Posts by Zipp

    Huge thanks Roach, man i'm going to try this out tonight, i'm excited to get back in. Thanks for all these pointers.
    Yeah it really depends on bots, some times they hear and see you really quick, sometimes i get by unnoticed, but i think it ties to the base game (AKI) and how it's configured. But i tend to have some quick reflexes, when it comes to this game, i need to defend my loot you know. But i see what you, yeah i like tinkering mine too. Although my biggest issue is toward minion's bosses they have high tier ammo, most of the time i get one tap even with wearing 2 class 5 armors.

    Fin as always your reply is very much appreciated, same i'm going to dive into the config tonight, see if i can alter it, a little bit to maximize my experience in the game.
    I really enjoying your mod, even though sometimes it's frustrating to get one tap whereas you put a full dump mag on a bot, i always ending up going back into the game with your mod, it adds tensions to the raid, i think it's part of the experience and it's the endgame of the game itself.

    Hey Fin as always thank you for this mod. Unfortunely these crazy bot are still too hardcore for me, i really would like to have a casual experience when i'm playing to the game with some challenging moments. I already asked you, previously but do you think, it's possible to modify their rate of fire (of bots), i just need to reduced it by half maybe; that way i can stand a chance, when they're engaging first? Thanks in advance, i really miss the previous AKI versions when bots where stock-configured challenging.