Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.
Special thanks to Tron and AT that helps me understand the workflow.
There is lots of confusion about modding weapons by using SDK, I'm still learning on it.
With powerful Tokarev bullets while lacking firepower, here is an optional choice for PPsh-41, the full auto Tokarev pistol modding by the Khyber Pass smith.
Only 8-round magazine on fire? Nyet! Using the looooong magazine for your fury.
The collective wisdom of Khyber Pass people:
Tokarev Mod 1 Extreme
You should know these things before starting:
All the accessories are fictional, and if there is any similarity, it is purely coincidental.
Sorry, I have delete previous words and I'm too lazy to write it again
There's what you will get:
- Magazine: 12-round / 25-round / 75-round (Tac / Long / Drum)
- Mount: Short / Long rail mount with 2 accessories / Waagh Magic???
- Barrel: 165mm airsoft barrel? / Saw-off AK Barrel?
- Muzzle: Airsoft? / JP-94-3 muzzle
- Pistol grip: Type 54 pistol grip with an adapter
- Pistol: Khyber TT / Khyber TT Gold / Type 54 Platinum
- Stock: Type 80 Machine pistol bayonet stock
- Bullet: .223 Timbs Sabot AP bullet
And there more combinations in Tarkov waiting for you to explore......
(Please forgive me Master Tokarev, I don't mean to be blasphemous )
Tokarev is a famous weapon that has passed through WWII, cold war and modern warfare and is still used in many nations, areas and conflicts.
The legendary history of Tokarev shall and will not be forgotten.
Have fun in Tarkov!
Appreciate your like.
Version 4.1.1
Big thanks to Pettan and GrooveypenguinX in helping me fixing the tough modding problems.
- Improve textures and shading
- Update to v. 3.8.x
- Add TT 12-round magazine
- Add homespun barrel
- Add handguard adapter
Pictures are shown in overview page.
Fix a round position bug in drum mag. Overwrited.
Version 4.0.1
Fix textures and shading bugs, more realistic.
Version 4.0.0
Warning! This update is totally remaking everything. It MIGHT not suit everyone, especially who used to familiar with the previous versions.
Big thanks to Pettan who instructed me the modding guidelines, and WTT members who always help me kindly.
- Delete TT intergrated handguard
- Delete 15-round magazine
- Delete TT customized trigger guard mount
- Delete 7.62x25mm Type 51-1 ammo
- Delete Customized Tokarev pistol
- Delete TT Elite side grips
- Remake homespun pistolgrip stock
- Remake threaded barrel
- Add Type 54 pistol (Platinum)
- Remake all the rest assets
Tokarev Mod 1
Based on reality, except the Khyber Pass version(25r mag and 75r drum mag), there's still some modifications to Tokarev pistol, but not the original TT.
A cnc mafia muzzle that elongates slide of TT, the idea of combat pistol has turned into mafia style.
Thug life.In order to suit the muzzle, adding 165mm threaded barrel that can install additional suppressor, and for the durability of fullauto firepower, it is strongly recommended to use in full-auto TT, which TT is not designed to be capable of firing in full-auto.
And with the inevitable strong recoil, there's a demand of adding pistol stock, luckily, I can get rid of my ugly homespun wire stock coz there's an insane isssue for TT stock, which comes from Chinese Type 80 machine pistol that uses a bayonet stock by sticking to the pistol grip with folding handle, and can suit the exported Type 54, the authorized production of TT. Sad that I can't make it in weapon bundle, so I make an adapter that can install on all TT variations, further more, the APB wire stock can be installed on the adapter too.
Surprisingly I find another interesting modification on Type 54 pisol, that the Chinese do make an experimental version of full-auto Tokarev called JP-94-3 pistol, which uses Type 80 bayonet stock and a weird muzzle, so I add it, too.
As for the sabot bullet, it is a mysterious story, you shall google it yourself and of course, fiction in reality and Tarkov, so do the trigger guard mount and extensional rail components. I tried to make them look tacticool, there's some inevitable collision with suppressor, the mechanics of BSG don't want it get fixed.
Sorry but I have tried my best.
- If you want to shoot in full-auto, do not use the original barrel, use 165mm threaded barrel instead, which has better cooling.
- The .223 Timbs Sabot AP is lethal and rare, and has strong corruptions on barrel, be careful in full-auto, no matter Khyber TT or PPSh-41, use it wisely.
- It is suggested to use AKBS 7.62x25mm ammunition in full-auto that causes less malfunction.
- Since the adapter of Type 54 can be installed on all TT, just do whatever you want.
- Enjoy your own Combat Pistol! Veterans never die!
Version 3.0.1
- Fix a bug that drum magazine can not be insured;
Version 3.0.0
v.3.0.0 Update
- Add 21 items/accessories into Tarkov, including mount, magazine, even the carbine kits;
- Retexture all items, looks more realistic in Tarkov's environment;
- Rewrite every accessorie's name and description;
- Rebalance their values, attributes and the way of access;
- Fix the bug of ejecting bullet shell with tip;
- All pictures are shown at the description page;
Version 2.2.0
- Add new ammunition: .223 Timbs Sabot Armor-peircing bullet.
- Fix language bug that non-English UI shows error, now it's in English.
- Retexture model: 51-1, APB stock pistolgrip, 2 rail mounts and 26-round magazine.
- Tweak items to access easier, balance the power with new ammo;
- Fix description error;
Version 2.1.0
1. Retexture the shade and rendering, more realistic;
2. Fix preview item position, now it rotates in the right direction and looks more suitable for Tarkov UI;
3. Remake TT integrated stock-pistol grip, better looking;
4. Fix the handbook of bullet and value of magazine counts(the PPsh's drum mag is actually 71 rounds, my bad);
Version 2.0.0
Big Update:
1. Add Type 51-1 7.62 x 25 mm ammo, superior penetration and destruction, but worns the weapon worse. Lethal and expensive, imported by Skier lv.2;
2. Add an integrated pistolgrip with a APB stock, the recoil reduction of grip is almost the same as APB stock. Access by ragfair;
3. Add a railmount attached to golden and regular TT-33, all the 4 Tokarev pistols can use it. Skier lv.2;
4. Add another tacticool railmount, can attach tactical devices and foregrip, but the golden TT-33 cannot use it for fatal animation error, only the black ones. Only in workbench lv.1;
5. Remove the Keymod SI Bridge rail, coz TT already have not 1 but 2 alternative mount rail! No more model intervention;
6. The original TT-33s can use modded rail and magazine only, it is my last respect to Tokarev;
7. Amend the spelling error and description of the Tokarev, make the name pithy;
Version 1.6.0
1. Add a new drum magzine, from PPSh-41, they use the same bullet, so why not. DIY only in workbench lv. 1.
2. Add Stirrup Quest's condition by using these two automatic pistols, now it counts.
3. Adjust magzine prices for easier access and weapon's cooling system.
Version 1.5.0
1. Retextured long magzine, improve shader quality;
2. Remake recoil system, more realistic;
3. Tokarev / Golden TT-33 can now use long magzine too;
4. Add full-auto Golden TT-33 in Tarkov, only can be manufactured in workbench lv.1, theorematically;
5. 4 types of Tokarev pistols share the same weapon skill;
@Coraline would you mind publishint the typescript source code?
Coraline's Cat
Hopefully this mod will be updated in the future too, I really liked it last patch it was super fun.
Another modder ported it - Tokarev Mod 1 EXTREME!!!! - 3.9 PORT
Coraline's Cat
Thank you for letting me know!
Can I get more than 30 AP rounds per stock?
funky tokarevs
Can you bring back the 15 round mag? I liked the look of it. lol
Coraline's Cat
cool af!!!!
Do bots have and use the better ammo? If so is there a way in the config to turn it off?
This is one of the most baste mods I've ever seen, keep up the good work
The "Golden Full-auto Version TT-33" bugs out when you use the "TT integrated handguard (FDE)", but works normal without it. The stock grip also works just fine. The Handguard also works fine in the other models of the pistol.
Another (very minor thing) is that the craft preset for the golden variant has the normal barrel instead of the golden one (not that it would matter, could be intended).
Great mod, sad that i can't use the Swag Spitter.
The gold one has its special pull-out animation thus once you grip the foregrip, it will encounter a serious problem, so I just banned it to use foregrips.
Oh, thats sad that a cool animation could break a cool mod.
Sad but understandable.
good mod, wish the 15- round mag wasn't so expensive so i can run it for zero-to-hero stuff
bruh still waiting for the akimbo Tokarev

Are all the mod items added to traders/craftable? Or do I have to use Flea to get some of the mod items, I can't tell because my traders aren't maxed, and I'm using tiered Flea from Realism.
Yep, but not sure whether it is compatible with.
Okay so I just need to level up my traders/hideout and I'll be able to get the items?
Holy shit, This looks amazing.
GaGiG iZiaeV
подскажите пожалуйста, куда и как установить этот мод? Я фанат ТТ, этот мод моя мечта.
Распаковать текущую папку в папку user/mods
GaGiG iZiaeV
оказывается установка была проса)) простите мою глупость, а вот сборка как на Ваших фото, у меня не получается(((
not sure if it is intended but you can't insure drum mag, and also I have no idea how to make it insurable . i tried "InsuranceDisabled" and it didn't work for some reason
Now the new version should work. Thanks for the reply.
so, what's next 7.62x25 project ? Khyber Tok AK ?
How would I be able to modify how many rounds the trader has in stock? I would like to increase it, but can not find the file.
In database/trader/IDs/assort.json, search the bullet id you want, you can find its restrictions and then just modify them, kinda hard but once you understand it and it's easy.
I didn't see that file in the last update. I saw the bundles folder that had the bundle files, that i cant edit with notepad++. The SRC folder that had the js file, and did not see anything in it, and the bundles.json and package.json. nothing about it in either one. Ill download the new update and try again. Thanks!
I was unable to find the file. i dont see the trader folder
In server's database, not the mod folder.
I gotcha
Akimbo Tokarev when?
Depends on Nikita
I haven't downloaded it yet, just wanted to recognize this masterpiece of a description
I MUST echo other users, in that this thing goes brrrrrrrrrrrr, with super high chance of headshot if you begin firing with ADS at the chest. More headshots with this little bad boy than anything else Iv'e tried so far. Amazing fun! Thanks for the addition of the drum, a very welcome one indeed. Consider a stock to add to the mix, like the boomer mod. In any case, I keep a golden version in my holster at all times.
Thanks for your effort on this one, it's greatly appreciated.
Same thought, I'm planning to build an integrated grip + stock pistol grip that can directly attach to the Tokarev.
But it is hard to decide to choose a stock, as they don't fit the theme The Khyber Pass version, that means wild, wired and working.
I fully agree with your direction of thinking. In any case, please keep up the great work, this thing is just too much fun!
Looks like you pulled it off with the stock! Much love!
Cleetus McYeetus
I friggin' love this thing. Tokarev go brrrt.
I mean all we need now is for it to be chambered in 12.7x55mm you know for that extra punch....
As far as I know, there's a Chinese 7.62 x 25 soft steel penetrator Tokarev bullet called Type 51-1 bullet, which core and brass are totally steel, thus worns the barrel worse. Maybe it can be put into Tarkov as an armor-piercing bullet in next update. I'm still working on it.
Good way to do pmc kills with a pistol. Thanks bro, I don't need a primary gun now.
Your normal texture is messed up. Go back into unity, reimport the normal texture for the TT mag. Do not "fix" in unity. It is getting recompiled and it breaks the textures.
Appreciating, almost fix it, but the rendering in game is not perfect as modding, maybe the output go wrong.
Another question: why the PMC body keep shifting when adding a mesh collider? It always shifts towards left...
box collider must be added to the attachment, but must be in an "unchecked" state.
We need more khyber pass guns
Mashallah brother Pakistan will crush the scavs
GaGiG iZiaeV
:большой палец:
Reshala now needs an golden full Auto TT
Maybe next time
the way god intended