Is this possible to mod into Tarkov? This is more less how it actually looks, so it would fit right into this game.

Comments 6

  • Sigh… it’s difficult but I’m actually working to make night vision device behave like a camera (picture in picture like scopes)

    Difficulty im facing is activating it in your head and be placed as static mesh on your screen so it doesn’t move with your body but with your head only.

    Prob will take me a month but it is doable.

    Thumbs Up 1
    • Great news, I am sure it will be amazing!

  • I mean, modding Beef style NVGs into the game would be nice, but I'd also love to see the AMB-17 in the screenshot modded in too.

  • i know its how it actually is irl and shit but its just better to put the circle in the middle and a void surrounding it

    • I just want something like this, don't really mind where it is placed

    • A blur like what can be toggled in amands graphics would look good