MoreCheckmarks 1.5.17

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A mod that adds checkmarks and more detailed tooltips to items to indicate if it is needed for hideout upgrades, quests, or if it is on your wishlist

More Checkmarks

A mod for SPT-AKI that shows a colored checkmark on items needed to upgrade hideout modules and items that are on the player's wish list.

Also shows a tooltip with the list of modules the item is needed for when cursor hovers over the checkmark.

If the item is also needed for a quest or is found in raid (so should already have a checkmark) it will have the different color but will still show found in raid or the quest in the tooltip.

  • A RED checkmark means the item is needed in hideout but more is needed to fulfill the requirement of at least one of the modules you need it for.
  • A GREEN checkmark means the item is needed in hideout and fulfills the required amount of all the modules that need it. Note that this does not mean you have enough to upgrade all of the modules that need it. Say if you need 2 wires to upgrade a module and 3 wires to upgrade another, and you have 3 wires in total inside your stash, the checkmark will be blue but if you upgrade one of the modules, you wont have enough to upgrade the other and the checkmark will go back to red. This though, can now be changed in the config using the fulfilledAnyCanBeUpgraded setting. See config section below.
  • A BLUE checkmark means the item is on the wish list.
  • A MAGENTA checkmark means the item is needed for a trade/barter.
  • A CYAN checkmark means the item is needed for a crafting recipe.
  • The tooltip will first show "found in raid count"/"total count in stash"
  • The tooltip will show individual color for each module, green, red, or blue, depending on whether you have enough of the item for the specific module or if it's on the wish list.
  • The tooltip will also show the counts: (current count of the item in the stash / total count needed by all modules)
  • If the "Take" option is available when trying to pick up loose loot, it will be color coded as well.
  • The colors can be changed in the config. The ones above are default.







1. Download

2. Extract zip file into the game folder (Inside you game folder you should end up with /BepinEx/plugins/MoreCheckmarks and /user/mods/MoreCheckmarksBackend)


There are some settings available in the provided config file described below:

- fulfilledAnyCanBeUpgraded: This setting will decide when to display a fulfilled checkmark for a hideout required item.

true means to display fulfilled when AT LEAST ONE of the hideout modules requiring this item can be upgraded with the amount of the item there is in stash

false means to display fulfilled when ALL of the hideout modules requiring this item can be upgraded

- questPrioriry, hideoutPriority, wishlistPriority, barterPriority and craftPriority: These settings will decide which checkmark to give priority to. If the item is needed for a quest, needed for a hideout module, and is on the wishlist, the one with the highest priority will be displayed. These are integers, and the greater the number, the higher the priority.

- showFutureModulesLevels: This setting will decide whether to show requirements for future hideout module levels instead of only the next one.

- showBarter: This setting will decide whether to show checkmark and tooltip for barter/trades this item is needed for.

- showCraft: This setting will decide whether to show checkmark and tooltip for crafting recipes this item is needed for.

- showFutureCraft: This setting will decide whether to show checkmark and tooltip for crafting recipes this item is needed for on hideout areas of higher level than they are now.

- needMoreColor, fulfilledColor, wishlistColor, barterColor and craftColor: These settings are used to changed the colors of the different checkmarks. needMoreColor is a light red by default, appears when you still need more of that item. fulfilledColor is a light green by default, appears when you fulfilled the requirements of all modules that require it depending on fulfilledAnyCanBeUpgraded setting. The format is [ red,green,blue ]. The values should always be in RGB in range [0 - 1]

- includeFutureQuests: This setting will decide whether to consider future quests when checking which quests an item is required for. If false, will just be as vanilla.

  • Hey VIPkiller17, I wanted to report a bug with this mod and All Quests Checkmarks.

    I am seeing an issue with items in the stash (existing profile) being invisible and non-interactable while I have both these mods installed. As soon as I remove MoreCheckmarks the issue resolves itself.

    Sorting the stash and/or scrolling down and back up will reveal the items and make them interactable again. Small bug, not game breaking but wanted to pass along my findings.

    Both mods are updated to the latest version:

    MoreCheckmarks 1.5.17

    All Quests Checkmarks 1.2.1

    Thanks for the hard work on this mod, definitely should be part of base EFT.

  • Thank you for your efforts :thumbup:

  • Great mod when I play on a solo account. Unfortunately, doesn't seem to work when installed on a dedicated server with the use of the dedicated fika client. just straight up gives a fatal error specifically saying to uninstall this mod when launching the dedicated fika client. is this a known issue?

    • Heres the bepinex error I get when I play with the mod just installed on the client,

      2025-03-12T05:58:13.521Z] info: [Client Request] \singleplayer\moddedTraders

      [2025-03-12T05:58:13.525Z] info: [Client Request] \singleplayer\enableBSGlogging

      [2025-03-12T05:58:13.931Z] info: [Client Request] \MoreCheckmarksRoutes\quests

      [2025-03-12T05:58:13.931Z] error: [UNHANDLED][/MoreCheckmarksRoutes/quests]

      [2025-03-12T05:58:13.932Z] info: [object Object]

      [2025-03-12T05:58:14.354Z] info: [Client Request] \singleplayer\bundles

      [2025-03-12T05:58:17.737Z] info: [Client Request] \fika\raid\dedicated\status

      [2025-03-12T05:58:21.485Z] info: [Client Request] \singleplayer\settings\version

      And heres the error from the dedicated client window with the mod installed on the server pc as well as the client PC

      [Info :Fika.Dedicated] Scene PreloaderUIScene is fully loaded.

      [Info : Fika.Core] Waiting for locales to be ready...

      [Info : SAIN] [SAIN.ModDetection] : [[CheckPlugins()]:] : [SAIN: Project Fika Detected.]

      [Info : SAIN] [SAIN.ModDetection] : [[CheckPlugins()]:] : [SAIN: Questing Bots Detected.]

      [Info : SAIN] [SAIN.ModDetection] : [[CheckPlugins()]:] : [SAIN: Looting Bots Detected.]

      [Info : SAIN] [SAIN.ModDetection] : [[CheckPlugins()]:] : [SAIN: Realism Detected.]

      [Fatal :Fika.Dedicated] 1 invalid plugins found, this dedicated host will not be available for hosting! Remove these mods: MoreCheckmarks, GUID: VIP.TommySoucy.MoreCheckmarks

    • on your headless servor : do not use directory : BepInEx. Just copy user folder

  • I have an issue where some items appear to be on a wishlist but they arent and I cant turn that off and its getting really frustrating. all items appear to be on the hideout wishlist

    • I have the same issue

    • There is an option in the settings menu in tarkov to clear wishlist completely and disable auto add to wishlist, I did this and it fixed the issue

    • it did work thank you Seven

  • is it nromal for the morecheckmarks making productions request in the SPT server like text box to constantly go back and forth beween /info and /version? is it just a long load time?

    • same problem...

      EDIT: NVM was missing unity toolkit for a AI mod, working for me

  • i have this mod installed but the server i'm playing on doesn't use it, the mod doesn't work on their server. how do i make this truly client side

  • Awesome mod !

    I have the Guilden key storage mod installed, do you think it could be possible for the count in the check mark tooltip to find the keys in the golden key chains ?


  • Can you make it like only checkmarks for quest and add a option for disable other things in config please?

    • try all quest checkmarks instead sounds like thats what your looking for

  • I'm having an issue. I just started a new ingame profile and I noticed that I get requirements on items for building the Bitcoin Farm lvl 1 even if in my config, I have 'showFutureModulesLevels' set to false.

    Am I missing something ?

  • maybe this has been asked in the past, not sure, but some quests that I have completed, still show are needed.

    For example; "Important Patient" needs 3 FIR medical items. I have finished that quest but i still get yellow checkmark under some medical items and says its needed for Important Patient

    • I would love to have an answer to this too

      I'm using adrudisquestmaniac and there's still the checkmarks on items for quest I have already completed, any way to work this around?

    • i am also experiencing this issue. this seems to be something the mod author addressed and fixed in previous versions. i dont want to speak for them but i know when i used it for 3.9 it worked as intended, so i assume it will be addressed at some point.

      work around is to relaunch spt. does not require relaunching the server but i know that can help other things so feel free to do that as well. :)

  • I have a curious question. I just reinstalled SPT and all the mods I use and created a new profile and for some odd reason this mod won't give me any details yet it works fine on the previous installation I have however on that one it didn't work at first. I thought I had recently installed it and that's why it started working but I had it installed since it was updated to 3.10. I don't know why it didn't work at first the first time and why it suddenly started working just fine somewhere along the way that I didn't realize at first when or why. But I can't get it to work now. Is there some level or something I have to reach before it starts working?

  • This also tracks quests not available, such as Trust Regain from the Chemical Part 4 choice split if you choose Therapist. Just thought I'd mention it.

    Thumbs Up 1
  • I cannot see how many items I have in the stash. Every other checkmark is working fine.

  • i have a real weird "issue", where a bunch of items have the blue wishlist checkmark even though i havent put them there, and i cant remove them from WL either

    • Blue check-mark are wish-listed items. Wish-list is in the handbook tab

    • Go to Settings and set "Auto add to Wishlist" to Disabled.

      Click Clear Wishlist under it then Save, and it should be good.

      Heart 1
    • thank you, Crow.

    • Which config is it? i checked the config of this mod, didn't find anything like this.

  • Hi mate awesome mod in 3.10 I have this issue

    2024-12-05 10:17:47.804 -03:00||Error|Default|

    EXCEPTION: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

    at MoreCheckmarks.MoreCheckmarksMod.LoadData () [0x00168] in <6fc15a37da6d403fac4e63ef9a241f74>:0

    at MoreCheckmarks.MoreCheckmarksMod.Init () [0x00039] in <6fc15a37da6d403fac4e63ef9a241f74>:0

    at MoreCheckmarks.MoreCheckmarksMod.Start () [0x00016] in <6fc15a37da6d403fac4e63ef9a241f74>:0

    2024-12-05 10:17:47.804 -03:00||Error|Default|NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

    MoreCheckmarks.MoreCheckmarksMod.LoadData () (at <6fc15a37da6d403fac4e63ef9a241f74>:0)

    MoreCheckmarks.MoreCheckmarksMod.Init () (at <6fc15a37da6d403fac4e63ef9a241f74>:0)

    MoreCheckmarks.MoreCheckmarksMod.Start () (at <6fc15a37da6d403fac4e63ef9a241f74>:0)

    UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)

    Class410:UnityEngine.ILogHandler.LogException(Exception, Object)

    UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object)

    Just want to know if I have to do manually something with the profile editior to make it work or is a incompatibility issue with other mod , in a clean installation the mod works ok


  • This has been reported before, but incompletely.

    Epic's All In One disables this mod entirely when both are installed (Epic AIO still works tho), not just the "Badger" trader. With both installed not a single checkmark will work regardless of color/category and the game acts as if the mod wasn't installed at all.

    Thinking 1
    • How to solve

    • wdym how to solve?

      the mods are completely incompatible, which is why I reported it on both pages

    • It is the same problem Hardiel had with another mod:

      Quote from Hardiel

      The problem is fixed, quest's .json didn't have a "name" field, only "QuestName" so your mod couldn't find a string to display

      The file to change is \user\mods\EpicRangeTime-Weapons\db\Quests\bd3a8b28356d9c6509966546\BadgerQuests.json

      Only the 1st of the three quest in the file has the "name" Field, adding the other 2 fixed the problem for me.

      ? 2
    • Don't quite get what you mean, i didn't see anything wrong or different in the json file.

      Thumbs Up 1
    • The BadgerQuests.Json file has 3 Quests:

        "ff2c2fd5d1e216e8aa91f992": {
          "QuestName": "Who Are You?",



        "be3c5ff9d7033690c03b761b": {
          "QuestName": "Groceries",



        "67296afd6e3127842d3a2e42": {
          "QuestName": "Counter Raiding",



      The first one "Who Are You?" already has the "name" field:


          "location": "5714dc692459777137212e12",
          "name": "ff2c2fd5d1e216e8aa91f992 name",
          "note": "ff2c2fd5d1e216e8aa91f992 note",


      so to fix the other two you just need to do something like this:

        "ff2c2fd5d1e216e8aa91f992": {

          "QuestName": "Who Are You?",



        "be3c5ff9d7033690c03b761b": {
          "name": "be3c5ff9d7033690c03b761b name",
          "QuestName": "Groceries",



        "67296afd6e3127842d3a2e42": {
          "name": "67296afd6e3127842d3a2e42 name",
          "QuestName": "Counter Raiding",



      Either way, the mod author already acknowledged the error and its going to fix it

  • Love the mod so far! Only thing that would make it better is better barter configuration.

    My preference would be "show barter if said barter trade is wishlisted".

    • OR "Show only barters that available according to traders level"

    • Github repo is public, implement it and make a pull request

  • same than below, not working, just checked the config file and all, and got the right version (3.9 for me)

  • do you know if this is incompatible with any mod? doesnt seem to work on mine despite not seeing an error

  • Im getting this error while using morecheckmarks and epics all in one

    2024-11-29 16:47:45.138 +02:00||Error|Default|

    EXCEPTION: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

    at MoreCheckmarks.MoreCheckmarksMod.LoadData () [0x00168] in <6fc15a37da6d403fac4e63ef9a241f74>:0

    at MoreCheckmarks.MoreCheckmarksMod.Init () [0x00039] in <6fc15a37da6d403fac4e63ef9a241f74>:0

    at MoreCheckmarks.MoreCheckmarksMod.Start () [0x00016] in <6fc15a37da6d403fac4e63ef9a241f74>:0

    2024-11-29 16:47:45.138 +02:00||Error|Default|NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

    MoreCheckmarks.MoreCheckmarksMod.LoadData () (at <6fc15a37da6d403fac4e63ef9a241f74>:0)

    MoreCheckmarks.MoreCheckmarksMod.Init () (at <6fc15a37da6d403fac4e63ef9a241f74>:0)

    MoreCheckmarks.MoreCheckmarksMod.Start () (at <6fc15a37da6d403fac4e63ef9a241f74>:0)

    UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)

    Class410:UnityEngine.ILogHandler.LogException(Exception, Object)

    UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object)

    • Damn, maybe dont use epics all in one

    • I'm getting the exact same error and I do not use epics all in one

    • Do you use other mods? If so which ones?

    • Nevermind, I am using epics all in one. It was just labeled as EpicRangeTime-Weapons. Sucks they aren't compatible, but I'll choose this over that I guess.

    • Same error here, seems it does not support the trader added with epic

  • Is this being updated to 3.10?? I really hope so!

  • I'm having incompatibilities with trader mod Haven Industries - Chloe

    I want to ask you because my log says

    I suspect that maybe something wrong with formatting of quests in that trader mod. Can you please help to investigate/fix the problem?

    • The problem is fixed, quest's .json didn't have a "name" field, only "QuestName" so your mod couldn't find a string to display

    • have the same issue could you fixed ? I will check the json as you reply , ty

    • If you use Haven mod, then try new version, it should be fixed

    • how do you see the log?

    • in the game folder EscapeFromTarkov\Logs

  • Is there a way to only show barter check marks that available to me according to my traders level? For example, all Prapor barters L2 and higher should not been seen before I lvl up him to that lvl.

  • For some reason, amounts are not being correctly calculated in my game. I have collected 13 hdds and while I only need 4 for hideout upgrades, it remains red. Similar issue with duct tape. Pretty weird.

    I have future modules on, but disabled craft and barter, don't know if that makes any difference. (turning it back on broke everything lol)

  • Hey there! Im having a problem changing the colors of the checkmarks. I've changed the values in the config following RGB 0-1 format, but the colors are not changing at all. Tested by changing all colors to [ 1, 1, 1 ] but they remain the default colors. The config file is being read correctly as changing other values from false to true does change their tooltip in game. Any tips?

  • Thank you for your mod, may i ask does the mod works with Item Sell Price by IcyClawz? Thanks so much

    • Yes they work together <3

  • Is it at all possible for this mod to dissalow logging of stashes added from secondary stash mods like path from tarkov? This mod is a must have for any playthrough but anytime a new stash is visited, values are drawn from there rather than the main stash. Just a question for curiosity.

  • Would it be possible to add (Trader Name) after the quest?


    Samples (Peacekeeper)

    • Possible yes, feel free to implement it and make a pull request

  • Because of this mod my game crashes for some reason.

  • Mod might need an update. I have found in raid marks but no coloured ones

    • Agreed. I thought maybe it was load order but it wasn't. Just have to make sure if it works by itself or not.

    • I think the mod is working. Server says it's loaded but like the comment below says something has changed within SPT itself

    • Send logs

    • Which ones?

      There is no crash so no crash logs an nothing appears in the console.

      All I get from the server is

      Mod: MoreCheckmarksBackend version: 1.5.14 by: VIP loaded

      MoreCheckmarks making quest data request

      Got quests

      No errors of any kind

    • Okay I got it working again after removing some unused quests from VCQL