Posts by GrimMoose

    I'm trying to install SPT after restoring my PC. I have installed main Tarkov and it is up to date.

    When trying to run the installer I receive the following message at around 10% Data Error (Cycle redundancy check) 'C\SPT\EFT_Data\sharedassets25.

    I'm a little lost on what to do, I have someone who who also plays SPT and his installed fine.

    Any advice would be appreciated.

    So I'm trying to install SPT since completely resetting my PC, there is no previous version on my PC at all.

    I'm running the installer, it gets to 10% complete then I receive an error stating Data error (cyclic redundancy check sharedassets25

    Has anyone else had this issue or know how to sort it?

    Every time I extract from a raid, my equipped weapons are just gone from my hands and nowhere in my stash, this is the same for if I've taken them into the raid or looted while I'm in raid.

    I'm really confused on why this is happening. It didn't happen on 3.9.4 so has anyone else had this kind of bug and how did you fix it?

    Thanks :)