Ex-usecs are decent shooters, as well as targets (1km)

Comments 6

  • Are you using any mods for AI spawns for Lighthouse, just curious bud.

    • No, not when I ended this raid.

    • Okay cool, so Lighthouse works as intended with no mods?

    • I'm not sure how it behaves in live, but rogues seem to be spawned...right?

    • Yeah they are called Ex-USEC or Rogues but I wasn't sure if they were working properly as I use AI spawn mods, a bit of a pain in the ass to setup but I couldn't play without them.

    • I think it's not accounted for correctly in spawn mods yet. You can always check changelogs on whatever mods you use, though.

      From what I understand, way too damn many rogues spawn right now, but I could be wrong about that. I have also not played Lighthouse on Live.