Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.
Version 3.5.1
- savid_dubs
-Fixed ASh-12 (sorry)
-Rebalanced 5.56 weapons
-Added special surprise tool to the RFB
-Rebalanced RFB
As usual report any weird behavior or bugs to me and I will try to fix them
Version 3.5
- savid_dubs
Should fix most if not all recoil issues
There is now an attachment preset too, select it in your Realism config GUI (the one in the mod folder, not the F12 one)
Version 3.1.0 EXPERIMENTAL
- savid_dubs
HOTFIX: Fixed AKM platform, file replaced on Google Drive, no new version for this change.
This will for sure be a controversial change.
- Complete rework of camera recoil
- Camera recoil will no go down slightly to simulate your shoulder being pushed back
- This is how DMRs, Snipers and Shotguns used to work, but I couldn't get it to look nice on full auto weapons
- Thanks to the infinitely talented Fontaine and his beautiful work on SPTRM, I am now able to implement this fully
Version 3.0
- savid_dubs
This is such a major change that we skipped 2.0 completely and we're calling it 3.0
also I already named the Youtube trailer 3.0 because I'm a moron
Complete rework of all weapon recoil, thanks mostly to Fontaine for adding such comprehensive tools in his latest versions of Realism. With this update, there will also be a config included as a lot of the tweaks are done within the BepInEx plugin now as well. Make sure to back up your existing config if you care about your own realism settings or want to copy them.
Version 1.0.1a
- savid_dubs
-same as version 1.0.1 but with baby mode recoil (less horizontal recoil dispersion on full autos)
known issues:
-breaks MC PKM,
trying to figure it outif you're using this on 3.7.0+, simply replace the strings for the PKM with the real ones and the recoil should work fine. Untested, however. -
Version 1.0.1
- savid_dubs
- Pistols less jiggly, the jiggle was realistic but made your forearms jiggle as well which was not realistic. There is still a tiny amount of jiggle with some pistols but not nearly as much and should be hardly noticeable
- This version has classic dispersion (more horizontal recoil)
Version 1.0.0a
- savid_dubs
Version with less dispersion for people who want more controllable recoil (less left-right kick)
Version 1.0.0
- savid_dubs
this is so important for the game, the way recoil looks and feels in tarkov is really bad without this, i hope this gets updated soon. currently coping with realism mod.
when updte to 380? its nice mode
Hey Fontaine, love your work. I noticed my recoil changes when moving for some reason like when strafing it remains rigid with less rearward recoil, returning to normal if i remain still. Any idea what this could be? Maybe limitation with the recoil system?
hey so im noticing after i fire once i lose all my sway, it feels really funny when i'm sniping and i'm completely still after shooting once, is there any way to turn that sway back on?
Is there any plans to make this stand alone?
I really don't care for the "realism" mod where I'll have on me....
An AFAK, an IFAK, a Car, a Salewa, and a Grizzly and I couldn't stop a stomach or chest LIGHT BLEED...
Yes I removed my rig, and still nothing and then after that turns out fucking Vaseline fixes it.
That alone is pretty retarded.
*Saitama okay.... meme here*
And I'm sick of wearing Slicks on the "Realism" mod and getting 1-2 shot by PS/PP ammo.
lol I Just stumbled on this. This upload is just a preset for Realism mod, it changes recoil values, not the actual code behind the recoil so it's incapable of being standalone.
All those medical items you mentioned can and do stop light bleeds on stomach or chest. Gear blocks healing on chest and stomach so you have to take it off. This can all be very easily disabled in the config too. So I'm nots sure who or what exactly is "r*******" here.
Not sure if you're somehow not aware of this but Realism has armor hitzones, which can be disabled in the config. Get used to Slicks sucking dick when the new wipe hits
you do know you can turn off the medical changes in the realismmodconfig.exe right? you can configure the mod to however you like, all the settings can be changed as stated in the mod instructions, which btw is very in depth and easy to follow.
savid_dubs Author
Bro all you have to do is disable changes in Realism that you don't want. And no, this will not be standalone because I did not code the Realism mod and do not have the rights to redistribute it as if it were mine.
wich version can work on 3.6.1 ?
savid_dubs Author
just plug one of these into an SPT realism version that works with 3.6.1 and it should work, but I will not be developing additional versions for old builds of SPT.
The new version feels like the version with catastrophically high recoil, downgrading the config to 3.1's realism config fixes my issues with weapons veering off to the side
savid_dubs Author
can you give me a video example by chance?
Where could i post it I would be happy to
savid_dubs Author
Youtube or imgur link works
Sorry for the response delay but I have been trying to troubleshoot what is exactly going on and am having a hard time, uncontrolled the recoil doesn't look different but the change in config settings from 3.1 to version 3.2 provides little difference when I pull down during automatic fire. In 3.1 I can compensate automatic recoil pulling down but with 3.2 the optic stil climbs as there is so much resistance. My testing method was the lvoa barter from mechanic with ammo that doesnt change recoil and i applied the 3.2 recoil template. I cannot discover what exactly in the config is causing this. Just comparing values in the config vertical climb limit went from 25 to 45. Also reduction in convergence curve multi contributes.
is it possible to use this without using the attachment overhaul in spt realism?
savid_dubs Author
It's possible but not recommended as the newest version also changes some attachments
So there's no way to use this without also using fontaines stance system etc?
savid_dubs Author
You can disable all of those features in the config menu that comes with the Realism mod. The only thing you need from that mod to be enabled are the recoil changes.
what do you mean by templates? I don't use Realism so I'm not sure if it applies to me, could I still use Fontaine's mod?
savid_dubs Author
Templates are the same as presets, they are the files that hold the information that tells the game the recoil values. And yes you don't need this for Fontaine's mod but you need Fontaine's mod for this. Well specifically Fontaine's Realism mod. Not the recoil mod. The recoil mod is not compatible with this at all as it does not have any server files included. All you need to know is that they are not compatible
Thanks for your work!
Do I need to download Realism to use this, or is it a standalone?
savid_dubs Author
You need to download Realism to use it
I'm dumb, it says that in the mod description lol
Can I use this with only Recoil mod that used in Realism
savid_dubs Author
Fontaine's RECOIL no longer supports presets, sadly. You can use the Realism Config EXE to disable everything but the recoil changes, however, which will get you basically the same result.
Okky thanks and very good mod tho gonna try now
Got an error saying "missing package.json"
savid_dubs Author
read the instructions
It looks like this adds more horizontal recoil when "spraying and praying" as to dissuade your from large bursts. Would that be accurate? The examples look great so I may have to snag this!
savid_dubs Author
Correct, more dispersion, but snappier than vanilla recoil still so it's (hopefully) more satisfying to shoot while still being difficult to control in prolonged full auto bursts.
It is currently "out of date" but will be updated soon, been busy
No worries! Love this variant of the recoil!
does it support newest realism? 0.10.0
savid_dubs Author
For the most part yes, you may encounter bugs however.
im more of a semi guy, how do you guys feel about this preset?
Hi. It seems that I found what breaks the PKM
You just put wrong weapon id in both dictionary key and in "ItemId" field in MachinegunTemplates.json
It was 5447bed64bdc2d97278b4568 while the actual PKM id is 64637076203536ad5600c990
Quick guide for anyone who wants to fix the PKM recoil themself:
Hopefully this'll be helpful
Btw, your recoil preset is amazing!
savid_dubs Author
Thank you so much, I'm going to fix it and upload a new version some time tonight
Update: this did not solve the issue, which is that the PKM/PKP flies away in prolonged bursts. It's something to so with the weapon handling stats not the item IDs. I am still trying to figure out what stops the convergence from working properly.
Update 2: it seems to be a conflict with the gun itself. It's doing this because of SPT-Realism's recoil climb feature. The PKM/PKP will just have to be very difficult to control guns.
Excited to try this mod. On an unrelated note, What settings are you using to get the Gun model looking more zoomed out? I used to use Increased FOV mod to set my HUD fov perfect but now i'm lost on how to get that perfect look again, any info would be great!
savid_dubs Author
using SamSWAT FOV, it's deprecated but still works because his code is magical like that
Great mod dude, the only bug i foud: when spamming continuous bursts (in full auto mode) on AR-15 platforms, after 4 or 5 bursts recoils goes crazy and the camera and the gun both go all over the place. This problem doesn't occur when shooting in single fire or when mag dumping in full auto, nor when shooting Ak platforms.
(I don't know if it's not supported yet, but this mod also breaks CarlQ honeybadger cause recoil in full auto is too strong)
savid_dubs Author
Try going into the F12 menu and increasing the convergence and recoil reset rates. Sometimes if you burst too fast on vanilla settings it does that.
Sir Cunnilingus
I love this config, thank you!
I just took a look at the examples you have linked. Why do some weapons have a tunnel vision effect on full auto fire but not all? It does look like a cool concept to me.
That's a part of realism. Shooting without ear protection causes you to be deafened and makes your screen have tunnel vision.
savid_dubs Author
like MIA said, it's because I did not have SPT Realism's deafening effects disabled.
how do you zoom in like in there ?
savid_dubs Author
It's part of SPT-Realism
it's the FOV Fix & Variable Zoom mod, there's a setting there that enables you to zoom like in ARMA, definitely in the must-have mod category
man that's some Arma type shit, pretty neat
yeah its really nice. tons of customization in the mod and even variable zoom scopes!