Posts by Wrath_Jr


    First of all i'm very interested in your mod but didn't try it yet as i use svm with some custom settings.

    Will this mod conflict with SVM or other mods? Is it possible to just use the Time Changes module standalone?

    Thanks in advance for your help.

    I am using both and there is no conflict , and you can definitely turn off as mainy features as you want and use only what you need

    Hello, got this single line of error on my console :

    Unable to retrieve: bosslegion bot template, cannot generate bot of this type


    If I understand correctly putting the RO mod in first in the load order would fix it?

    Ive read everywhere that traders should always be first in load order, isn't it a problem to do so?

    Thanks in advance and thanks for the great mod !!

    Hello, first of all, thanks for this incredible mod, I love it

    I have a simple question, I tried to raise the amount of XP earned per kill/headshot but it never happened to give me more xp

    I have a preset saved and properly loaded, activated, confirmed by the console

    I have tried to put SVM at various positions in the latter of the load order but it doesnt seem to work for this particular entry , even when loaded very last of the list

    Should I tweak anything in config files? From the SPT files? From the mod? Im kinda lost about it.

    Thanks in advance if you can help