Have you tried walked within range?
Pretty sure 3.10 came with bot sleeping so they will be motionless until you get within a certain distance..
Just a thought
Have you tried walked within range?
Pretty sure 3.10 came with bot sleeping so they will be motionless until you get within a certain distance..
Just a thought
well simply put 3.8.0 is not out for spt, only test builds at the moment.
Second, your download link you have supplied looks like a torrent site ( i could be wrong )
Just had to alt f4 a raid, thought I would get some screenshots to show both swapping to picked up weapon (3) and then what happens after going into inventory causing full lock.
Setesh, check support thread for SVM. Has a fix temp fix, it will keep reverting back to above problem though so maybe better to delete SVM at this stage
definitely from repairing armor as I have just had the same thing
Basically I'll run a raid and after I pick a weapon up be it from a Scav, PMC or boss follower. Swapping to it will cause the gun to disappear, I can still walk but hands are softlocked out of view and going into inventory will cause the game to hardlock forcing an AltF4.
The two times it has happened, I have picked up once from off sling and the second time was a weapon picked up out of Backpack
for faster finding, error pops up at line720 -line742
If i extract, no error
if i die, error and crash, load back into game and have everything equipped and acquired in raid.
everything was for current version
As simple as title reads, bots spawn but dont move or react to proximity