Mag Tape 1.0.7

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.10 or if they can upload older versions of their mods.
Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

Add magazines with tape on them for easier tagging and easier to spot on the ground

The trader Painter is required for this mod

It's VERY IMPORTANT that the trader is loaded BEFORE MagTape


They can be bought at Painter. Magazines will be added for the AK rifles and AR-10 platform in the future. Maybe a high-cap mag for AK and M4 too.

Use these taped mags to spot them easier on the ground. Also a great tool for keeping track of what ammo you have in them. I do not have the time to make these compatible with Realism (you can still use them though). You have to add them yourself with help from the author's guide.


Installation: drop the folder "MoxoPixel-MagTape" into /user/mods

I do have a Ko-Fi if you want to leave a donation.

  • If you use magazines or ammo presets, do not use this mod.

    Thumbs Up 1
  • Hello! Is there any way to allow the taped 6L31 60-round mags to be used in the Ice Cream Cones quest from Prapor? A lot of these taped mags spawn, making it a little difficult imo to find the vanilla mags required for the quest.

  • Hey there, love your mods! Any chance we can get versions of the windowed magpul mags and taped shotgun mags in the future as well?

  • I've noticed I get permanently stuck on downloading bundles. 6034 I believe something about green taped 7.62x39 mags.

    Also to note this is a Finka server hosted by my friend so I'm not sure if that's causing a conflict.

  • Why has the display been updated to 3.10?

    • Because it works on 3.10

    • It says me that it's not compatible aquadesperate

    • I forgot a thing.. it is updated now. Download again.

  • Is there a way to make the trades into barters where the non-taped mags are used to purchase the taped mags? I feel like that would make more sense balance-wise.

  • Very interesting mod, will definitely use it if it ever gets to be non custom trader dependent. Great mod nonetheless!

  • Why does nobody love mechanic anymore, why does everything require trader :(

    (nothing against dev or mod just wondering why everyone moved to custom traders)

    • Because adding a lot of stuff to current traders increase the chance of crashes and load times for the trader you add all your stuff too. I add about 300 items to the game. That alone would impact current traders loading times and make the scroll bar VERY small.

      Thumbs Up 1
    • One day it might be possible

      spt-devs or modders could find a workaround or tweak the code

    • AFAIK, any mod that doesn't use MongoIDs will break magazine presets.

    • You can make ammo presets? How long has this been around? Genuinely very curious

  • Might be out of scope / not feasible, but I would LOVE a version of this that doesn't rely on a trader. Right-click a mag, apply a tape color (red/yellow/blue), and it swaps out the asset on the fly (preserving ammo state). Just my opinion, but this would feel way more intuitive.

    • I would love that too but it requires client modding which I'm not familiar with at all.


  • Sorry to make another post, but just noticed in your items.json on the "MT_01005_AR_STANAG_30_BLACK" you posted "5.56x45 Colt AR-15 STANAG 30-round magazine (Tape White)" on line 97. The item name is black while the item description says white. Just thought I would point out this inconsistency. (I would post in support thread, but the link doesn't work, it does to 'servers on fire' page.)

  • Hello, could you possibly make it so that mags are locked behind exactly like the base version + maybe a quest? What I mean, the AK-74 5.45x39 6L31 60-round magazines are locked behind 'Ice Cream Cones' in order to barter for them, could you do it so you have to do 'Taped Up' Quest on Painter and also 'Ice Cream Cones' from Prapor or LV4 Prapor (as you can also purchase them from LV4 Prapor), before they're unlocked? Another example could be 'AK 7.62x39 Magpul PMAG 30 GEN M3 30-round magazine' is locked behind LV2 Peacekeeper, so buy these you would need LV2 Peacekeeper + 'Taped Up' quest complete. These are just two examples, but there are others that fit this same boat. Thank you.

  • Awesome, any plans to add the window and tan versions of PMAGs?

  • Could you please add a mirror download link for Mag Tape, just like your other mods? For some reason, my internet connection takes forever to download - even just 80+ MB of this mod. ;(

    Heart 1
  • just a question, what do you mean when you say "make it compatible with realism", what could be the incompatibility?

  • i got a question my mag are half painted blue/green/yellow etc are they supposed to look like that or can i change the way they look?

  • Unusual question. Is there a way to be able to use these for yourself, though turn them off for PMC's and scavs?

  • Love this mod. Makes it so much easier to spot my mags on the ground, or in inventory since the game loves to randomly clear out the Tag Color after unloading.

    Would love this to be extended to some of the drum mags.

  • So, been playing around with this mod. I will say that I find it weird that selling to the trader becomes available at rep level 2, but what gets me is the selling rate to the trader is hilariously low. Is there any way to turn this up a few notches to make it so he's competitive to the other traders?

  • Will you add tape to 40 and/or 60 round AR mags in the future?

  • Hi,can i share your mods to if have your allow?these colored gear are awesome

    • Yes as long as I'm the author and a link to my profile you can publish it. Sorry for late answer.

  • If its not in the plans already would love to see taped mags for PP smg and extended glock mags.

    Thumbs Up 1
  • Dropping my plans for the next version: 5.45x39 high cap mags with tape, a new trader that will sell all my modded items instead of the default traders. I do this mostly because:

    1. It slows down the initial loading of the default traders.
    2. Easier to find all my modded items.

    There is one thing you could help me decide: Either make all cash trades like now or require 1 original magazine and 1 tape for every trade instead of cash. What do you think?

    Thumbs Up 1
    • Getting 1 tape for each mag seems a bit much. Maybe 1 tape + 8 normal mags = 8 taped mags or something like that, and it makes sense considering we're talking entire rolls of tape here. Cash seems reasonable too, more convenient but less cool. Not sure which I prefer

    • I think I will go with cash trades but make sure my retextured weapons have fully built weapon presets to trade. Thanks for the input.

  • can u add the blue tape for ak mags : D

  • Do you plan to do the same for your other retexture mods ? like sand core and others ?

  • Mod this awesome. But my ragman stop loading things and i cant sell things to him when i start game with this mod.Is there anyway to fix it?

    • Really? I'm at work now. If you want, can you delete all folders inside database/traders (or barters, forgot what name I use) except for this folder: "5a7c2eca46aef81a7ca2145d".

    • Yeah, i have the same problem. Will try to delete folders tommorow

    • I will fix this some day soon

    • That didn't work :(

    • It's fixed now.

  • For anyone wondering what AK mags looks like only two colours red & blue atm.

    Thumbs Up 1
  • hello , are you able to do stand-alone mods or just texture mods ? something interesting to have would be the rubber and plate for magazines like these , i can provide the models if you are up to 8) .

    Thumbs Up 2
    • I was going to ask the same thing, dunno if that's possible but it will look dope af.

    • Cool! Magpuls similar to the one on the middle mag was my introduction to the company Magpul some 15 years ago in boot camp. Shit was cash money haha

  • I love the concept and have thought about this myself but am still in the very early learning stages of modding. Could you possibly implement crafts to go along with the mod to put tape on your mags. If its too much time reach out to me and I can sort all of the hideout crafts for you to save you some time. :thumbup:

    I just cant implement them as a mod as of yet but the craft list I can do and send to you.

    • Ive done up the crafts already just let me know if you want them. They require a stanag mag + kek tape both will be consumed for now for the stanag with tape and black PMAGs and insulating tape for all except the white which is duct tape because, white. I just dont have your Id's and so put placeholders in for now

    • I love your idea of crafts but it will have to be when I've fully updated this mod with all the mags I want to add. Then we can talk about crafts. But right now it takes way too much effort to update every new item for crafts. I appreciate your help but I need to focus on getting more mags in here first. It will probably be within a month or so.

    • no problems mate. Ill implement it on my own game for now then using more hideout crafts.

      Thumbs Up 1
    • I'm actually working on this thing, should be release, this week end