Posts by MrJacket

    I'm sorry, I guess I'm not quite understanding the nature of your problem. You have successfully extracted the "Aki-Data" folder and the patcher.exe into the directory where the EFT files are located, or a copy of them mind you of the original files, and then run the patcher to completion without errors in the patcher.exe window? Just please explain to me where the issue occurs. Does the game still not run properly with all the mentioned steps completed?

    Since no one knows what's up with this is commenting, I'll just say that you might be able to fix it by playing an earlier version of sp-aki. Otherwise, it will probably be fixed in later versions.

    Personally, I now ignore it, and mostly play pmc. The singel player is not hard enough to warrant playing a lot as a scav anyways imo.

    I'm not exactly sure what I did, but somehow I fixed it upon one of my clean installs. I deleted everything including the official game, and tried again. However, now, I can't play scav on any other map than factory and reserve, like a couple of other folks on here, that I saw in an other thread. But that is not a big deal to me. SOLVED.

    After trying many many times to start a raid on a any other map than factory, on extremely rare occasions I actually get to start. I have no idea why that is... Maybe there's some randomness to what's causing it. Might be a lead. But I don't think I'll be able to figure it out, I've done everything that I'm capable of. Please help me, I'm very confused.

    I completely redid the entire process and properly followed instructions, but the issue persist. Except now I tried several times, and once I got in to another map, but just once. Another time I just got endless "local game starting..." loading with a forced shut down. I first copied the game files into the new folder, put sp aki there, and then patch files, followed by a run of the patch.exe. Then I started the server. I've included a picture of the patch.exe completion.

    I apologize if I was a bit unclear on that. What I meant to say then about the game being patched, is that I have downgraded it already just like you said. The game wouldn't even launch prior to that. Maybe its patched incorrectly? I put the patch files in the main directory and ran the patch to completion.

    The game is simply crashing when countdown to raid start begins on all maps except for factory. I have patched the game to correct version, and it happens regardless of mods being installed or not.