Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.
The Nanosuit includes armor mode, stealth mode and power mode. Also added vertical flight mode and Nanovision. Hit F12 for configuration.
Nanosuit has 100 points of energy.
Q button to turn on armor mode (you can change this in F12 menu), consumes 2 power/sec. There is a dedicated HUD and arm effect when turned on, being hit will not cause the screen to shake.Based on damage type cost 1 or 15 energy.
E Button to turn on stealth mode. Consumes 5 energy/sec, being attacked or shooting will consume all power. Melee weapons are allowed.
J button to turn on Power mode, jump height increases (15 energy/jump), weapon recoil decreases, melee damage increases
K button to turn on speed mode. Weapon switching speed 1.8 times, weapon changing speed 1.8 times, fast grenade throwing, fast search, speed is not affected by equipment,character movement speed increased
H key activates nanovision, marks all AI, 8 energy/sec.
When propeller is activated via F12 menu, jump and hold spacebar to fly, consumes 15power/sec.
Charging rate is 25 energy/sec. Energy bar HUD will be changed after installing power upgrade.
Delay when not starting mode or not running out of power: 2 seconds
Charge delay when energy is completely depleted: 3 seconds
In the F12 menu, you can configure the parameters of the nanosuit, or use the enhancement scheme I gave. The default is survival enhancement. When the character is injured, it will provide painkiller effect for 60 seconds.After a 10 second delay, it will remove all negative effects and restore blacked body parts, and will slowly regenerate health to full. Auto Armor: AI locks automatic armor mode; Energy Absorption: Kill AI to regenerate 30 energy
In the F12 menu you can disable the Nanosuit.
You can buy the nanosuit from Ragman, and the helmet and exclusive weapons of the nansuit from Prapor (exclusive weapons will be invisible in-raid).
Place the 'atmod' folder and 'AT.nanosuit.dll' in the client \BepInEx\plugins folder
Place the 'AT-nanosuit' in the server mods folder(user\mods)
This mod is made by AT233, all credits goes to him.
Version 3.9.X
- AT233
Adapted to version 39X
Version AKI3.7.0
- AT233
Removes the pain-relieving effect of a beating(After all, the pain relief effect is too uncomfortable)
Added new Energy UI selection (Crysis 2)
AI marker upgrade for nanovision
Added special parameters for speed mode,turn this up if you fall off the map
Version 3.5.6-3.6.1
- AT233
Just for AKI 360-361 OvO
Version 3.5.7-
- AT233
Character movement speed will be increased in Speed mode
Armor mode hit HUD modification
Remove items in non-speed mode using speed boost
Version Version 3.5.7-3.5.8
- AT233
Add nanosuit1.0 system sound (male and female voice selection), which can be selected in F12
Added low energy warning sound
Stealth mode will determine power consumption based on movement
Added FOV changes when Armor mode starts
Armor mode HUD reworked
Nanosuit HUD appearance changed, adding more configuration parameters can be selected in F12
Added speed mode, default K key start: weapon switching speed 1.8 times, weapon changing speed 1.8 times,
Fast grenade throwing, fast search, speed is not affected by equipment
Version 3.5.7 only
- AT233
Added Configuration menu to Power Mode
You can kick open doors with mechanical keys in Power mode
Added Gauss rifle
Adapted to AKI357 version
Version 3.5.5-3.5.6
- AT233
Thanks to Pettan for the translation and a few minor bug fixes
UI shrink
Added Auto treatment start sound
Radar can be set to fixed player perspective direction
The ammo display part of the UI will be turned off with the F12 setting
Added power mode, default J key start, jump height increased, weapon recoil greatly reduced, melee weapon damage greatly increased
Enhanced solution was reworked. Automatic armor was added: when AI found it, automatic armor mode was enabled (special starting voice); Added Energy Absorption: Regenerate 30 energy after killing an AI
- ChiNoel
Armor mode rework. It will not block shots now
UI rework. Displays ammo count, weapon type, vital health, energy.
Added radar display to NanoVision.
Added kill broadcast(Chinese language)
Added warning icon that will be displayed when spotted by bots.
- ChiNoel
Removed Chinese characters for compatibility.
Optimize protection area of Armor Mode.
AutoFix config in F12 menu. -
- ChiNoel
Bug fixes. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Any chance for update?
Clothing and weapons don't appear in store despite the f12 menu being present. Strange
Anyone else in stealth mode still get spotted by the A.I?
It's the sound you make
Awesome mod! Many thanks! Love it!
Hey, brother. Is there any way to get the suit functionality, but keeping my upper and lower clothes something else? Great mod, and the models look great.
Tyvm for updating here to 3.9.0,
yesssss!!!!! tyty mod author
for people who wait for update:this mod is still being updated on a chinese website(named ODDBA),the latest version is 3.9.0(cause this mod was developed by chinese),due to language barriers and another problem:register on OBBDA cost 10 yuan or 1.38 dollar, Registering on this website is difficult. I can't help you
just telling you the mod is being updated
LazyAmerican this mod available for the latest spt version there??
NEKOSHENG i say this mod was developed by chinese and it is available for latest spt(version 3.9.3). here is the website:【原创】[3.5.x-3.9.0]v2.04纳米生化装(BepInEx)-ODDBA社区
shame nobody can upload it elsewhere...can't access that website
I can only pray this mod gets updated for latest version
Not working for me, got the suit but none of the functions work and no F12 menu
Wish speed mode actually worked for more then just searching things instantly....maybe it's not possible to make it so within Tarkov's engine?
is it possible to have standalone speed mode?
is there any way to make the f12 menu work because it says that there are no options in the f12 menu
I like this mod, but when used on 3.7.1, the enemy's marks are shown well below ground level, that's the problem. I also have ACCURATE CIRCULAR RADAR 1.0.7 installed, there may be a conflict between them.
Even when using the speed mode after running, the weapon is looped and it is impossible to use it, look at the sight, lift or loot boxes, the weapon functions in the inventory also do not work.
Finally, I would like to edit the position of the nanovisor and its size.
Thank you for the brilliant work.
I found the cause of the problem - nanovision tags conflict with nvidia and amd neural networks, in any active modes
Just want to say thank you here as it updated to 3.7.1
Have been not using any power modes since it out of order quite a bit of time, doesn't care those since your helmet save me so many time that it can tank killa BS,(But RDG-5 grenade still pen it and kill me instantly, fair enough) killa always want to say fck me LOL
Doesn't work for me
Idk if it's because of my mads but I don't even have that many.
But all the hotkeys do nothing. Can't activate any modes. Installed correctly as the helmet/outfit/weapons/etc. are all in game and work properly.
Just the suit itself doesn't work.
The one thing that "works" suit wise is when I get hit it does play the painkiller effect like it's trying to use it, but nothing actually happens. Disappointing as I was really excited to use this ever since the creator discontinued his energy shield mod.
Here is the error:
[Exception] : ArgumentException: The Object you want to instantiate is null.
UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate (UnityEngine.Object original, UnityEngine.Vector3 position, UnityEngine.Quaternion rotation) (at <85d1d3e7744a4a47b5f51883bf40bba2>:0)
nanosuit.nanosuit.Update () (at <4ae1c19611fb424ab547035a0e78d9f3>:0)
UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
Class312:UnityEngine.ILogHandler.LogException(Exception, Object)
UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object)
can confirm that the suit does function (voices activate with hotkeys, stealth 100% works) but armor and health regen are pretty much up in the air....armor just doesn't work and health regen only works sometimes.
i have the problem that the guns dont work
i can buy them but not use them even when i use the mag that comes with the gun it says slot is not empty or wrong mod everything else works fine for me
Seems the healing effect rarely applies in the newest version....not sure if it's because of this mod, because of 3.6.1, or because of how the bots are damaging me from donuts/sain....but either way I'm getting hit often and no auto healing is occurring.
Unfortunately this mod has bugs. When trying to test it in a shooting range (hideout),
...if the checkbox [nanosystem online or not] is = [enabled]
this error occurs in the log and the game slows down a lot
...If you turn nanosystem online checkbox [off] = then the error stops spamming
lags are gone, but it is no longer possible to use nanosuit functions
p.s Want to note that all mods that I use do not cause any problems, and only this mod creates such lags and errors
SPT AKI 3.6.1
My mod list:
Server mods:
SVM 1.6.6 by KMC, EmuRC-GhostFenixx
OpticRework 1.2.2 by ACOGforlife, SAMSWAT
13.5 preview 1.0.3 by Pettan, backend by Mighty_Condor
MC-LMG 1.0.0 by Mighty_Condor
MC-SVT40 1.1.0 by Mighty_Condor
MC-AK12 1.0.0 by Mighty_Condor
MC-SAWEDOFF 1.0.0 by Mighty_Condor
MOAR 1.2.9 by Dushaoan
Fontaine FOV Fix 1.7.3 by Fontaine
Normalized Bots 1.2.0 by JustNU
viktoriya 0.9.3 by NikitaWaifu and Penntastic&WCF_AMPERSAND/PudgeNubbins
LessRestrictingHeadwear 1.3.1 by MusicManiac
ItemInfo 3.2.0 by ODT
DrakiaXYZ-Waypoints 1.2.0 by DrakiaXYZ
NoDiscardLimit 1.1.2 by Skwizzy
Olympus 361.0.1 by AssAssIn
DoorBreacher 1.1.1 by Tron, Props
Stalker Voices 0.2.2 by JustNU, CWX
LevelRewards 1.0.4 by TorturedChunk
nanosuit 1.1.0 from AT
SAIN 3.5.3 by z-Solarint
Сlient mods:
Yep there are bugs....don't think armor mode even works or if it does only semi as I'm constantly getting bleeds and severely hurt even with it on.
You have really changed the war rule. My warlord machine.
Supreme Floppa
A fantastic mod. While understandable, it is unfortunate that the mod author might not be able to update it to 3.6.1. You will be remembered
Yep no access to F12 menu now with 3.6.0
It seems that the latest update killed the suit functions for me; the mod won't show up in the f12 menu anymore.

Anyhow, I absolutely adore this mod, I'm a big Crysis fan and the HUD, suit and sound effects really hit that nostalgia button for me. I don't think I want to play without the suit anymore.
Thanks for creating, AT!
Is there a way to make it so that I can use any sights while using the nano-vision? Great mod btw, its very nostalgic to my childhood. I've ramped up the cost for everything energy wise so it keeps in touch with Tarkov's rough nature.
Can I ask you a favor? Seeing how you adjust the speed of weapon swapping in your mode, I want to ask you a favor. Can you make a mod that adjusts the speed of weapon swapping?
AT233 Author
I'm busy these days and may not be able to do a single mod
I've been getting a glitch where my "hands" are busy when I try to use meds or try planting markers. I can't get my weapon out afterward. Could you look into this, please?
I had not installed the newest update yet though. I've just done that now. I'll see if it works and let you know tomorrow
Ok, since this new update was installed, I haven't had any glitched-out hand animations. This update fixed that
Good update with making things non speed when you turn off the mode....but not sure it's doing anything for movement speed atm. I've tried 3 and 10 as far as values go for the movement speed while running and it doesn't seem to change.
AT233 Author
Character movement speed increase only takes effect in Speed mode
For the new update suits speed power up, all of my action(eating/drinking/using meds/reloading/switching weapons, or even open container is speed up to a level which i have seen my hands doo all the action, waiting the whole process to be finish tho.
I think this is a bug or intended effect of the speed update?
Just fall back to the previous version and see what happen
(PS: haven't press k button for using speed up, using 3.5.7 spt-aki)
AT233 Author
The new version comes with a 20% increase in usage speed, which is used to simulate the nansuits and improve the character's reactions
This error make the loading of a map drop down to 5 FPS…0-13.0-5-23399_errors.log
Disappointed in the speed addon....was hoping to move faster lol. Would be great to speed up some of the boring movement from point to point on bigger maps.
Dang just like the Nanosuit price, I get that reference LOL
Great mods thank you so much