Posts by tryhardturtlee

    Update: Turns out it was a problem with one of the core game quests - The Chemical pt. 4 chain where it wouldn't change some of the quests in the profile to "Fail" when you turn it in to someone else. Same with the Supply Plans chain. All seems to work perfect now.

    I see a problem with Gunsmith Assistant chain failed

    try removing all

    from your profile

    Otherwise I have no issue with completing quest using your profile. Please try and let me know if that helped.

    So I removed that quest completely, (as that's what I understood to do,) but the loading circle soft freeze still occurs when I complete any of the quests for some reason :P

    Sorry to continue bothering you, but I appreciate the help.

    Ok, did you copy Weapon Expert bundle from \\_AlternativeBundles\\ to \\db\QuestBundles\\? Did you try to rollback to previous bundles? The only possible problematic bundle I can think of right now is "Hideout Assistant" because it had some requirements changed recently - you may want to try to rollback that one.

    Could you please share you logs and/or profile? It is definitely some issue with 1 or more quests missing or having incorrect status and that causes all other quests to behave like that,

    Here is the log from as soon as I start the game, then going to accept a quest. I copied the weapon expert quests to the quest bundles as well.

    [undefined][] /launcher/server/connect

    [undefined][] /launcher/profile/login

    [undefined][] /launcher/profile/get

    [47770848a75a3aea59a0da21][] /launcher/profile/login

    [47770848a75a3aea59a0da21][] /launcher/profile/get

    [undefined][] /singleplayer/bundles

    [SUCCESS] Saved profiles

    [47770848a75a3aea59a0da21][] /client/game/start

    [47770848a75a3aea59a0da21][] /client/menu/locale/en

    [47770848a75a3aea59a0da21][] /client/game/version/validate

    [47770848a75a3aea59a0da21][] /client/languages

    [47770848a75a3aea59a0da21][] /client/game/config

    [47770848a75a3aea59a0da21][] /client/game/keepalive

    Generator: 74.996 fuel left on tank slot 1

    [47770848a75a3aea59a0da21][] /client/items

    [47770848a75a3aea59a0da21][] /client/customization

    [47770848a75a3aea59a0da21][] /client/globals

    [47770848a75a3aea59a0da21][] /client/game/profile/list

    [47770848a75a3aea59a0da21][] /client/game/profile/select

    [47770848a75a3aea59a0da21][] /client/profile/status

    [47770848a75a3aea59a0da21][] /client/weather

    [47770848a75a3aea59a0da21][] /client/locale/en

    [47770848a75a3aea59a0da21][] /client/locations

    [47770848a75a3aea59a0da21][] /client/game/profile/select

    [47770848a75a3aea59a0da21][] /client/profile/status

    [47770848a75a3aea59a0da21][] /client/handbook/templates

    [47770848a75a3aea59a0da21][] /client/hideout/areas

    [47770848a75a3aea59a0da21][] /client/hideout/settings

    [47770848a75a3aea59a0da21][] /client/hideout/production/recipes

    [47770848a75a3aea59a0da21][] /client/hideout/production/scavcase/recipes

    [47770848a75a3aea59a0da21][] /client/handbook/builds/my/list

    [47770848a75a3aea59a0da21][] /client/quest/list

    [47770848a75a3aea59a0da21][] /client/notifier/channel/create

    [47770848a75a3aea59a0da21][] /client/mail/dialog/list

    [47770848a75a3aea59a0da21][] /client/friend/list

    [47770848a75a3aea59a0da21][] /client/friend/request/list/inbox

    [47770848a75a3aea59a0da21][] /client/friend/request/list/outbox

    [47770848a75a3aea59a0da21][] /client/profile/status

    [47770848a75a3aea59a0da21][] /client/trading/customization/storage

    [undefined][] /notifierServer/get/47770848a75a3aea59a0da21?last_id=default_id

    [47770848a75a3aea59a0da21][] /client/server/list

    [47770848a75a3aea59a0da21][] /client/trading/api/getTradersList

    [47770848a75a3aea59a0da21][] /client/checkVersion

    [47770848a75a3aea59a0da21][] /client/trading/api/getTraderAssort/5a7c2eca46aef81a7ca2145d

    [47770848a75a3aea59a0da21][] /client/trading/api/getUserAssortPrice/trader/5a7c2eca46aef81a7ca2145d

    [47770848a75a3aea59a0da21][] /client/game/profile/items/moving

    [undefined][] /notifierServer/get/47770848a75a3aea59a0da21?last_id=84d48ca3aca764a8ff0ec892

    [47770848a75a3aea59a0da21][] /player/health/sync

    [SUCCESS] Saved profiles

    [47770848a75a3aea59a0da21][] /launcher/server/connect

    As for my profile I'll link a file.

    (Had to change it to a txt file for compat on here)

    I'm getting the same error when I complete any quest from the mod and need to restart my server every time it happens. I'm in the default EN locale with no other quest mods. I believe I accepted the weapon expert quests before the update but I never actually got to completing them. I have all of the main quests done though. Updated from 8.3 to 8.4, and then 9.0 in the past couple hours.