Quick Launcher 2.1

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.9.X
Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

A very simple one-click launcher designed as a lightweight alternative to my SPT Launcher.

Antiviruses may flag this as malicious (MaxSecure's Trojan.Malware.300983.susgen) but some of my other apps also have this.

If you cannot open this app, disable your antivirus and/or Windows Defender. This app is safe to use, and you can view the source code.


How do I use this?

  1. Download the app via the big blue download button.
  2. Extract QuickLauncher.exe from QuickLauncher.zip with 7-Zip into your SPT folder (where SPT.Server.exe is).
  3. Run QuickLauncher.exe.
  4. Select a profile.
  5. Profit.

How does it work?

By listing the profiles from your given SPT server directly, the app enables you to launch Tarkov into your selected profile with a single click.


Timeout LimitThe timeout limit is how long it'll take before the automatic detection disables itself, and thus launches Tarkov separately. This is a failsafe to ensure that the detection isn't using up resources more than needed.
Bottom optionsTooltips have been implemented for all the bottom buttons. Hover your cursor over them to display the tooltips. These options include clearing temp files, a FAQ pop-up and reloading the launcher.
Pop-up ServerA toggle that enables opening the SPT server window when the game launches. It closes the server window automatically after the game exits.


  • Discord: net.hazelify


  • Version 2.1

    Version release

    VirusTotal: Linked on the repo


    • Added directory failsafe checks against SPT appdata folders
  • Version 2.0

    Version release

    VirusTotal: Linked on the repo


    • Added two new memory settings for persistence
    • Added a "Clear Temp Files" button
    • Added tooltips for all buttons
    • Added pop-up menu for "Timeout limit"
    • Added pop-up menu for global path persistence
    • Added button to clear the global path (to return to same-app folder)
    • Added failsafes
    • Changed "Timeout limit" and put it into a pop-up menu
    • Optimized a bunch of code
  • Version 1.9

    Version release

    VirusTotal: Linked on the repo


    • Added a memory setting for the "Show Server" button to be a persistent toggle.
  • Version 1.8

    Version release

    VirusTotal: Linked on the repo


    • Removed all references for the "playtime.txt" file that was intended to display SPT playtime.
    • Added an FAQ window which includes relevant links.
  • Version 1.7

    Version release


    • Updated to 3.9.0
    • Added Unheard edition to game editions
  • Version 1.6

    Bugfix release


    • Rolled back playtime function to fix at a later date
  • Version 1.5

    Bugfix release


    • Fixed FormatExecption error
  • Version 1.4

    Bugfix release


    • Fixed "Couldn't detect the main folder" error
  • Version 1.3

    Feature release


    • Toggle-function button for choosing whether the Aki Server window should pop up when selecting a profile.


  • Version 1.2

    Feature release


    • New playtime counter, blue i icon on the bottom right of the UI will show you a full display of past playtime. Shows both full day-hour-minute, and a dedicated hour counter similar to Steam.


  • unhandled exception error

    ************** Exception Text **************

    System.ArgumentException: Error during serialization or deserialization using the JSON JavaScriptSerializer. The length of the string exceeds the value set on the maxJsonLength property.

    Parameter name: input

    at System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer.Deserialize(JavaScriptSerializer serializer, String input, Type type, Int32 depthLimit)

    at System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer.DeserializeObject(String input)

    at QuickLauncher.mainForm.displayProfileName(String path)

    at QuickLauncher.mainForm.listProfiles(String path)

    at QuickLauncher.mainForm.mainForm_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e)

    at System.Windows.Forms.Form.OnLoad(EventArgs e)

    at System.Windows.Forms.Form.OnCreateControl()

    at System.Windows.Forms.Control.CreateControl(Boolean fIgnoreVisible)

    at System.Windows.Forms.Control.CreateControl()

    at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmShowWindow(Message& m)

    at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)

    at System.Windows.Forms.ScrollableControl.WndProc(Message& m)

    at System.Windows.Forms.Form.WmShowWindow(Message& m)

    at System.Windows.Forms.Form.WndProc(Message& m)

    at QuickLauncher.mainForm.WndProc(Message& m)

    at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m)

    at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)

    at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)

    • Well, from the little I can tell it seems like your profile name is too long for the JSON library to read. What's the name of the profile you were trying to load?


      i was having issues of crashing on Unheard edition, so then i reset and went to EOD edition with this name hoping the crashing would stop and it did.

      Happy 1
    • i would change the name if i could find a way to

    • Okay I'll admit, that's funny lol. I did some digging into maxJsonLength referenced in your error, but I have nothing referring to it in my own code. That means it's using default property, and I don't know what value that has.

      You can change the name. search your name in your profile json (SPT > user > profiles > xxxxx.json) and replace it. It should work fine. I'd recommend setting it to something less than 14 letters just to be safe. I cannot guarantee that this will fix it, but based on the error it seems to be that.

    • i just set it to the same name as Here

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  • hello

    I am trying to use the quick launcher and I keep getting "invalid profile hierarchy"

    how do I solve this because I do not know what to do.

    • did you put it in your spt install folder?

    • yes I did

    • This commonly means that your profile has an invalid structure.

      Either through invalid profile generation, or porting from an older to a newer version.

      Make sure that you created a profile via the SPT Launcher, then launch the game. THEN use QuickLauncher. My launchers do not support launching the game via profiles that haven't been generated fully.

      I just tried using my latest version on a profile that I a) generated via the SPT Launcher b) created in 3.9.0. Zero issues.


  • This is great and very handy, thank you!

    One thing that maybe could improve it would be if it saved your "show server" setting. I know that would require it to make an extra config file besides the exe itself, but I think it would be worth it.

    Thumbs Up 1
    • It didn't require any extra files. Visual Studio has a very convenient feature which is in-app settings that can contain any kind of variable. I use it often, and it came in handy.

    • VERY nice, thank you!

  • Still looking for any support on this error


    • Hey there. Apologies, I've been busy dealing with the flu and other bullshit. Life...

      I cannot reproduce your issue. I just downloaded 1.6 fresh from the hub after I saw your message. I plopped the exe into my 3.7.1 installation and ran my profile.


      It ran fine, and I received no errors. It's possible that there is either a profile or a mod conflict, but I couldn't reproduce your issue on my main install.

      *EDIT: I just read your original comment. Your reason is most likely the very thing you mentioned. The quest change you made likely screwed something up in the profile, so it sounds like your profile is not cooperating.

    • Is there a fix for this? Cus it just seems that quicklauncher is broken, as I am still able to open the game with the normal method via aki server and launcher after using spt profile editor to make some quest changes. It seems to be a quicklauncher issue...

    • @Raptor489 Hello, I just downloaded and installed the launcher into my latest 3.8.0 folder and loaded with a new profile. I used the Profile Editor and changed the starting quest Shooting Cans to be ready for completion. My game loaded up perfectly fine, no problems, no errors.

      TLDR; I cannot reproduce your issue after doing what you just described. I'm on a fresh 3.8.0 profile.


    • Ok from what i have seen a fresh account doesn't do this, as I didn't have this problem for most of the time until very recently. At first it was fine and I just had to load via the server once then the quick launcher worked, but then for some reason yesterday I tried this and the quicklauncher just doesn't work anymore.

  • https://imgur.com/a/mzgVO6o

    Ever see this error before? Launcher worked fine for a few weeks but after making a quest change in Profile editor this began popping up. Normal server/ launcher method works no issue still.

  • Any chance of adding a button to clean temp files. I'm not sure what mods are doing it but they quickly cause issues and I have to launch the default launcher to clean the temp files.

    • I'm sure I can give it a go. I've never had to use it in the aki launcher, but I'll look into it!

    • Hmm, yeah, I noticed that error too yesterday. I haven't had time to fix it, but I'll get to it as soon as I have the time. Thanks for reporting!

      Heart 1
    • Update: I've rolled back and released 1.6 which removes the root cause of the issue. I tested the production build and it seems to launch fine now.

  • I built a very easy script in AHK that starts the server first and then the launcher. I converted this script to .exe file and added it to the Steam Library as a non-steam game. By this I have access to the Steam overlay.

    All I do is run game in the Steam library and wait 10 seconds.
    Seems this work similarly if i understand the description correctly, but here is a custom GUI instead SPT.

    • In all honesty, the GUI has nothing to do with the launching itself. It's only there so that you can see extras along with selecting your profile. The background work is completely hidden. Its original intention is to hide everything to avoid having to worry. By your sentence I assume you hide the server and the launcher too? I wasn't aware that was possible in AHK.

      I wrote this with the intention of mimicking how BSG's launcher works. Run everything silently in the background. That way the user only has to focus on waiting until the game launches. When the game then exits, the launcher also closes all relevant processes and smoothly quits for you.

      Our two works may function similarly, and if what you made works for you then that's great. I ultimately prefer a NET-made application. :thumbup:

    • No.
      Server starts in minimized mode and Launcher starts after 6 sec normally. I prefer to have access to cmd server. I can always drag it to to new desktop (win+tab) if it bothers.

    • I see. The option to have the server start in its own command window was implemented with version 1.3 on request. I personally never use Desktop modes, I keep forgetting the hotkey. It's a little fidgety when running four monitors as well, but that's besides the point.

    • So i tried downloading the latest version and i got the same error. I then download the version prior to that one and it worked fine

    • Hahahaha, I'm stupid. I left in a hardcoded path while I was debugging, and forgot to replace it :sleeping:

      New update will be up shortly, thanks!

  • Thank you for the mod, working just fine!

    If I may suggest, from a user perspective, I would love a way to save the favourite profile and just start with this profile without clicking on it.
    Also, I know it's going against the goal of this mod, but i would like an option to see the server window.

    Just ideas I'm throwing out...

    Thanks again for the work!

    • Hey there, thanks for the comment <3

      a) I can look into a way to enable this functionality. However it may complicate the convenience of portability. Regardless I'll play around with the idea!

      b) As this is designed to mimic the way BSG's own launcher works, everything runs in the background specifically to avoid having to see anything pop up. I can give it a try to implement a toggle for the server, however I'm afraid it will likely not be something you can close and re-open mid-game. It'd have to stay open until you close it.

      PS: I did actually attempt the server window functionality in my SPT Launcher but the erratic behavior of toggling the window led to me disabling it. Thus I would have to compromise.

    • Alright, good to know. It's working as intended for now, that's for the best!

    • Absolutely, I've already got halfway through B and it should be pretty easy to implement. I'm more concerned over functionality for a favourite profile.

      Appreciate the suggestions!

  • I feel dumb asking but do I still have to launch the server before running this Quick Launcher?

    • No, it runs the server for you. The whole point is to be singular click-to-play. :)

    • I see! I wasn't sure because I never saw a server window being generated, thank you for the reply!


    • Of course, it's running in the background to be non-descript and let you focus more on being a gamer and less being an accountant.

      Jokes aside, good question. It's some spooky magic, it is.

  • Getting an error when launching it : https://pastebin.com/GS65L7QU

    I'm probably missing a .NET library but i don't know which.

    • Hey there, 'pologies for the delayed response.

      First of all, do you have profiles in your SPT install?

      Second of all, if yes, are they ported/altered in any way? SVM, profile editor, etc.

      The error you're describing appears to point to code accessing the profile stats (for listing) and thus it cannot show the profiles because of that error.

    • Ah yes i modified my profile with the profile editor indeed !

      Also using SVM as well.

      Is there a way to fix this ?

    • Check the updated version from last night. I implemented a fix that should counter the problem you found, unfortunately it doesn't inherently fix the issue. It just makes sure the issue won't be a problem.

      *UPDATE: I don't think there is an easy way to fix the problem given that Profile Editor and SVM are both separate apps.

  • Seems legit

    • what distinguished words sir, thy choice of poetry is appreciated

  • Hell yea 8)

    Heart 1