Posts by tfalmeida91

    I ended up doing the same as you, I went over the documents and just checked out how some mods were structured and kinda went off of that. The documents provided are vague and a little hard for someone who never used unity before to understand lol, ended up googling everything.

    Hi again, you should see what Kikirio said, I'll quote him here


    Yeah it is a case of having a look at a few simple mods to get an idea of the structure, the un-compiled server is here and you can find everything you could want to hook into there. After that its all java script know how

    As soon as I got my hands on the uncompiled Server, man I'm doing all sorts of stuff, if you had any C# background you'll handle javascript like a beast, if not, it's very easy to understand if you give the time to it ^_^! I already created new presets that traders sell, added a trader (with a LOT of help from Kikirio's mod) that sell's all the stuff I need, except it's way more expensive, to give more easy access but making me have to go make some money first. I changed the damage values and ricochet chances, I changed how the bots spawn, bla bla bla.

    The uncompiled server has literally everything you need to start :D! Just look at how the most basic mods are created and start from there!

    Yeah it is a case of having a look at a few simple mods to get an idea of the structure, the un-compiled server is here and you can find everything you could want to hook into there. After that its all java script know how (which I still lack myself, but this is a great project to learn with, all my mods are dead simple so may be a reasonable place to start? mysterious keys is one simple for loop through items.json for instance.)

    Well I must say my good sir, your mod was the one that actually thought me anything, I ended up creating a new Trader that sells all weapon parts so I wouldn't have to wait for the Flea Market to update, so, thank you for that, I'll have a VERY thorough look at the un-compiled server ;)

    Thank you a million for that!

    Best bet would be to join the Guilded server, as there are a few bits of documentation there.
    There is also some documentation on the docs website.

    I actually gave the docs a look but they are so vague that I would go as far as to say that they did as much as if they didn't even exist xD

    Basically I learned more (which was too little) from fiddling with existing mods than looking at the docs (the only thing taht actually helped me was the ID list there). That is unless there was something I missed there :/ .

    I already applied to Guilded, I'll wait to be allowed in :P

    Thank you for the help tho ^_^!

    Any answers yet xD? I'd actually like to know where to start as well, I'm currently just fiddling with the current created mods, but I would really like to know how to create new mods.

    I've seen somewhere that you can make them using c# and javascript, but I can't find it where again ;(