Night Night PMC

The Last frame as seen through my Altyn before a black screen and return to lobby for my PMC. Was hunting Rashala on dorms and one of his goons blasted me on the chest with 336 AP resulting on this great image of his last shot blacking out my thorax and killing me though level 5 armor.

Comments 6

  • This photo reminds me of when you find Captain Price in the Gulag and he aims his weapon at you. Still can't work out why the top-right is edged-off, did you take the pic before dying?

    • I was headed up the stairs from 1st to 2nd floor. This is the exact frame that my body starts to ragdoll.

  • I'm trying to figure out what that hard, black edge is.

    • the black edge is the limited view you have when you wear and altyn helmet, basically the visor down view.

    • Nah, not the faded edge. The hard edge. I can see the faded edge of the Altyn. It's the hard edge beyond that that confuses me. Was that a doorway you were leaning out of?

    • was going up the stairs.