Featured Gilded Key Storage 1.6.2

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A balanced progression based approach to convenient all in one key storage!

  • Version 1.6.2

    This version will only work with SPT 3.11.x

    • Remove unneeded configs in cases.json
    • Add moved configs to config.default.json5
    • Rename settings to be more similar
    • Fix grids in special slots drawing in the inventory UI

    The following new settings have been added to the config.default.json5 file, and can be copied to your config.json5 if desired. They are no longer configurable on a per-case basis

    // Allow all cases in secure containers
    "allow_cases_in_secure": true,
    // Allow all cases in backpacks
    "allow_cases_in_backpacks": true,
    // A list of additional item IDs that should have cases allowed in them
    "cases_allowed_in": [],
    // A list of additional item IDs that should have cases disallowed in them
    "cases_disallowed_in": [],
  • Version 1.6.1

    This version will only work with SPT 3.11.x

    Fix issue when running on Linux

    Not necessary for Windows users to download this, as nothing else was changed

  • Version 1.6.0

    This version will only work with SPT 3.11.x

    Update for SPT 3.11

    - New config option for allowing cases in special slots (Thanks ODT!)

    - Updated default finite key list (Thanks ODT!)

    - Moved `case_flea_banned` and `case_insurance_enabled` to config.json5 instead of case configs

    - Add new keys

    - New client mod that fixes lab keycards not being consumed

  • Version 1.5.1

    This version will only work with SPT 3.10.x

    • Add missing keycards to keycard case
    • Tweak some default config values

    Note: Default config values will not affect users who have previously installed the mod. They're just more sane defaults for new users going forward

  • Version 1.5.0

    This version will only work with SPT 3.10.x

    • Update for SPT 3.10.0
    • Split config into a config, and item JSONs
    • Switched to json5 for config file for future comment capabilties
    • Use a default config file that's copied for user editing, so we don't blow away user configs on update
  • Version 1.4.2

    This version will only work with SPT 3.9.x

    • Fix issue where labs access keycards would stack in a single slot
    • Attempt to fix any previously stacked keycards

    There is no need to remove keys from your containers before updating, the mod handles automatically moving keys to their new slots on login if necessary.

    However if you have overloaded the labs access keycards in your Keycard Case, you may need to remove all keycards then restart your client to resolve any stacked keycards due to a bug in the previous release

  • Version 1.4.1

    This version will only work with SPT 3.9.x

    • Add missing keys (Thanks CJ and TetrisDev!)
    • Add Ref keys + Rusted to finite list (Thanks CJ!)
    • Fix automatic key correction for new key offsets
    • Fix issue where cases couldn't be added to all slots of Theta secure container
    • Refactor some code to be more consistent and always cover all grids not just the first
    • Fix error caused by badly implemented mods adding invalid item IDs to secure container filters
    • Update version

    There is no need to remove keys from your containers before updating, the mod handles automatically moving keys to their new slots on login if necessary

  • Version 1.4.0

    This version will only work with SPT 3.9.x

    • Update for SPT 3.9.0
  • Version 1.3.2

    This version will only work with SPT 3.8.0

    • Allow disabling insurance for keys and gilded key containers
    • Resolve issue that caused magazine presets to not function

    Thanks to Estam for the insurance disabling functionality! <3

    Note: The new insurance options require new entries in the config file, so make sure to overwrite the config file when updating

  • Version 1.3.1

    This version will only work with SPT 3.8.0

    • Moved new configs to the top of config.json
    • Remove quest key from key list
    • Add missing streets keys
    • Don't output quest keys in missing keys list
    • Refactor a bunch of code, should work with SVM properly now
  • Removing keys from the containers is no longer required during upgrades, the keys will be moved to their new location automatically.

    Heart 4 Happy 1 Thumbs Up 1
  • Love this Mod, Key issues Solved.

  • Seems like when "no_key_use_limit": true that all keys have unlimited durability despite "use_finite_keys_list": true

  • After the update, I am unable to put the key box into my gamma case; it is just saying the item is incompatible.

    Thumbs Up 2 Crying 1
    • me too.....

    • Same. However, if you change the following line in the config file config.json5:

      "allow_cases_in_special": true,

      then you can put it in your special slot instead of your gamma.

      Heart 1 Thumbs Up 2
  • Muy buenas, según he leído pone que se pueden modificar para poner usos ilimitados de las llaves, en versiones anteriores directamente me salía así por lo que no tuve que modificar nada y en esta sin haber cambiado nada me sale con usos y no encuentro donde poder modificar esto, entro en F12 que es donde me salen los mod y este no me sale y sin embargo en los comerciantes sale el llavero de colores de cada uno, muchas gracias gran trabajo

  • If you don't like how overpowered unlimited keys are, you can replace the config with this


    "key_insurance_enabled": true,

    "weightless_keys": true,

    "no_key_use_limit": true,

    "keys_are_discardable": true,

    "all_keys_in_secure": true,

    "use_finite_keys_list": true,


































    "debug": {

    "log_missing_keys": false,

    "give_profile_all_keys": false,

    "force_remove_debug_items_on_start": false



    What other keys should be added?

  • Is it just me or do some keys go in every keyring, which makes me cautious of what to put in for organisation.
    some keys i found that has option to go in all keyrings:


    TG arms




    e108 san


    conc 63




    (i also have pokemon card mod and i can put them in the pokemon binders sometimes, so maybe this issue is just on me, But want to make sure if it is or not, and not sure how it would affect this mod.)

  • I like the concept, it should be in the game. If it was not for this we would need a Stash Key safe. keys are out of control in the main game. :P

  • After switching places with another key in raid my key Golden Keychain Mk. 1 changed to some yoyota key and I lost all my keys that were in Keychain...

  • How do i make the limit on the keys limited i changed the value in the config file and still it is unlimited

  • WIth the default config, my Labs Access Cards are not consumed. Any idea how to fix it?

  • In addition to the function of the key, a Wifi camera and a jammer with a marker might be better

    I am tired of these items being requested over and over again!

  • Im kind of lost. Went straight for Mk III key since I had spare tarcone. I cant put any key "item incompatible". Is secure container required for this to work?

    • Ok... nvm. Seems like those gilded key chains have predefined spots, so you need combination of right key and chain... This should be part of MOD info!

  • I have the mk2 keychain but it says the keys that i already have are incompatible. any idea how to fix this ?

    • a given key is only compatible with a specific chain. you're meant to have them all

  • I disabled infinite key uses...... i know.... but the keys are still infinite. SVM also does not have infinite keys checked as well.

  • I have had a few keys just disappear already. Either when I drop them in the container or in one of the gingy keychains. I noticed a few days ago. These were keys I did not previously have. I can confirm that I examined the key, placed in the gilded key storage. Open up the storage to put into one of the 3 gingy keychains and when I check to see the key info, it isn't there.

  • Such a peak upload, my guy this is an awesome mod

  • After setting "give_profile_all_keys": true, my profile broke and I get this error code:


  • Thank for you great work. I've used it for multiple version and it's necessary for anyone play sptarkov.

    Could you please try to make it available for us to put the golden key box into spec slot?

    I've tried to set my preset of gears, and if I put it into my secure container, there will be an error say "item not examined".
    I tried to search how SVM put those containers into spec slot but I failed. I guess I cannot do anything about it. So we can only count on you.

    Thank you anyway for this masterpiece.

  • Think "factory emergency exit key" got removed, and so can't complete barter for MKI. Is it just me?

    • This item still exists, and is required for two quests. Looks like it's still in both bot loot on all maps, and loose loot on Customs

  • nice mod, but acquiring everything felt a bit easy

    this is an op item and should need more work, like connected to quests, or more expensive items

    i also like that the keys dont break, i am not the kind of guy who farms a high value loot room, so it fits with my playstyle very well

  • Hi , The mode was working fine but after i install [ BlackCore and TacticalGearComponent ] the items just disappear i tried to reinstall the mode but no luck

    • Those mods should have no interaction with Gilded Key Storage, what do you mean by "the items just disappear"?

  • is there a way to edit the code to allow the guilded keychains to go into the special slots, this can be done for the Gingy keychain by using SVM but the guilded obviously follow different code. i'm sure i managed it before but i've been away for a while. any help appreciated

  • Anyone know what keys go in the last two key slots on the Golden Keychain Mk. I (Red Keychain)? Thanks in advance, it's driving me mental XD

    • "Missam forklift key", "Primorsky Ave apartment key"

      I believe the last key isn't possible to get legitimately, but the keychains include all keys in the game, not just those you can acquire via legitimate means

      Heart 1
    • Thank you! At least I know I have all the keys I can get!

  • Hey, since version 1.4.1 I'm losing x8 Labs access cards leaving only one in the holder after a game restart. The holder is inside an Epsilon container if that helps.

    Edit: Rolled back to 1.4.0 and can confirm this doesn't happen.

    • Hmm, the key re-location code may not be properly taking into account that some items should be allowed in multiple times. I will look into that this evening and see about releasing an update

      Edit: Sorry, had some things to deal with. Will look into this as soon as I have time though!

      Heart 1
    • This should be fixed in 1.4.2, and I've included code that will do its best to un-stack the keycards the mod accidentally stacked into a single slot

      Heart 1
    • Thank you, works great

      Heart 1
  • Hi Jehree, DrakiaXYZ. Thanks for this great mod :)
    I've found an issue with "Thetta" secure container given by Ref. It has multiple grids, on the contrary to all other secure containers, so the code that uses Grids[0] doesn't apply filters to the whole container. I can see there's already a loop used for gridKey in one place, so probably needs to be copied over to other places.

    • This is fixed in the new version I just pushed :) Thanks for the heads up

      Thumbs Up 2
  • Is really cool this mod because I love try to use every key, but I think is going to far all the keys unlimited, please If it possible put the option to change that is nice use the keys a lot of times and buy another time or find another one. If only all the keys are unlimited this part of the game just desappear. .

    I find the way to use the keys normally changuing config.json for quit unlimited.


  • This mod is really cool I enjoy a lot with the keys trying to opening all the doors.

    Maybe is going to far all the keys unlimited but everything else is cool.


  • Getting this error no matter if i put this mod before or after SVM

    Crying 2
    • Getting the exact same thing, i don't understand where it's from, started appearing after a regular session...

    • I moved it forward in the load order and it seems to have fixed it somehow.

    • Should be resolved in 1.4.1, this is caused by mods adding invalid item IDs to secure container filters

  • New Keys not added to any chains
    Leon's, MVD Academy entrance hall guard room key, Shatun's hideout, Voron's hideout, Grumpy's hideout,

    USEC Cottage Room.

    are unsure about the USEC cottage one.

    • These should be included no in the 1.4.1 release

      Thumbs Up 1