Posts by phonez

    I solved the problem.

    First, I completely erase the Cache folder and Temp folders.

    Second, Install a new client from the EFT launcher.

    Third, Get the new server file [AKI-A7.3]

    Fourth. Turn off the Windows Proxy

    As a result, it worked normally and progress get saved.

    The most critical reason is probably the Windows proxy.

    Thank you. birbbye


    I just tried, but it's the same.

    I don't think it's a mod problem. installed only this [Downgrade EFT Client Files to version 12.9.10532] and [AKI-A7.3].

    kept trying to reconnect and starting with other maps, and every time get stopped at "Local game is starting". :sad_but_relieved_face:


    I turned on the game and started loading map.

    but for some reason stuck in the loading screen “Local game is starting” I waited for few minutes, but there was no response.

    Anyone this know a solution? need some help.
