Posts by ehaugw

    ehaugw added a new file:


    Did you know that in the official EFT, you gain 5% movement speed while aiming down the sights per weapon mastery of the used weapon? This mod extends this advantage to also give 5% aiming speed, reload speed and malfunction fix speed per mastery level.

    Thanks to CJ for pointing out the function where this stuff happens.

    ehaugw added a new version:


    Increased max zero range to 700 and made adjustments even finer from 600 and above.

    ehaugw added a new version:


    Magazine fed weapons will now use the magazine's first round rather than the chambered round. If no magazine is detected, the chambered round is used. This allows the user to reload a weapon, chamber a new round and then zero the weapon with the relevant ammunition.

    ehaugw added a new file:


    Extend the elevation adjustment ranges on most scopes to 700, with finer adjustment steps after 300 meters.

    Works very well with Better Zeroing


    ehaugw added a new file:


    This mod causes your the game to use the loaded ammo for elevation adjustment calculations rather than a weapon's default ammo. The adjustments are recalculated when you equip a gun or reload. Magazine fed weapons will now use the magazine's first round rather than the chambered round. If no magazine is detected, the chambered round is used. This allows the user to reload a weapon, chamber a new round and then zero the weapon with the relevant ammunition.

    Works very well with Extended Zero Ranges
