Posts by McOnie

    Streets has what I call a bug currently. In the small camp in the center of the map there is a massive boss and guard spawn happening min. into the raid [10-20 guards as far as I could count] which adds to the rest of the AI. That kills performance. Basically until this boss/guard spawn is removed Streets will be impossible to play. If you want to play that map there are only 2 things you can do - 1. use Donuts and edit the config and cut the other AI spawns to 50% and that will allow for playable fps or go to the center and kill the guards and that will instantly declutter the map of useless AI but it's not easy to do. If anybody knows how to remove the guard spawn there then that will 100% fix the performance on Streets. It's not an optimization issue it's a massive AI spawn issue [separate from the normal pmc/scav spawns]

    Thanks for the reply, I never really considered the the boss spawns not counting towards the overall AI count. I've temporarily removed SWAG and currently using SVM to manage bots, pmcs and bosses etc. so I'll remove the boss spawn from streets and give it another try.

    I'm having performance problems, and I know most of it is poor game optimisation, and I just wanted to see if anyone has any tips to help gain some FPS.

    My PC isn't the best, but by far not the worst; Ryxen 9 5900x & RTX 2080ti & 32gb ram (EDIT)

    But in streets, im lucky if I get 35-40 and the other maps it's not as bad but often drops to below 60.

    I've tried decreasing the loot spawns and bot count, but it doesn't seem to make much difference. The Declutter mod give me quite a bump in performance on most maps, buts streets is negligible.

    Any tips would be highly appreciated.

    This makes sense as I do have a loadspeed modifer set at 80 and also max skills on. I will give that a try.

    Thanks for your help.

    I'm having an issue where I can't load or unload ammo into mags when in raid. As far as I can tell, this only happens when playing on interchange.

    I saw a thread where I thought someone was having a similar issue but it turns out that theirs is a little, hence a separate post.

    It's just a bit bizzare that it's only happening on one map, it's not a massive deal breaker as it just means taking in more mags, or looting other guns, but if anyone can think of why it's happening it would be of great help.


    This problem seems rampant atm, common thread is one of KMCs mods. Currently removing mods to see which.

    Edit: Yeah, removed KMC gear and KMC core and it loaded straight in.

    Yeah, I've just had a look at the mod comments and seen quite a few people have had that error. Looks like I will have to do the same and remove it for the time being.

    Hopefully the cause of the error is found as KMC is a good bundle of mods.

    I am getting the following error when entering into a raid:

    I am using a one of the presets in ServerValueModifier but with a few small adjustments, the reason for selecting the preset was to adjust the loose loot and bot loadouts. Is this likely a mod conflict, or have I made a config error somewhere down the line?

    Is there any reason the discord application is so convoluted? I get to question 4, answer it then get another message saying "4. Question 4 (Intentionally blank, read what you are supposed to read once you join to get the answer.)" with no way to answer it as I don't even know what it's asking and then the application is cancelled automatically.

    I've read the rules, I agree to them and there is absolutely nothing regarding the application.