Task List Fixes 1.6.0

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Do you want to fix sorting, improve sorting, and improve performance? Grab Task List Fixes and you'll get it all in one simple DLL


1) Open the downloaded zip file in 7-zip

2) Select the folders in the zip file in 7-zip

3) Drag the selected folders from 7-zip into your SPT folder

Demonstration Video (Yes, it's SAIN, but the same concept applies to all of my mods, I'm not making mod-specific extraction example videos):



Fix a few issues people have encountered with the Task list:

  • Task list is now properly sorted alphabetically by the selected column
  • Sorting by trader now sorts by their nickname, instead of their ID
  • Sorting by location now sorts by its name, instead of its ID
  • Progress column data is now cached for sorting, to reduce the time it takes to sort by the Progress column

Togglable Options:

  • Add a new feature that defaults the sort order of columns to a more sane value when changing between columns
    • Task, Trader and Location will now default to sorting in ascending order
    • Progress and Status will now default to sorting in descending order
  • Improved sorting order to include sub-sorting, to make finding quests in your list a lot easier
    • Sorting by trader now sub-sorts by location, then name
    • Sorting by location now sub-sorts by trader, then name
    • Sorting by type now sub-sorts by name
    • Sorting by status now sub-sorts by name
    • Sorting by progress now sub-sorts by name


Note that this mod is not compatible with other task list sorting fix mods, as they will all be modifying the same method and conflict with each other.

Functionality-wise, this mod both fixes sorting, and improves it, so should cover all cases that might be resolved by other mods.

If you enjoy my work, you can feed my caffeine addiction

NOTE: Any requests for assistance MUST be accompanied by the "BepInEx/LogOutput.log" file. Any support request without this file provided will be met with a request for this file, then ignored. Log content can be uploaded to: https://pastebin.com/

  • Version 1.6.0

    This version will only work with SPT 3.11.x

    • Update for SPT 3.11
  • Version 1.5.0

    This version will only work with SPT 3.9.x

    • Update for 3.9.0
  • Version 1.4.0

    This version will only work with SPT 3.8.0

    Update for 3.8.0

  • Version 1.3.0

    This mod is now relatively version independent, but is only tested on SPT 3.7.1-3.7.6

    • Fix error notification when running on older SPT versions
    • Allow remembering sort state, will be restored on game start and saved between task panel loads (Disabled by default, enable in F12 menu)
  • Version 1.2.2

    This version will only work with SPT 3.7.1+

    • Huge rewrite to be compatible with my upcoming Quest Tracker mod
    • Mod is now relatively version agnostic going forward (Not known to be compatible with SPT versions prior to 3.7.1)

    Tested compatible with SPT versions:

    • 3.7.1
  • Version 1.2.1

    This version will only work with SPT 3.7.1

    Update for 3.7.1 / 26535

  • Version 1.2.0

    This version will only work with SPT 3.7.0

    Update for 3.7.0 / 26282

  • Version 1.1.0

    This version will only work with SPT 3.6.0-3.6.1

    Update for 3.6.0 / 25206

  • Version 1.0.4

    This version will only work with SPT 3.5.8

    • Rebuild for SPT 3.5.8
  • Version 1.0.3

    - Update for 3.5.7

    This version will only work with SPT 3.5.7

  • NOTE: Any requests for assistance MUST be accompanied by the "BepInEx/LogOutput.log" file. Any support request without this file provided will be met with a request for this file, then ignored. Log content can be uploaded to: https://pastebin.com/

    Heart 2
  • whats new in 3 . 9 . 0

    • 3 . 9 . 0 . 1 . 5 . 0 .

    • It's for the new SPT 3.9.0 release... There's nothing new, it's just a version update

  • Thank you for making this mod! I am a Chinese player and I want to ask may I repost your mod to our website? Of course I will indicate the source and your name

    • Go for it, just link back here and to the GitHub page

    • Thank you again!

  • 10/10 Tushonkas, would install again!

    Thumbs Up 1
  • Quest tracker is going to be epic

  • Just an FYI I seem to have found a conflict with Pause as after I installed this I noticed my raids were saying PAUSED but the timer was still counting down in the background. When I removed Task List Fixes the raid timer was pausing appropriately again. Running SPT 3.6.1 and Task List Fixes 1.1.0.

    • I'm unable to reproduce this issue, the mods seem to work fine together for me

    • So yeah. My results were wrong. Once I uninstalled Task List Fixes my Pause worked. But it seems that was false and was maybe just the result of restarting SPT as I just noticed it happening again. Seems to happen mid-raid once paused for a long time. But I am not sure if epidemicz is still maintaining his Pause mod. Oh well, sorry for the false info.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Hey DrakiaXYZ, love the mod! If (or when) you release the next version, would it be possible to include an update that saves the filter order for the next time the task list is viewed? It would just make it that much more user friendly. Just a suggestion. Cheers! ♥️

    Thumbs Up 4
  • How do i remove this? Cant click on health/overall/skills or task after installing this.

    • You delete the "DrakiaXYZ-TaskListFixes.dll" file from /BepInEx/plugins/

      However, if you are running the correct version of the plugin for your SPT version, the behaviour you are seeing would not be happening.

    • strange. I installed the one for 3.5.6 and I can click on any of htem

    • There are no known issues that match the behaviour that user referenced. It was most likely user error of running the wrong version of the plugin for their SPT version.

      Newer versions of the plugin (Starting with 1.0.2) will now disable themselves if run against the wrong version of SPT.

    • Hi - so before downloading this mod I had this issue....where once i click on the "Tasks" option, I can longer access any of the others. They seem to glitch out. I thought this mod might help that but it evidently isn't meant to address it.

      I was wondering whether you had heard of other people having this issue, and if there is a fix. Otherwise it might simply be an issue created by some other mod and I'll need to do a deeper dive into identifying and uninstalling the problem mod.


    • @mashdoopster that issue is caused by removing a mod that adds custom quests. Once you use a mod with custom quests, you are required to keep using that mod forever on that profile to avoid potential issues such as what you're seeing

      Thumbs Up 1
  • The new version for 3.5.5 is the .dll only without any folder structure or being zipped. For people who don't know where to install this, this could be a problem.


    Heart 1
    • Right, thanks for the heads up! Threw these updates up in a hurry yesterday, I'll get that fixed

      Heart 1
    • The version for both plugins should now link to a zip with the correct folder structure :)

      Heart 2

    Heart 1
  • Beautiful work.

    Heart 1
  • One question. Ironic. This is the not modded game why not solved? Why ID sorting the default game, why is this F' logic? I don't understand the BSG logic...

    Thx this mod!

    Heart 1
    • It would be so easy to fix this in the base game, with access to the original code. I also don't understand how they've managed to go this long with sorting being completely broken.

      I hope the mod works well for you!

      Thumbs Up 3 Happy 1
    • Just spitballing, but the hivemind seems to believe that BSG doesn't actually play it's own game, so that's likely part of it.

      Beyond that, I think a big part of their problem is that they don't have a good way to know what sort of QOL issues the community sees, and how much people care about those issues. If they had a better way for the community to give productive feedback, and to respond directly to that feedback, I think a lot of these little issues would be fixed relatively quickly.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Awesome mod, works perfectly, thanks!

    Heart 1
  • I was considering making something like this for my first client mod but you two beat me to it ^^

    I figured it was something to do with the sorter not being able to sort things that were the same functionally in the code when I looked at it. Then I got annoyed and was like, meh I'll *try* to do this later.

    Anywho, appreciate you!

    Heart 1
    • Honestly, the way BSG did a lot of things around the sorting was questionable at best :D

      Sorry for pre-empting your mod idea! Hopefully this covers what you had in mind :) I have a few more ideas I plan on implementing, but if there were things you had in mind that aren't covered already, let me know!

      Heart 1
    • Ah, you did it better than I would have been able to.

      Been lurking on the discord and seeing all the cool things you guys have been coming up with; I definitely appreciate all the time you guys put in!! <3

      Heart 1