Posts by Giubryz

    i've had a look in the AI files, ain't understood shit so yeah, i feel you..

    But i will start making changes and testing them so see which does what and help you in case i find something useful

    I understand how hard can be making mods, take your time developing and testing it, i can and will wait for the updated version animeokay

    I have to agree that currently doesn't work properly, during the server mod loading it says that the mod performed 613 changes in bot types, 0 in core and 25 in bot presets. I've done plenty scav factory runs to test it but the PMC AI just laser beams my face with MK18s. I've been able to kill a bunch of pmcs wallbanging them in office, trough doors or under the desk or i will get head, eyes by them.

    Changed nothing in other mods that affects AI PMCs.

    If any more info is needed, i'm available

    Ah man, looks like you were writing this before i've posted my response.

    Honestly i haven't digged this far, but after a proper clean install, everything worked fine. I fear that there is a document/file or something else from the previous B3/B4 that creates this kind of problem.

    i've also noticed that my internet connection was crap before the fix.. discord couldn't update, twitch/FB/IG/WAW/YT wouldn't work.


    -It was necessary to remove all the files (i suggest to copy somewhere the user .json file in case you don't want to start over) and copy all the files from the EFT directory (like you would do for the first time installing SPT), copy over the B5 files, do a couple of raids.

    IF after the second raid you get the black screen after extract, close the game, reopen it, change the notification setting to the other option, If you got "Default" switch it to "Web Socket", and viceversa. Save, Exit, start the game and you are good to go. pog

    Andrudis  kikirio I'll mark this solved, feel free to update the Frequent Issue thread with the extra "step" :hehecute:

    Nope, haven't had the opportunity to try something.

    In the next few hours i'll fiddle with some stuff.


    -Tried a fresh install of all EFT files and B5, still same black screen after the second raid. I'll keep trying other stuff and update as i go.

    Update N.2:

    -Apparently after the clean install and changing the Notif. setting from "Default" to "Web Socket", i've been able to extract from the second raid without any problem. I'll keep testing to see if the problem reoccurs.

    You need to restart the game for it to take effect, 90% chance this is your issue.

    After every change i've done to the Notification Setting, i've restarted everything, from server to game. Now i've been trying to test and play with both the options, same results. Second Factory raid, black screen at extract.

    Maybe i'm dumb and there is something that i don't understand. retardadothinking

    Wait.. maybe i need to restart only the game after the change? lifeworththinking


    Downloaded and installed SPT-AKI B5, looks like the micro stutters are mostly gone.

    Also, looks like that the first and second problems are connected to each other, because the server stops giving informations during the second raid (so you can't extract) and also if you don't do a second raid and chill in the inventory for a bit, you can't no longer go in the hideout.

    New server log for the black screen extract at the end of the second raid:…Vg9wKdRqhdomsC7tD5kGF9rZc

    Okay, where do i begin.. Problems:

    - Black screen after extracting even after changing the notification setting multiple times, as seen in the Frequent Issue thread, but after 2 raids the problem reappears causing to lose all the loot/exp/quest advanc. of the second raid (pretty frustrating NGL :kannatiredofthis:);

    - After an unknown amount of time, you can't enter anymore in the Hideout (because it remains stuck in the loading screen, like if the server encounters an error and needs to be restarted) and also you can't do "online raids" because the offline raid message appears;

    - Stutters in the stash, going from 150+ FPS to 80≃ in matters of milliseconds and after some seconds it happens again and again, probably BSG side? . retardadothinking

    Regarding the second problem, i've noticed that the servers after some time stops to send informations during the raid, a message stating that the server doesn't accept "positives or negatives" or something like that. Sadly i can't give more precise info because i'm writing this after some time. My bad killme

    That's it. If more logs or infos are necessary i'll gladly help pog