Posts by UmbraInDominus

    My last comment was meant for the OP lol but you would have to create your own thread detailing your issue(s) and it will tell you how to upload your log files and then someone or myself can help you.

    I need the OP to respond as it is coming up to 2 months since this thread was made and no response has been made yet and they haven't been online since 16th February.

    Hi sorry, I stopped playing for a while because of this error so I haven't been on this site since. I just updated to 3.8.0 so I likely don't have the logs anymore. I'm also pretty sure I set those logs to not expire but idk lol. Thank you for trying to help though.

    I've been getting the same error constantly when I try to enter a raid. It was happening before I added mods but has definitely been exasperated since I added the mods. I have to restart the whole game including the server several times in a row to be able to actually enter a raid. I just updated SPT from I think version 3.5.1. I'd like to actually play the game without having to fully reinstall this version if possible. This is the error the server is showing. Thanks for the help in advance.

    TypeError: staticAmmoDist[caliber] is not iterable

    TypeError: staticAmmoDist[caliber] is not iterable

    at ItemHelper.drawAmmoTpl (C:\snapshot\project\src\helpers\ItemHelper.ts:1101:41)

    at ItemHelper.fillMagazineWithRandomCartridge (C:\snapshot\project\src\helpers\ItemHelper.ts:1008:35)

    at LocationGenerator.createStaticLootItem (C:\snapshot\project\src\generators\LocationGenerator.ts:1023:29)

    at LocationGenerator.addLootToContainer (C:\snapshot\project\src\generators\LocationGenerator.ts:429:49)

    at LocationGenerator.generateStaticContainers (C:\snapshot\project\src\generators\LocationGenerator.ts:231:48)

    at LocationController.generate (C:\snapshot\project\src\controllers\LocationController.ts:104:51)

    at LocationController.get (C:\snapshot\project\src\controllers\LocationController.ts:70:21)

    at LocationCallbacks.getLocation (C:\snapshot\project\src\callbacks\LocationCallbacks.ts:39:66)

    at RouteAction.action (C:\snapshot\project\src\routers\dynamic\LocationDynamicRouter.ts:17:51)

    at LocationDynamicRouter.handleDynamic (C:\snapshot\project\src\di\Router.ts:68:61)

    TypeError: staticAmmoDist[caliber] is not iterable

    TypeError: staticAmmoDist[caliber] is not iterable

    at ItemHelper.drawAmmoTpl (C:\snapshot\project\src\helpers\ItemHelper.ts:1101:41)

    at ItemHelper.fillMagazineWithRandomCartridge (C:\snapshot\project\src\helpers\ItemHelper.ts:1008:35)

    at LocationGenerator.createStaticLootItem (C:\snapshot\project\src\generators\LocationGenerator.ts:1023:29)

    at LocationGenerator.addLootToContainer (C:\snapshot\project\src\generators\LocationGenerator.ts:429:49)

    at LocationGenerator.generateStaticContainers (C:\snapshot\project\src\generators\LocationGenerator.ts:231:48)

    at LocationController.generate (C:\snapshot\project\src\controllers\LocationController.ts:104:51)

    at LocationController.get (C:\snapshot\project\src\controllers\LocationController.ts:70:21)

    at LocationCallbacks.getLocation (C:\snapshot\project\src\callbacks\LocationCallbacks.ts:39:66)

    at RouteAction.action (C:\snapshot\project\src\routers\dynamic\LocationDynamicRouter.ts:17:51)

    at LocationDynamicRouter.handleDynamic (C:\snapshot\project\src\di\Router.ts:68:61)

    Hi, I just updated SPT for the first time in quite a while and I used the auto installer and for some reason it copied the battle eye files from live tarkov. Is it supposed to do that or do I have to remove those files like it did in earlier versions of SPT?

    I seem to not be able to add anything anymore, I used it earlier and it worked perfectly but for some reason it's always saying that there is no room in stash even with plenty of room. Anyone know a fix?