Posts by TheFootGoblin

    Still didn't work. I don't know what was causing it but I had to completely reinstall everything and load only your mod to get it to work. All good now.

    Getting this trace error trying to start a fresh B3 server with mods:

    ModLoader: loading mods...

    [ERROR] Trace:

    TypeError: Cannot use 'in' operator to search for 'dependencies' in undefined

    at Function.getLoadOrderRecursive (F:\EFT solo 11661\obj\utils\ModLoader.js:160:41)

    at Function.getLoadOrderRecursive (F:\EFT solo 11661\obj\utils\ModLoader.js:164:17)

    at Function.getLoadOrder (F:\EFT solo 11661\obj\utils\ModLoader.js:181:17)

    at Function.executeMods (F:\EFT solo 11661\obj\utils\ModLoader.js:42:42)

    at Function.load (F:\EFT solo 11661\obj\utils\ModLoader.js:8:15)

    at Object.load [as aki-mods] (F:\EFT solo 11661\obj\callbacks\ModCallbacks.js:7:15)

    at Function.load (F:\EFT solo 11661\obj\utils\App.js:14:27)

    at Function.main (F:\EFT solo 11661\obj\Program.js:19:9)

    at Object.<anonymous> (F:\EFT solo 11661\obj\Program.js:24:9)

    at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1138:30)

    Not sure what to do with this. Running B3 versions of Finn AI tweeks, AKI config, all missing keys and advanced weapon customs. Thanks in advance.

    As of yesterday whenever I complete a quest my inventory freezes. I can't move any items or receive quest items. I'm forced to completely restart the game to get it working again. I can't except other quests either without restart. Just wondering if it's a mod conflict or something else. Thanks.