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Crude and fast patch of Lua's MagicSave mod for SPTAKI 3.5, so there might be bugs.
Configured by default to use cheap red (no save) and green (always save) armbands bought from Ragman at level 1.
You have to equip the armbands pre-raid (if you drop them in-raid, it will still count).
Be cautious, no save item is NOT removed after raid by default, save item is removed by default. Check config.json if you want to change the behavior.
Extra slots Lua's options are not tested.
No save option is tested, works as intended, including Labs (saves the keycard).
Always save tested only briefly, seems to work, but might be bugs.
Works in 3.7.6, but health status is saves when used with no save item.
Version 1.4.0
@ODT. Hello. Okay, so I thoroughly tested this mod with SPT-AKI 3.5.3 for over 8 hours. EVERYTHING works perfectly.
For "Do Not Save", using the (Red Armband) in every slot/pocket tested, after dying or extracting, did NOT change a thing. No change in stats, XP, and all equipment and durability was "unchanged". It was as if the raid never happened.
For "Always Survived", using the (Green Armband) in every slot/pocket tested, after dying or extracting, acted as if you survived the raid. You gained all stats, XP, and all equipment and durability changes were saved. After dying, it was as if the raid had succeeded.
All changes (true/false) I made to the config.json worked too. The armbands can be saved or not saved as you wish. I tried other items than the armbands, and they too worked perfectly. I am totally impressed with how this mod is functioning. Thank you so much for updating Lua's Magic Save mod.
ODT Author
Thank you for testing it, much love
Sorry for bothering.
I install this mod few days ago and the saving item after raid working just fine. But after one random raid at night the saving feature totally broken. No matter I'm dead or not the game will always back to pre-raid status. If I died, the arm band didn't dissapear as well. I've changing the saving item to lots of diffrient items. Still doesn't work. Is there any solution for this problem?
Red band color will save the pre raid loadout, green save the loadout + what u bring from the raid but what you using on the raid will not be saved, like water, if you consume the watter bottle on the raid, thats it, same with ammo or if u discard some items.
Will this help me with exfilling/dying and dying but the game not putting me back in the menu? It just stops working after i leave the raid and when i restart my game it puts me back where i left off pre-raid. This is happening like every other raid and is very anoying, wondering if this mod can help.
ODT Author
No, I don't think it will. Something messes up puting you in the menu, could be vanilla bug, or some mod. Share the modlist
i've noticed it been happening way more often later in my playthrough, because i didnt have this problem at all in the beginning and it has increased a lot in frequency lately.
@ODT. I loved this mod. I will be testing it thoroughly for you. Thanks for updating it.