Posts by Rendhammer

    well, the patcher works for the version from about 1.5 days ago, which they just changed 20 mins ago to a newer one. I guess we will just have to wait more

    Yeah I think this is the issue. I'm just now checking it. The Downgrader is for a patch I didn't have after the base 12.11. And now I can't update cause of this brand new one from today. So I'm stuck right in the middle. Damn, all this work for nothing!

    Thanks for the help everyone, looks like we're really just better off waiting for the new full release. As long as it lines up with whatever patch EFT is on now...

    They just released a new patch, so we cannot copy the game folder, since they just made changes

    Unless we haven't updated it, right? I'm still on 12.11 from the big patch. Haven't opened the launcher since then and done no official updates.

    As you can see, it says

    you need to put the Aki_Data with the Patcher folder inside, into your E:/ drive, and it should work for you.

    Try it out!

    This is it. It is very simple yet confusing. If it is at all possible to update the instructions on the download, it would be very helpful.

    Very easy to miss that the patcher.exe has to go into the SPT folder, but the AKI_data folder has to go into your root drive.

    EDIT - I'm assuming this works the same for the actual SPT install? Everything in that folder extracts into the SPT-AKI folder, but the AKI_data folder goes into the root drive, again? Also that is not explained at all in the instructions, if it's the case.

    Last edit - No, the above is incorrect. The AKI_data from the actual install needs to be in your SPT folder or the Server.exe will crash immediately on startup. Also, after all of this was done, the game still crashes immediately on start-up. Even after the patcher completely worked. So I'm assuming there are still bugs to be worked out.

    AKI_data is in the patcher download. I just unzipped it all from that, which also includes the user folder, and the Patcher.exe. I have not installed anything from the SPT-AKI 1.5.1 files.

    That's why I'm confused. The patcher literally says it cannot find files it needs from the AKI_data folder, but the folder is right there. Yet at the same time, apparently that folder isn't supposed to be in the SPT directory yet?

    Am I missing something very obvious yet apparently extremely confusing? If I remove the AKI_data folder from the difectory, it still throws the exact same error. If I moved the Patcher folder OUT of the AKI_data folder, and then delete the AKI_data folder, it still throws the exact same error.

    Throwing my hat in here as well. Tried everything in this thread and I also get the exact same error. No amount of moving folders around so the patcher can see the Aki_Data works. It always says it's missing something from that folder.