ATLAS Custom Weapons & Equipment 1.3.0

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Port of ATLAS's old re-textures/modifications of weapons, equipment, and clothing to SPT's latest version.

All credit goes to ATLAS for his original mods and Nomad_420 for his ports and permission to update his mod! <3

This mod should restore the functionality of ATLAS's original mods as close as they can be, plus it is updated to add weapon malfunctions and the PEQ-15 night vision fix that BSG relatively recently added. Read the known issues below for a list of differences.

This mod adds a lot of items so it is possible that I missed something, please let me know if there are any issues you come across.

WARNING - Before updating SPT versions, if you want to carry over your profile and won't have this mod in the next version, make sure you follow the uninstall directions at the bottom *before* updating!

Realism Compatibility: I have no experience with Realism myself, but please check out this simple mod for realism compatibility: REALISM COMPATIBILITY FOR ATLAS WEAPONS & EQUIPMENT

Note that I have not tested this mod myself.


Download the .zip file, extract all, and add the folder ATLAS-GEAR to your user/mods/ folder in SPT. Make sure it is just the folder with all of the contents, not a folder with another ATLAS-GEAR folder inside of it, else the mod will probably throw an error!

The directory should look like this:


and not this:


Config Options:

  • "lvl1Traders" - Make the trades available at level one traders instead (doesn't change anything else)

To change any of these options, open "config.json" with Notepad, change from "false" to "true" (without quotes), then save and close the file.


If for whatever reason you need to remove this mod, make sure you remove any new items that this mod adds from your inventory before you delete the mod folder, including changing back to normal clothes and deleting any presets that have new items!

List of Items:

  • Weapons:
    • Atlas ATL-15 .300 BLK Precision Rifle (Mechanic 3)
    • Atlas ATL-15 5.56x45 Precision Rifle (Mechanic 2)
    • Knight's Armament Company SR-25 7.62x51 FDE (Peacekeeper 4)
  • Ammo:
    • .300 AAC Blackout APXT (Peacekeeper 4)
    • .300 AAC Blackout TT (Peacekeeper 3)
  • Weapon Parts:
    • Glock 9x19 Viper Cut slide FADE (Mechanic 3)
    • URX-4 handguard for AR-10 and compatible FDE (Peacekeeper 4)
    • Upper receiver KAC 7.62x51 for SR-25 rifle FDE (Peacekeeper 4)
    • 182mm Titanium Nitride Barrel for ATL-15 .300 BLK (Mechanic 4)
    • 277mm Titanium Nitride Barrel for ATL-15 .300 BLK (Mechanic 3)
    • 379mm Titanium Nitride Barrel for ATL-15 .300 BLK (Mechanic 4)
    • Raptor charging handle for AR-15 Red (Mechanic 4)
    • Atlas SMR MK88 13.5in M-LOK Handguard for ATL-15 (Mechanic 4)
    • Atlas SMR MK88 9.5in M-LOK Handguard for ATL-15 (Mechanic 3)
    • Atlas Blue Break 5.56x45 muzzle brake (Mechanic 3)
    • Atlas Hyper Beast Mini .300 BLK suppressor (Mechanic 3)
    • Atlas RC2 .300 BLK suppressor (Mechanic 4)
    • Vortex Razor AMG UH-1 holographic sight FDE (Mechanic 4)
    • Atlas MIAD Pistol grip for AR-15 (Mechanic 4)
    • Atlas M7A1 PDW stock for ATL-15 (Mechanic 4)
    • ATL/PEQ-15 tactical device (Mechanic 4)
    • Atlas .300 BLK Upper for ATL-15 Precision Rifle (Mechanic 3)
    • Atlas 5.56x45 Upper FDE for ATL-15 Precision Rifle (Mechanic 2)
  • Gear:
    • Atlas Anti-fragmentation Glasses (Ragman 3)
    • LBT 6094A Slick Plate Carrier FDE (Ragman 4)
    • LBT 6094A Slick Plate Carrier ODG (Ragman 4)
    • Atlas Knight Backpack (Ragman 3)
    • Atlas GPNVG-18 Night Vision (Peacekeeper 4)
    • Atlas Quick Armor (Ragman 3)
    • Atlas FAST RAC Headset (Peacekeeper 4)
    • Atlas Alphabolt Compact Chest Rig BLK (Ragman 3)
    • Atlas SLAAP Armor Plate (Peacekeeper 4)
  • Clothing:
    • ATLAS X69 Upper (Ragman 1)
    • ATLAS X69 Lower (Ragman 1)
    • ATLAS X88 Upper (Ragman 1)
    • ATLAS X88 Lower (Ragman 1)
    • ATLAS X99 Upper (Ragman 1)
  • Weapon Presets:
    • ATL-15 BLK Default (Mechanic 3)
    • ATL-15 FDE Default (Mechanic 2)
    • SR-25 FDE (Peacekeeper 4)
    • Honey Badger CXVIII (Mechanic 4)
    • MINI (Mechanic 4)
    • MLR MKII (Mechanic 4)
    • MSR MKII (Mechanic 4)
    • XTR MKII (Mechanic 3)
    • G17 FADE (Mechanic 3)

Known Issues:

  • The SR-25 FDE uses default SR-25 audio instead of the RSASS audio like the old ATLAS mods.
  • The barrels and muzzle devices do not glow red-hot like they should because that feature did not exist when ATLAS first made his mods. I believe I can eventually change them to working, but there is no ETA at this time.

Original mods:

Let me know if there are any other issues with it!


  • Version 1.3.0

    SPT 3.10.X udpate

    This was somewhat hastily updated and tested so please let me know if there are any issues with it!

  • Version 1.2.1

    Update - Fixed an issue that was messing with the mastery section. Stupid mistake on my part, sorry about that!

  • Version 1.2.0

    SPT 3.9.X update

    As with 3.9.0 itself, this version will not work with pre-3.9 installs. I tested this version briefly and all seemed well, please let me know if you come across any issues!

    Also changed the code framework to use a more general "custom" naming scheme as opposed to the original "atlas". This will not matter for most people, just a behind-the-scenes change. :thumbup:

  • Version 1.1.1

    Hotfix - Fixes missing clothing and should fix armor presets (caused issues with purchasing armor off of the flea market).

    Massive thanks to PETTAN for making the armor presets!

  • Version 1.1.0

    SPT 3.8.0 update

    As with 3.8.0 itself, this version will not work with pre-3.8 profiles. Also since some things have changed with how EFT handles IDs, please let me know if there are any errors that you notice!

  • Version 1.0.5

    Fixed new .300 Blackout ammo incompatibility - .300 Blackout CBJ should now work with the ATL-15

  • Version 1.0.4

    3.7.X update

    Also a lot of backend changes to the framework for anyone that wants to use it :thumbup:

    Let me know if there are any issues!

  • Version 1.0.3

    Small fix - changed the mod category of the SR-25 handguard FDE to mod_handguard in the SR-25 upper receiver FDE like it should have been.

  • Version 1.0.2

    Small fix - make the ATL/PEQ-15 able to be placed in the tactical slot of the Atlas SMR MK88 Handguards

  • Version 1.0.1

    3.5.1 update + some code cleaning/changes

    Edit 2023-03-09: Changed the compatible version to 3.5.X so no error appears in server window. No other changes

  • Yo reporting a bug. So weird bug discovered.

    When the ATLAS NVGS are attached to any gear that you have on your PMC or SCAV.

    It will cause the fire rate on any gun to be extremely fast. It also causes the sound for firing any gun to not play at all. Even other bots/players guns.

  • my flea market prices are broken for this, I can buy the fully kitted out guns for like 10k and sell for 100k

    Thumbs Up 1
    • Thanks for pointing this out, will try and remember to see if I can fix it next weekend.

  • This mod is great! l like it.l'm a chinese player,and l want ship this mod to our oddba community.l willtry my

    best to make this mod more people see it.

    Hope to have your permission.Thank you very much! ;)

    Thumbs Up 1
  • I can't go to the site to download it.

  • Epic Moment bugcatdancing

    Thumbs Up 1
  • Condor, any chance you possibly work on this mod? This is one of those "must have" for me.

    I checked your profile and there is no recent activity. Hope you're doing well, regardless.

    Thumbs Up 1
    • Yes I am going to try and make some progress today, but we'll have to see how complicated the recent updates have made things.

      Doing alright but been unfortunately very busy with work.

      Heart 3
  • cant buy the atlas x99 upper red plaid shirt for some reason? says its missing requirement is 1800 roubles but i have enough to buy it?

  • Heya
    Really nice mod, but there's a few bugs that i found after playing for a bit :

    Both slicks have lvl 3 soft armor (for spt realism)

    You can use .300 BLK barrels on 5.56 guns (clearly shouldnt be a thing)

    Using a .300 BLK in a 556 ATL rifle will cause the character to break, unable to interact with items and shoot (probably related to realism mod)

  • Hi, I am trying to modify the mod a bit for myself to make ar-15 shoot at 850 rpm and .300 blk shoot at 800, it is easy just to change fire rate but I could not find out how to change the sound, I am pretty sure those two guns are using ak74's sound and if there is a way to make it hk416/sig mcx .300 sound it would be great. Any tips on how to modify the files?

    Thumbs Up 1
  • Awesome mod and thank you for providing the link for the realism patch!! :*

    Thumbs Up 1
  • love this mod, thanks for the constant updates and upkeeping kana_oO

    Heart 1
  • Very high quality items! Are you going to keep adding variants of new weapon, attachments, gear, etc, that comes out? I enjoy your mod very much.

    Thumbs Up 1
    • I'm sad to say probably not, I am mostly just maintaining this mod long-term, or as long as I can.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Добрый день!

    возникла проблема с рукояткой заряжания AR-15, а именно Raptor Red, игра выдает ошибку при ее покупке и пишет что-то про неверный ключ, на форуме нашел информацию, что это исправлено с обновлением мода, хотелось бы узнать будет ли дальнейшая ее поддержка и что делать с рукояткой?

    Thumbs Up 1
    • I will see if I can look into this this upcoming weekend.

  • someones gotta make a ops-core fast gunsight mandible in black, idk how hard it is to retexture something but id think it would fit in atlas quite well so just a suggestion

    Thumbs Up 1
    • additionalgear - Black Module by JustNu isn't being maintained anymore and has alot of assests like vest and headgear, id look into it he said anyone is free to take it over because he's leaving the aki community and thats alot of retextures that could already be done for you so do with that info what you will hope it helps.

  • unable to use the X99 upper, its just locked and i wont let me buy it despite having all the requirements

    Thumbs Up 1
  • Good morning,

    The new weapons look great, but the in game stats make them unusable. Additionally, the stats in the json files do not reflect in game. For example, the FDE ATL-15 has 29.9 ergo and 96.6 vertical recoil in game, but the json says 55 ergo, 135 v recoil... unless this is to refer to the lower receiver alone (they have the same in game name) but the lower in game is 28 and 221. So either way there is a discrepancy. Meanwhile, a stock M4 is 52 and 66. I feel like something isn't translating, and because of that idk what to change in the json. any thoughts?

    This is under realism, but the linked patch doesn't correct the values either. It does add comfort and reload speed modifiers from realism to the rigs, so its doing something.

    • Hello, just looked at the FDE ATL-15 (lower specifically) in game, and I see 55 ergo and 135 vertical recoil.

      I will say that the recoil values are from old Tarkov, long before some of the recoil reforms. But that does not explain what you are seeing.

      I also cannot speak for realism, as I do not use it, but it is possible it or the linked realism patch is what is causing this.

    • Thanks for the response. I'll ask the patch author what they think.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Here is the adjustment for APXT if anyone would like to remove the explosive properties of the round. Feel free to adjust damage/pen values. This configuration is currently balanced to have slightly more pen than AP, but slightly less damage than CBJ. This makes CBJ>AP>APXT in order of lower damage but a higher pen.

    You can change the price by going to \user\mods\ATLAS-GEAR\database\traders\5935c25fb3acc3127c3d8cd9\assort.json and searching for "4D4341544C4153474541520F" (APXT round sptID) and changing "count" to however many dollars you would like. We have our set to $9.

    Thumbs Up 1
  • Sorry if this has been answered, but is this compatible with Realism?

    Thumbs Up 1
    • Not by itself but there is a mod linked in the description that adds that compatibility.

  • The all mighty condor is back!

    Heart 1
  • Is this working with 3.8.3?

    Thumbs Up 1
  • Realism Patch?

    Thumbs Up 1
  • getSizeByInventoryItemHash() Przedmiot o tpl: 575c716cbedac41ab557af94 nie został znaleziony
    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '_props')
    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '_props')
    at InventoryHelper.getSizeByInventoryItemHash (C:\snapshot\src\helpers\InventoryHelper.ts:830:51)
    at InventoryHelper.getContainerMap (C:\snapshot\src\helpers\InventoryHelper.ts:908:34)
    at InventoryHelper.getStashSlotMap (C:\snapshot\src\helpers\InventoryHelper.ts:1040:21)
    at InventoryHelper.canPlaceItemsInInventory (C:\snapshot\src\helpers\InventoryHelper.ts:248:52)
    at InventoryHelper.addItemsToStash (C:\snapshot\src\helpers\InventoryHelper.ts:88:19)
    at TradeHelper.buyItem (C:\snapshot\src\helpers\TradeHelper.ts:226:30)
    at TradeController.buyTraderItemFromRagfair (C:\snapshot\src\controllers\TradeController.ts:195:26)
    at TradeController.confirmRagfairTrading (C:\snapshot\src\controllers\TradeController.ts:139:22)
    at TradeCallbacks.processRagfairTrade (C:\snapshot\src\callbacks\TradeCallbacks.ts:35:37)
    at TradeItemEventRouter.handleItemEvent (C:\snapshot\src\routers\item_events\TradeItemEventRouter.ts:36:44)
    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '_props')
    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '_props')
    at InventoryHelper.getSizeByInventoryItemHash (C:\snapshot\src\helpers\InventoryHelper.ts:830:51)
    at InventoryHelper.getContainerMap (C:\snapshot\src\helpers\InventoryHelper.ts:908:34)
    at InventoryHelper.getStashSlotMap (C:\snapshot\src\helpers\InventoryHelper.ts:1040:21)
    at InventoryHelper.canPlaceItemsInInventory (C:\snapshot\src\helpers\InventoryHelper.ts:248:52)
    at InventoryHelper.addItemsToStash (C:\snapshot\src\helpers\InventoryHelper.ts:88:19)
    at TradeHelper.buyItem (C:\snapshot\src\helpers\TradeHelper.ts:226:30)
    at TradeController.buyTraderItemFromRagfair (C:\snapshot\src\controllers\TradeController.ts:195:26)
    at TradeController.confirmRagfairTrading (C:\snapshot\src\controllers\TradeController.ts:139:22)
    at TradeCallbacks.processRagfairTrade (C:\snapshot\src\callbacks\TradeCallbacks.ts:35:37)
    at TradeItemEventRouter.handleItemEvent (C:\snapshot\src\routers\item_events\TradeItemEventRouter.ts:36:44)

    • Based on the tpl "575c716cbedac41ab557af94", I don't think this is because of ATLAS-GEAR, but I could be wrong. Do you have any more information?

    • yeah it broke my profile but i reinstalled the mod and tried on another profile and it works well.

      also it would be really cool to add a black ops-core gunsight mandible to have a full black ops-core helmet.

      Thumbs Up 1
    • Hmm, ok weird. As long as it is all good now, I guess.

      And an interesting suggestion, thanks. I'll think about it but don't hold your breath.

  • Been trying forever to find out how to change the price of APXT, any idea how I can do this?

    Edit: Found out how to. Going into database/traders and picking Peacekeepers trader assort and finding the ID of APXT, changing it from 15.

    Thumbs Up 1
  • for me the apxt ammo doesnt explode and instead just functions are ammo with very middling pen, is there a dependency mod that's needed?

    EDIT: Found out its not the mod, its my game. explosions of any kind dont work at all. threw an impact nade and the ai reacted to it, but it never blew up even though it was a direct impact. everytime the ai walked into that room they yelled out about grenades. and later an ai tried throwing one at me but it just never blew up and disappeared. no clue whats causing that lol

    • Hmm, yeah that is weird. No dependencies, though.

  • So what are the ID's for the ATL-15 .300 and 5.56, the reason i am asking is because i want to add the two base variants to Shiny Airdrops, however i cant see to get the ID's for these guns

    • If you navigate to ATLAS-GEAR/database/atlas_items.json and open that with a text editor, each item is laid out as an object, and the thing you are looking for is the "sptID" of each item.

    • yeah i finally figured it out, thank you anyway, managed to get them added in

      Thumbs Up 1
  • EDIT: Nevermind. Solved.

    Thumbs Up 1
  • Mastery does not progress....

  • I have done everything correctly and it says "The mod ATLAS, Nomad 420-ATLAS Gear Collection isnt compatible with the actual aki version,"

    Mod creator ehhh can you try to help?

    • What version of SPT are you running?

    • the Most recent one 3.8.0

    • Hmmmmmmm. And version 1.1.1 of this mod?

    • Based on that error it sounds to me like you are trying to run Nomad_420's old version of the mod and not version 1.1.1 of this mod.

    • Then how do i run the 1.1.1 version in the case?

  • whats the characteristics of the APXT blackout round ?

    Thumbs Up 1
    • It is an explosive round. Quite powerful, more a meme than something serious if I am being honest. Also take care to not be too close to the target you are shooting with them.

    • yeah 100% don't be too close, was shooting at a guy and height over bore shot the fence right infront of me and killed me lol, very fun tho

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Black PEQ15, 10/10 would recommend.

    Heart 1