Edit not really a bug realised I need to have 2 full built gun to hand then in and not just the solo piece

    yeah that is the folder that was empty, I've sort of fixed my problem for now by creating a new profile and took out the alternative bundles I added and it seems to be working fine right now

    Sorry been asleep the last 12 hours I backed up my profile and cleared my logs and tried it again the only quest I had to hand in was the extortist and operation aquerious I handed in the later and it caused the same problem but it didnt create and log files.
    I currently don't have any of your quests near completion to hand it but I can extract 1 more time from interchange to that I finish that quest so that I can hand it in

    I just handed in the extract from interchange twice quest still get the same problem and it doesnt create any log files for it.
    I will now try remove the gunsmith and hideout bundles that I changed

    hello again, I'm getting a weird issue happening today that didn't happen yesterday and I haven't changed anything overnightis that now when I complete tasks I have to restart the game if I want to start or finish any other quests and get the spinning circle icon at the bottom right of the screen

    Another Suggestion I've just remembered is, are you able to check what version the profile has (standard, EOD etc) and hide the storage quests from Warden if you already have the upgrade from your edition

    It's ok dude, liking the mod btw, I do have a suggestion with it with the 5.45x39 ammo quests after you've done the first SP round one and you start the next one and where you need to find in raid the SP rounds, I dont think I've ever seen those rounds in a game, couldn't they be made a non FIR part?