Scav in orbit

For the story :
I was on Customs, looking for fuel tank, I arrive near the gas station.
A scav start to shoot on me, when he stop shooting, i leave my cover, aim his head, he's getting ready to throw a grenade, i kill him.

There was some other scav arond, they shoot, throw grenades, etc.
I don't know if it's his grenade, or other scav grenade, but there is an explosion exactly on his body.

Fight end, i start looting, i see his weapon, but no corpse. never mind, i'm joking alone, he was left in orbit, i continue my mission.

Later this game, i look the sky, i see something strange, i aim at the ufo.
And i see my satellite scav :P

Sorry for bad english, i'm french.

Comments 4

  • is a bug for online ver to have

  • Another soul lost to a Vortex Anomaly, such is life in the Zone. :/

    Happy 1
  • Scavs have somehow gained the ability to elevate in to the sky, probably went and visited the Priest of the Cultists perhaps? Jokes aside I had this happen earlier with the Goon Squad, I threw a very lucky Pineapple blitz grenade at their location on Customs and I shit you not all 3 of them elevated in to the sky it was incredible! The only bad thing was their gear was inaccessible because they weren't on the ground lmao :)

    Happy 2
  • Scav Space Program

    Happy 1