SPT Mini-Launcher 3.9

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.10 or if they can upload older versions of their mods.
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A comprehensive SPT-AKI launcher with third party app support and other cool features.

Thanks for sticking around!


  • options.json
  • SPT Mini.json


Features can be found in the Versions section or by simply using the launcher.

Firstly, this tool requires you to:

  • Have some reading comprehension
  • Organize your SPT folders. Messy is a no-no in these tracts.

Basic guide:

  • Extract the folder SPT Launcher somewhere using 7-Zip. I have it on my Desktop.
  • Open the folder, then run SPT Launcher.exe. (I suggest pinning it to your start menu.)
  • Drag & drop OR browse OR type out the path to an SPT folder (or a gallery of SPT folders).
  • Select the server you wish to use.
  • Profit.

Quick note: Third Party Apps are primarily controlled via the Third Party Apps.json file. This file can be easily edited via any text editor, but it's wise to use the built-in function for doing so.

VIDEO SHOWCASE: SPT Mini Launcher 1.2


- FlatIcon; forum icon <3

- Me

- The community; sharing the bugs

Please use common sense and do your best to think before you ask for support.

If you do happen to find a bug, please report it to me directly:



  • Version 3.9

    VirusTotal: Linked on the repo


    • Updated for SPT 3.9
    • Fixed and updated some library references
    • Removed all references to abeforementioned AKI
  • Version 3.8

    Thanks for downloading!

    VirusTotal: Linked on the repo

    New update!



    • [Fixed] "object reference not set to an instance of an object" error when not using Bypass AKI Launcher


    As usual, always available on Discord:

  • Version 3.7

    Thanks for downloading!

    VirusTotal: Linked on the repo

    New update!



    • [Added] New profile system
    • [Added] Dedicated server detector
    • [Added] Automatic profile selection when switching SPT installations
    • [Added] New config file: options.json
    • [Added] Config open functions in the Options window
    • [Added] Options file auto-generation
    • [Removed] Delete function from Mod Viewer
    • Probably something else I forgot :)


    As usual, always available on Discord:


  • Version 3.6

    Thanks for downloading!

    VirusTotal: Linked on the repo

    New update!



    • Changed "Open Config Editor" button to be file-agnostic. This will allow you to use the launcher without having the Config Editor installed.


    As usual, always available on Discord:

  • Version 3.5

    Thanks for downloading!

    VirusTotal: Linked on the repo

    New update!



    • Fixed the mod counter on the main window (under the Mods section) displaying incorrect number of total mods.
    • Changed the mod counter to only display one state and not an amount-based state.
    • Added "View server mods" and "View client mods" options to Simple Mode.


    As usual, always available on Discord:

  • Version 3.4

    Thanks for downloading!

    VirusTotal: Linked on the repo

    New update!



    • Added new section "Miscellaneous" for further organization of options.
    • Added new window "Mod Viewer" to let you view existing client and server mods, which comes with additional settings.
    • Added new config option (developer options) with a "simple mode" toggle for a cleaner interface for the minimalists.

    Config Editor

    A configurator is now included for a cleaner way to insert existing configuration(s) from, for example, a previous installation without meddling with the rest of the launcher's code. This app will be expanded on in the future.

    Mod Viewer

    A "mod viewer" has been implemented as inspiration from the new mod viewer in 3.7.0 made by the SPT-AKI developers. At first glance it features a display for your total amount of mods (both client and server mods), but once opened it will list all your current mods as well as let you open any mod that is a folder-based mod. It serves as a navigational quick-hub for all your installed mods.

    Developer Options

    This section may expand in the future. It currently features a single toggle ("Simple_Mode") which is only manually changed by opening SPT Mini.json and changing its value from false to true. As this is primarily an "extra" option, I won't help with doing this.


    As usual, always available on Discord:


  • Version 3.3

    Thanks for downloading!

    VirusTotal: Linked on the repo

    New functional update


    Changelog (only used with smaller updates)

    • Fixed (one reported) executables not launching properly as custom tools.
    • Added a file/folder selection option when adding a new or editing an existing custom tool.

    File/folder selection

    Users may decide to use folders as well as files (.exe, .bat, etc) to be more flexible in shortcuts with custom tools.


    As usual, always available on Discord:


  • Version 3.2

    Thanks for downloading!

    VirusTotal: Linked on the repo

    New functional update


    Changelog (only used with smaller updates)

    • Added time counter with display.
    • Added additional profile display on the main window on the bottom left.

    Time counter

    In Settings -> Time Display, both the Aki Server and Escape From Tarkov's playtime will be counted down to the minute. There is a dedicated hour counter as well, designed to mimic Steam's hour counter.


    As usual, always available on Discord:


  • Version 3.1

    Thanks for downloading!

    VirusTotal: Linked on the repo

    Minor UI update.


    Changelog (only used with smaller updates)

    • Renamed Run SPT to Launch SPT-AKI.
    • Renamed Stop SPT (if running) to Stop SPT-AKI.


    As usual, always available on Discord:

  • Version 3.0

    Thanks for downloading!

    VirusTotal: Linked on the repo

    A whole new version, featuring new features and bugfixes!


    Changelog (only used with smaller updates)

    • Added the ability to customize and add custom tools to the Third Party Apps section.
    • Added a new window for adding new or editing existing custom tools.
    • Added an "Add new tool" button in the Third Party Apps section for easy adding of custom tools.
    • Removed all hardcoded list systems and optimized generation.
    • Fixed some minor thread issues.


    A new window has been implemented in clutch with an overhauled system to accommodate Third Party Apps (also known as "custom tools") to allow for smooth operation in adding new or editing existing tools in the Third Party Apps section. These tools can be anything launchable, as well as support custom names. Scrolling behavior has been enabled in the right-side box to allow users to utilize as many custom tools as they need. Alongside those changes, the listing system has been optimized and is no longer hardcoded, which allows for easy future maintenance and expansion.


    As usual, always available on Discord:

  • Staff note: the source code for this mod was manually reviewed and I can safely say that the single detection in VirusTotal is a false positive.

    Thumbs Up 4
  • You forgot to change "Open Server Value Modifier" button to look for Greed.exe instead of GFVE.exe.

    • Right-Click the item that says Open Server Value Modifier, and you cycle to change the path/filename it looks for. The third party app system is designed to let you change stuff like that.


      I'll implement this change before I sleep.

    • Didn't know you could do that.

    • OK tested. everything seems perfect to me.

      If setting up to run SVM/Greed make sure you click the blue Folder word so it turns into App then browse for your Greed file.

      Also I had to do this with realismconfig file for some reason but nbd.

      Thanks DevRaccoon <3 :thumbup:

  • ooh I have a request/suggestion if you are ever bringing this launcher back to life, would it be possible to integrate with lua's profile back up mod? like a button to automatically overwrite profile with last saved backup profile? that would be extra awesome.

    Again miss this. keep up good work though. mod loader seems to work properly now.

    Heart 1
    • I've updated this to work for 3.9.X now. I cannot guarantee that everything will work identically as I didn't playtest it, but it shouldn't be any different. Let me know if there are any issues

    • OMG. you're the best! <3

  • hi , love this launcher..really minimalistic hehehe, but is all packed inside that little app ..love it

    but when i try to add the new 3.9.4 folder ... it does nothing , dont add nothing, when i try to add the 3.7.6 works normally..

    this version dont work with 3.9.4 ?

    • launcher looks for aki.exe's not spt.exe's so won't recognize folder.

      I can't figure out where to change that.

      Please DevRaccoon. please I miss this launcher so much.

    • It does not work, as the code is still checking for 3.8 things. I can update it enough to where it works for using so y'all can still use it. For a while now I won't have time to maintain this launcher though, as I'm dealing with a lot of stuff irl.

      Heart 1
    • thanks DevRacoon :thumbup:

      Heart 1
  • I had to completely uninstall tarkov and SPT after my old SSD finally wore out, I reinstalled everything, and it all works except the Mini-launcher, it gives me this error when clicking "launch SPT" and i am at a loss, i've removed all mods and tried it, i've made new profiles, i've even uninstalled it and reinstalled it to no avail.https://cdn.discordapp.com/att…3a5642e68e88b8735550b505&

    • Hi, sorry to hear that you're having an issue.

      From the little snippet that I can see, it seems that the in-memory server path is invalid/empty. This can happen if you wipe SPT but not the launcher itself. It appears to be using a path that does not exist.

      This is (seemingly) where the error is coming from:


      I would assume that Properties.Settings.Default.server_path is empty/invalid as a path.

      I have two options for you:

      1. Try my better launcher: the Minimalist launcher
      2. Reset the whole launcher, try to re-add the folder that your SPT-AKI is installed in, then try to launch it again.
    • So, using the Minimalist Launcher, I get this when trying to launch the game, could it be, because my SPT is on a different drive? Would putting the minimalist launcher folder in that drive help?


    • That error implies that the launcher does not have privileges to start a process. Are you using a shared machine, or are permissions weird for you?

      I've never heard of anyone having this error when using a normal account. I know for a fact that I cannot replicate this issue, as I have been using both this and my minimalist launcher for a long time.

      It could help, but ultimately it's a permissions issue. If your drives are configured differently, that could be the cause.

    • its a personal pc, and permissions have acted up, i wonder if its due to the type of SSD the game is on? it's a Silicon Power PX10. i had no issues with the launcher on my old External drive, but for some reason this SSD acts like it doesnt have permissions, when it absolutely does.

    • Mhm, I see. Unfortunately, I cannot do much about permissions. I don't have this problem and cannot reproduce it. You might want to look into why it pretends like you don't have permission.

  • https://prnt.sc/bpUybbXGvJzD

    Just following what it told me to do. Seems to be profile specific. Only happens when my profile is loaded. Happens on new install as well.

    • Yes, this is from creating a new profile without building it via the Aki launcher. The problem stems from that you have to let the Aki launcher patch and build the profile.

      The solution is to make your profile, then launch it into the main menu just once via Aki's launcher, to ensure it's built properly. Then you can use this one.

      *EDIT: This happens across all my launchers. It took a while to figure the problem out. I, on the other hand, have no issues as I only run with already-run profiles.

    • So my progress is just borked on my profile then? Cause it was working fine for a couple days before then just started doing this.

      Edit: I use the launcher and server exe's now cause the launcher doesn't work. Which means I've launched it from the AKI launcher, and it still spits out that error.

      Edit to my edit: There was another test profile I made that was bugging it out. Deleted it and now is back to using my main profile it seems. Dumb user error. But the tip you told me is wonderful to know going forward. Sorry for all the yapping. Hope your new year has been great!

    • Lol, worry not. Shit happens, I'm glad you solved it. But this is a great example of why troubleshooting should always be done in a fresh environment with clear variables.

      Happy new year brother, it sure has been!

  • Hey there! I was getting exceptions when I was launching the app, just started oddly...so while I was doing my 3.7.2 upgrade, I reinstalled Mini Launcher...I can't even get it to run now:


    I'm on Win 11, I did do their latest big update several days ago, so I'm wondering if that has to do with it...maybe some clues in the screenie I sent above!


    EDIT: So, it worked after a few more times of trying. And I probably should have added, I was getting the above exception when I tried to add my SPT path. Working for now, so FYI I guess :)

  • So for some reason when i try to launch SPT through the mini launcher it say it does not exist

    • Using latest version? Can you elaborate on your issue more specifically? That doesn't tell me much

    • Ok so. The issue just magically dissapeared but i think its was the fact that it wasnt loading at all. Probably due to errors in the console.

      cool mod

      Thumbs Up 1
  • This is badass. That's all I need to say. Thank you so much! I added a path to my maps folder (for second monitor) in the 3rd party apps area, and I love having it there - less shortcuts on the desktop :) Cheers!

    Heart 1
    • Thanks! I realized I wanted to be able to get to my Downloads very quickly, as I don't like having a quadrillion folders up at the same time, and don't want to open my File Explorer and navigate there just to install one mod. So far it's been as smooth as I wanted. Cheers! :thumbup:

      Heart 1
  • You are a legend.

    unfortunately had a problem trying to change profile editor path using browse, it kept trying to open from default path after I applied the new one.

    Was able to copy paste the path in and delete the ""rabbit ears" now it works.

    On positive note: profile selection on main page made my day. :love:

    Heart 1
    • Well, this is strange, because I can't reproduce your issue of the citation marks. I can't ever get them when using Browse, in fact... here's my video of adding the Profile Editor manually.

      Regardless, since you were helpful and mentioning that it works without the citation marks, I'll add a check to trim any "" once you apply. In theory that should do it, so wish me luck haha.

  • Hey, hazelify. Love this launcher and recommend it to everyone; thanks for making it!

    Would there be any reason an .exe wouldn't work when adding it as a tool? I've added CactusPie's Minimap, but it doesn't want to run. Anything else I add seems to work fine.

    • try to enter the path to minimap as text instead of browsing for file but make sure to delete " "

      if they are there when you copy/paste path. Hope that works for you.

    • Thanks for the suggestion, but no dice, unfortunately!

      I'm guessing it's the fault of CactusPie's Minimap, not SPT Launcher. SPT Launcher isn't throwing up any errors, so the path seems to be working correctly, but CPM just never opens.

    • Executables are the primary target of the "tools" so why Minimap doesn't want to work is confusing. I was able to reproduce your issue on my uni workstation, so something funky is going on. I'll look into it!

      I've been contemplating adding the ability to add a folder OR a file as well, to ensure more flexibility.

      Happy 1
    • Oh, awesome! Thanks! Really appreciate it ^^

    • Update:

      I was able to fix this issue. It was the process method having incomplete info, but I overlooked it when I overhauled how the tools are run.

      I'll be adding the ability to switch between folders/apps, then 3.3 will go live hopefully later today.

      Heart 1
  • Sorry don't know what version I'm using atm but don't think this request is implemented yet.

    Firstly thanks for this share, its really great and convenient but secondly can you pretty please make it even more convenient and move the profile selection to first page and make it fully clear which profile will be loaded? I'm constantly loading up to find out I'm in my son's profile.

    Just small idea hope you consider otherwise this is still a great launcher.

    thx again.

    • So, about that...

      This feature was fully implemented in a beta of 3.1. Whenever you went to launch the game, a profile selector popped up that either had a Favourite profile set, or listed the available ones. From there on it launched on whichever profile you selected. It actually worked really well in my beta testing.... up until the following:

      I made a mistake with some parsing and had to roll back several commits to figure out what went wrong, because the game just wouldn't load properly. At that point of rolling back to fix it, the feature was already rolled back to being non-existent.


      I am reimplementing it soon. I'm working on getting a time counter feature to work and display properly. After that the profile launch selector is coming back to be in 3.2.

    • awesome, look forward to it. Pretty sure I'm using 2.9 and that works seamlessly for me if anyone is interested

    • Looking forward to it myself! Here's a sneak peek.


    • noice.

  • Hello, would it be possible to update for compatibility with 3.6.1.

    I've tested it and SPT won't launch.

    • Yes, once I've gotten settled into uni I'll have more time to work on this. Apologies that it's been a while!

      In the meantime, my Quick Launcher works perfectly fine for me on 3.6.1.

  • When I run the launcher, the game opens but it's stuck on a blank splash screen.

    • Have you ran Tarkov and SPT-AKI both manually at least once? I only had that issue when the Aki launcher wouldn't recognize my Tarkov installation. I had to use BSG's launcher, find the existing installation, then re-check the path in the Aki launcher.

    • I have run both, the issue still remains. I have the launcher on my C drive and the game itself on my D drive, would that be a possible cause?

    • Shouldn't be. I have launcher, SPT and Tarkov all on separate drives.

      Are you on version 2.7 or did you download 2.8 when it went live?

  • Heya, big fan of the mod!

    Have just updated to the newest version and upon attempting to start SPT I get the below error:


    The error appears to refer to a directory at C:\Users\decya\, no such user or directory exists on my machine!

    • Hey. I don't know why this errors occurs... the error itself shouldn't matter because it's only a stacktrace and the source code itself contains metadata. But I find it peculiar why you and another person both get identical errors while I get none.

      I'll start digging, worst case scenario I'll roll back and run 2.7 as latest. I know it worked, and I'd rather dig around when I have the time to.

      *UPDATE: So I found out that if you don't bypass the Aki launcher, you get this. Funny thing is that I don't know why this has started, because I haven't changed anything in relation to starting SPT

    • I've chosen to remove 2.8 for the time being until I figure out what the fuck is going on. I'm bamboozled. Feel free to keep using 2.7 as I know that one has worked for some time.

  • Please consider moving the Delete Server button. It's scarily close to the Stop SPT button and has the same confirmation prompt. I assume most just speedrun through the prompt without thought and could wipe their own game accidentally.

    • Hahahahaha, sorry for laughing but you're not the only one who gets heart attacks from that! I've also had one or two.

      Since I've seen a few people mention it, I do think that it's about time to move the button altogether into the settings window - perhaps next to the Reset buttons. It would make more sense there.

      *EDIT: Dope username

    • Update: This has been fixed in the latest version, and Delete Server has been moved into the Options window. :)

    • Belated thank you, and thank you!

  • Some bad news...

    I reinstalled Windows to clean up and freshen my PC up a bit. In the process I forgot to back up my github projects, including this launcher.

    2.8 will thus be postponed for a while. I'm not sure by how much, but between 2.7 and 2.8 there was quite a lot added. I apologize for the inconvenience </3

  • Can you please make so you can copy text from server output window? Useful for modders and stuff.

  • hey sup, just a quick report, idk if this is something you'll want to address or not, but fyi.

    The mod Lots of Loot prints some error warnings in the server window when certain conflicting mods are present, regardless of load order (DRIP, in my case).

    This is fine when I use the normal Aki.Server as it gets through the warnings in a few seconds, but when using SPT Mini Launcher the warnings go on a seemingly infinite loop in the server output window, and launcher won't connect to server when this is occurring.

    • Could you show me a screenshot of what the output window looks like? It's difficult to gauge what's going on in text.

    • It's equally difficult to describe! lol. And unfortunately not something a picture can really capture, as sometimes a single error log from lots of loot reprint enough times to fill the whole output window. It seems to get through all the error logs, but then repeats the same error logs over and over... but it will print each individual log more times than it did previously... sorry it's hard to describe and I no longer have either DRIP or lots of loot installed.

      To clarify what I mean when I said "seemingly infinitely", I timed it at over 5 minutes when testing, after which an error window popped up from Mini Launcher, which said it was aborting because SPT was taking over 2 minutes to launch. If I remember correctly it gave that pop up window a couple of times, then crashed.

  • more checkmarks doesnt like the new update, it spits out a blank screen.

    • It's unclear how I want to fix this, but I am aware of it

  • Important info!

    I have seen complaints that MoreCheckmarks is somehow interfering with the newest Aki-launcherless feature. Stuff like "Client not authorized" and "Session ID is empty"; I am working on figuring out why this happens.


    I reinstalled Windows recently, and I also started running into "Client not authorized" errors. After some digging and searching, I found out a few steps that seemed to work for me.

    Follow the steps below:

    1. Reinstall Battlestate Game's Launcher
    2. Point BSG's launcher to your current Live EFT folder (NOT the SPT-AKI folder). This can be done via the redirect function that BSG lets you click when you already have an existing Live installation
    3. In Aki's Launcher, click on Settings and then Remove Registry Keys.
    4. Restart Aki's Launcher
    5. Start SPT MANUALLY once.
    6. Try running SPT Launcher again
    Thumbs Up 1
    • Any update on this at all?

    • Not right now. I have theories on why this happens but I've been unable to reproduce these issues on my setup. Since I can't narrow it down on my end, as I've never seen these occur, I will likely round up 2.8 to let you choose how you want the system to run.

    • Not only MoreCheckmarks, but also ODT's Item Info. It's basically the same mod, but yeah

    • @MorokSS I was going to tell you I'll look into it, but then I saw that I'm running ODT's ItemInfo in my 3.5.7 SPT. Windowless Aki launcher option runs without an issue for me, so it's more likely not on my app's end....

      It could be a 3.5.8 issue, but I doubt it given that I've heard MoreCheckmarks had issues previously. Regardless, I'm working on 2.8 to include far more customizability so people won't have to worry about this.

  • For some reason, unless you have Administrator privileges on your machine, SPT Launcher cannot force-close Aki.Server.exe. I'm looking into trying to fix it.

    I had commented out some exception code.

    If you get an 'Access is denied' message error after closing Tarkov, or stopping SPT, press OK and check your Task Manager for the Aki.Server process. I tested on my release build and it has been consistently working now. Hopefully it stays this way.

  • Are there any arguments that i can pass through, so that i launches spt with one click?

    • Unfortunately not. I had some issues with getting SPT patcher integration to work with Visual Studio, so I designed it to be more modular and independent on other frameworks in that regard.

      If you're looking for something that launches it via one-click, and does so via the tool itself, check out the Alternative Launcher made by BALIST0N.

    • Ah thank you, ill try it, though i really like how unintrusive your launcher is :)

      Heart 1
  • My browser won't let me download the latest version. Not OperaGX or Edge, because a "Virus is detected". What can I do?

    • Yeah, this is common with popular browsers. Some people get Virus detected, others never get anything. I get Virus detected with this launcher when downloading via Edge, but others don't.

      Try a different browser, or turn your antivirus off. Those two are usually the most common solutions. These browsers often flag apps for absolutely no reason other than "executable = bad"

      As Terkoiz mentioned up top, the source code has been reviewed and proven to be safe, so there's nothing to worry about.

    • I saw his comment above. I was just wondering what I could do to download it still 😅

      But thanks, I'll try disabling Windows Defender and download it

    • Ah. I misunderstood, apologies.

      The middle paragraph are what I suggest. A different browser or simply disabling your antivirus altogether are usually what people do.

  • Strange the last update worked. In the new update it just loads the server and nothing else. I guess im doing something wrong.

    • I'm having the same issue, probably a bug that'll get patched quickly.

    • This has been a recurring issue for the past week and a half, and I have no idea how to fix it while still retaining functionality. I've been trying to apply bandages to fix it. It seems to be an issue with process detection not working properly in tandem with my running timer.

      I implemented a toggle to enable or disable this feature specifically to let people still launch the Aki launcher. It's a cheap fix but works reliably. (Enable timed Aki launcher)

      I'll take a gander and see if I can find another way to solve this problem. I apologize for this inconvenience.

    • Version 2.0 should solve this permanently! I'm optimistic that I've solved it for good now.

      The option of disabling timed launching is still available. Please make a support thread if you see this happen again.

  • Hey love the mod! In the new version, having the timed AKI Launcher on doesn't launch the second window to log in with after the server is done loading.

    • This should be fixed with version 2.0, please give it a try. :)

      Thumbs Up 1
    • It is fixed, you're a lad!

  • Request for a feature: Another action button to just start the server and launcher without clearing the cache as personally, I do not know the benefit of clearing the cache each time I launch the game. It takes an extra couple seconds to start before the launcher errors out.
    Great mod btw! This made having multiple instances of EFT - SPT actually useful and the addition to launch third party GUIs from it is also well done 10/10 mod :D

    Heart 1
    • Hi there! I understand your request perfectly fine. In fact, an earlier iteration of this has the feature of not clearing on server start or stop. The launcher's "error" isn't inherently an error per se, as it doesn't break nor does it cause any stoppages. It's just a revert to let you know that the server isn't running yet.

      My mod manager will be getting the option to launch the two separately/at separate timers to try to make the process of launching SPT less confusing.

      I added the cache clearing in as an automatic feature because having the cache from a previous session can corrupt or break certain mods or features. You trade slower load times for the guarantee that the game will not break (unless one or several of your mods are broken), and this helps new users who don't know how the process really works. It also just helps remove the obstacle of potentially having the cache be breaking your game, not the mod you're fixing.

      I'll consider implementing an option to let clearing of the cache be manual. However, in that case I will have to refrain from giving support more than I already do, as people are unpredictable and get errors from their own faults.

  • GREAT JOB!!!! Thanks for all your hard work as I know this was a long journey for ya lol. did great tho keep up the good work!!!

    Heart 1
    • Thanks <3

      I'm taking a day off from code entirely tomorrow to take a break from the sweat. Even then I keep checking in here every half hour because I'm terrified that someone will find some immersion breaking bug that I'll have to spend an hour fixing.

      It's performance anxiety, which sucks, but I'm kind of used to it at this point. At least I know that I can do it lol.

    • ahh i think ya nailed it. Get that rest, code washout be real lol

  • My anti-virus is quarantining "SPT Mini.exe" due to it being a trojan. Should it be fine?

    • Hi, please refer to my VirusTotal scans in each version. VirusTotal scans are required for tools.

      Onto the question, yes. My mod manager had the same fate, and I had moderators look at it for me.

  • Would love to see integrating to run SPTRealism config in the add ons :D

    • I'll see if I can make that happen!