Andern 2.5.3

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Make PMC bots dangerous again! PMC Bots use only weapon from handmade presets, best ammo and gear according to their level.

Idea of this mod is to rebalance a bit the game for better single player experience.

  • Gives PMC bots decent weapon from handmade presets.
  • Gives PMC good gear. Every PMC wear armor, helmet, rig, headphones, face cover and glasses.
  • Generates PMC with levels in configurable range.
  • Add trader that sell you couple weapon modules to make weapon until level 15 a bit less crap. And sells you keys for quests witch hard to find because of high randomness of loot in the game.
  • Mod allows to change Flea Market access level. Config parameter `fleaMinUserLevel`. You can increase it to level 42 to add more sense to looting because with Flea you can easy just buy everything your need for craft and hideout update.
  • Mod allows to increase static and loose loot multipliers. Options looseLootMultiplier and staticLootMultiplier`.
  • Mod increse keys spawn chance.

Weapon and gear split by tiers. Tiers is described in preset_name/preset.json file. Mod has two presets meta and live. Choise live if you want more veraity and close to live Tarkov expirience.

You can disable PMC bot level generator with option pmcLevel.

You can disable PMC bot gear generator with option pmcGear. Then mod only generate weapon.

Bots get random weapon from presets. Also bots use specified ammo for each caliber from presets.

For example list of ammo for tier one weapon presets is in file res\one\ammo.json

Preset made in the game and then exported with SPT-AKI Profile Editor

You can make your own preset. Just be sure that ammo.json contain record for weapon caliber.

Mod supports any weapon: shotguns, pistols, revolvers, grenade launchers etc.

At night raids tactical device replaced to infrared one.

At night raids all PMC wear helmets with night vision googles.

PMC wear gear from gear.json for their level.

PMC Bots Level configuration

By default pmc bots generates in range from player level - pmcBotLevelDownDelta to player level + pmcBotLevelUpDelta

if useFixedPmcBotLevelRange true then pmc bots level in fixed range from pmcBotMinLevel to pmcBotMaxLevel

Trader sells after level 40 some ammo

Trader assortment for each tier is on file trader.json

traderInsurance enables trader insurance with 100% instant return.

traderRepair enables trader repair without degradation.

insuranceOnLab enables insurance on Lab.

insuranceReturnsNothing disables insurance my make it returns nothing.

PMC bots can use "chads" armor (Altyn or Rys with Zabralo or THOR)

It possible only in day raids.

Settings in config chadsOnFactoryAndLabOnly, chadsPercentage and chadsMinimumLevel,

chadsMinimumLevel means bot can wear chads armor only if his level chadsMinimumLevel or higher.

PMC backpack loot settings

disableBotBackpackLoot disable backpack loot completely

Loot settings

looseLootMultiplier loose loot multiplier

staticLootMultiplier static loot multiplier

increaseStaticLootKeysSpawn increases static loot keys spawn (for Jackets and Drawers)

increaseLooseLootKeysSpawn increases loose loot keys spawn

increaseLooseLootCardsSpawn increases loose loot cards spawn

increaseRareLootSpawn increases rare loose loot spawn (Some electronics on Labs and Lighthouse)

scavCaseLootValueMultiplier multiplies each value range to improve Scav Case loot.

Settings for bot generation on maps

Works only if mapBotSettings set to true.

mapMaxBotBuffMultiplier increases or decrease amount of bots on maps.

mapMaxBotBuffExcludeFactory excludes Factory from max bot buff multiplier.

mapMaxBotBuffExcludeLab excludes Lab from max bot buff multiplier.

mapMaxBotBuffExcludeStreets excludes Street from max bot buff multiplier.

mapStreetsMaxBotCap allows to set maximum bot capacity on Streets. Turned off if 0

mapPmcBotDifficulty "easy", "normal", "hard", "impossible"

mapBotAccuracyMultiplier ajust bots accuracy.

mapBossChanceBuff add or remove percent for existing boss chance. For example if map boss chance is 35 and you set this parameter to 20 then boss chance will be 35 + 20.

mapScavToPmcConvertMultiplier can increase or decrease percent of scavs converted to PMC (changes amount of PMC on map)

mapMakePmcAlwaysHostile by default in SPT-AKI 20% chance that PMC is friendly to player. This setting set this chance to 0.

mapIncreaseSpawnGroupsSize increases max possible scav group size to 3 if it less.

mapDisableRogueConvertToPmc disables converting rogues to PMC.

mapDisableRaiderConvertToPmc disable sconverting raiders to PMC.

mapPmcBrainsConfig if set to "default" then does nothing. Loads brains/[value].json file with config which brain will be selected as PMC brain. For example "noboss" will load brains/noboss.json as brains config.

mapBotBrainsTuning slightly decreases PMC and Raider accuracy.

mapBotDisablePmcTalkativeness disables PMC talkativeness for normal difficulty.

mapScavsAlwaysHasBackpack Regualr scavs always has backpack.

mapScavsAlwaysHasArmor Regular scavs always has (their crap) armor.

mapScavsAlwaysHasHeadwear Regular scavs always has (their crap) headwaear.

Other settings

disablePmcBackpackWeapon disables chance that PMC can have extra weapon in their backpack.

disableEmissaryPmcBots disables chance that PMC can have any type of accounts other than user (purple, green names etc).

disableSeasonalEvents disables all seasonal events like halloween etc.

lootingBotsCompatibility disables loot generation in PMC's backpack for compatibility with Looting Bots mod. Works only if pmcGear enabled.

scavCaseLootValueMultiplier multiplies each value range to improve Scav Case loot.

insuranceDecreaseReturnTime decrease return time for Prapor (2 - 3 hours) and Therapist (1 - 2 hours).

insuranceIncreaseStorageTime increase storage time for Prapor and Therapist (14 days).

cheeseQuests disable gear and weapon conditions for same quests. For example DMR allowed for any quest required bolt action rifle.

vssValOverheatMultiplier change heat modifier for VSS, VAL and all Caliber9x39 ammo. Recommended value is 0.85.

fleaBlacklistDisable disables Flea blacklist.

season set season, can be winter, spring, summer and autumn.

seasonRandom season set randomly after every raid.

disableBtr disables BTR.

<strong>playerScavAlwaysHasBackpack</strong> if true player scav always spawns with backpack.

gpCoinsOnPmcAndScavs regualar scavs and pmc always has GP Coins in their backpaks.


  • Put folder BarlogM-Andern from zip file into your <strong>user/mods</strong> folder

Known issues

  • Version 2.5.3

    1. New config parameter insuranceReturnsNothing disables insurance by make it returns nothing. For all traders.

    2. VSK-94 for meta T2

    3. SR-3M for meta T4

  • Version 2.5.2

    1. New parameter gpCoinsOnPmcAndScavs. If true regular scavs and PMC can have one GP coin in their backpack.

    2. Removed backpak loot feature. Current SPT loot on scavs and PMC is good. There is no need such complex alternative anymore.

    3. Fixed trader freezing after purchase.

  • Version 2.5.1

    1. Velociraptor and SCAR X-17 builds for meta tier 4

    2. New backpacks and headsets for PMC

    3. New parameters to control regular scavs gear: mapScavsAlwaysHasBackpack, mapScavsAlwaysHasArmor, mapScavsAlwaysHasHeadwear

  • Version 2.5.0

    • SP-Tarkov 3.11 support
    • Config parameter to disable Partisan
  • Version 2.3.1

    PMC brains config separated for Bear and USEC to add pmcUSEC or pmcBEAR brains.

  • Version 2.3.0

    • SPT 3.9.0 support
    • Keys and Cards spawn decreased
    • Option snow replaced with season
    • New option seasonRandom
  • Version 2.2.1

    1. Tactical device is in laser only mode.

    2. Replaced glasses for meta tier two with no glare bug one.

  • Version 2.2.0

    1. Preset config moved to preset tier folder for example meta\two\config.json5

    2. New parameters in preset tier config kittedHelmetPercent and nightVisionPercent

  • Version 2.1.1

    New feature from carl123432 - pmc backpack loot generator.

    pmcBackpackLoot enable/disable custom backpack loot pools

    disableBotBackpackLoot disable backpack loot completely

  • Version 2.0.1

    Fix for tactical device replacement for night raids.

  • Seems to just mash other bot progression mods together, with code that looks a little copy pasted.

    Thumbs Up 11
    • OMG. You again? What exactly part of code was copy pasted? Any proofs of your claim? And also could you please explain how i can do what my mod do with other imaginary "bot progression" mods?

    • There's ALP and Realism which work very similarly to your mod, and there have been at least 3 other bot progression mods. My work has been influenced by other mods, and I mention this in my credits and description. I find it highly unlikely you came up with all these concepts and code structure in a vacuum, and figured out how to modify bot generation, and get time of day, by yourself.

      I normally wouldn't care about such things or bring it up, but the fact you attack other modders like Solarint and act completely belligerent towards them and others makes it fair game to bring it up.

      Thumbs Up 10
    • You right, i came up with all these concepts and structure not in vacuum but reading SPT-AKI server source code and from custom trader mod tutorial.

      Could you please provide step by step tutorial how i can put AirFrame helmet on every PMC with level more than 41 with Realism and ALP?

      You normally count any criticism as attack because you can't read. "OMG, he said something i don't like. He is attack me. Take him!"

      And Tyrian, you are right. I copyed this two files from tutorial. I didn know i can't copy file from tutorial FluentTraderAssortCreator.ts TraderHelpers.ts. Seems nice tutorial if i can't copy code from it.

      Heart 2
    • Looking at your code and feature set I really doubt you just figured this all out by looking at SPT server code, and that also doesn't explain how you managed to come up with ideas that have all been done by other bot progression mods. You act as if all these other mods and modders are beneath you when nothing you've done is unique, it's all been done before.

      Thumbs Up 5 Happy 1
    • You ignore my questions. You only whine and attack me. Because you can't communicate like adult person from now on i just ignore you. Best i can do is to delete your mod mention from my mod description.

      Crying 4
  • Just a tip. Consider making the fact that there is a trader in this mod much much more obvious. Went to get rid of this mod because I was sick of finding every pmc using an ak 545 with a tac 30 and wow! removing it breaks my profile because of the trader. Thanks a lot!

  • Can "mapPmcBotDifficulty" be set to "live" ? Or is there any other setting to have all 4 difficulties available for pmc difficulty?

    • i'm not sure. There is no such kind of difficulty inside SPT. Only "easy", "normal" and "hard".

    • There is also "impossible" and "asonline" means there will be bots of all difficulties in your raid so I was wondering if I could set it to "live" or "asonline"

  • Did you change something in loot multiplier? In older versions I always had staticLootMultplier to 4.0, but in newest version it doesn't seem to work

    • No. Checked. It works. I think something shanged inside SPT. Try 8 or 10.

    • Yeah it started working now. Thanks!

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Hi when I started playing the new version of the game I had summer weather at the beginning but then it changed to winter. After installing your mod the weather changed and now it's summer in the game - how to change the weather in your mod.

    • config/config.json

      "season": "summer",

      "seasonRandom": true,

    • Hi, I figured it out myself, everything is fine in winter locations ---

      "season": "winter",

      "seasonRandom": false,

      Thumbs Up 1
  • I was wondering what does "custom backpack loot pools" exactly mean? How is the loot in a pmc's backpack different than without this option being enabled?

    • There is a file `config\backpack.json` and when this key is true it took loot from this config.

  • update this bruh need the giga chads and easy preset implementation.

    Thumbs Up 1
    • I've started testing to update it to 3.10 while waiting for it to come back.

  • update mod PLEASE

    Thumbs Up 1
    • I've started testing to update it to 3.10 while waiting for it to come back.

  • hi, are you going to update the mod to 3.10 or should I look for another mod?

    • I've started testing to update it to 3.10 while waiting for it to come back.

  • error code:

    [Andern] error read file './user/mods/BarlogM-Andern//brains/bear/fair.json'

    ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'F:\spt\user\mods\BarlogM-Andern\brains\bear\fair.json'

    [Andern] error read file './user/mods/BarlogM-Andern//brains/usec/fair.json'

    ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'F:\spt\user\mods\BarlogM-Andern\brains\usec\fair.json

    i can not find that file in you mod???

  • missing your mod in 3.10, is there hope for an update or are you quitting as well ?

  • First of all, hello, if you are available, can you make a guide video showing how to add costume kits to mods? (I'm just asking, it's okay if you don't)

  • can you add more kits pls

  • Does this allow PMCs to use PKM?

  • Hello, I want to add my own kits to the bots. How do I do this?

  • I've turned off every setting in the config yet the AI is still ungodly cracked. Hitting every shot and constantly lobbing grenades. Very frustrating, absolutely horrible addition. If only this mod existed with just the loadouts.

  • Would be nice to eventually see some more PMC loadouts added.
    More variety in tier1 and tier2 would be good.
    SMG loadouts would be good too.

  • How do you turn off all the AI stuff? It's ungodly frustrating trying to use the mod when all the scavs do is throw grenades.

  • Dear author, I love your mod so bad, and all those presets. Thank you for giving such great support to the community. But one little thing I think you could add on the overview page is how to modify the presets, like adding our own presets (exported from profile editor). Cause when I just drag twenty presets into /presets/meta/four, no pmc bots spawning anymore. Could you tell me what should I do?

  • anyway to make pmc spawn with better meds?

  • Hello. I love many of this features and all the teaks I can make. I primarily have for night time PMCs.

    But! I use Dynamic Weather and Seasons (Dynamic Weather & Seasons).

    Above mod has each month as 5 raids. So changing season every 15 raids.

    What can I tweak in Andern Config.json - to still have that mod work?

  • Is there a way to guarantee that PMC spawn with a pistol as a side arm?

  • What does the modules file in the presets folder do?

  • How can I keep the looting and PMC looting on the map back to normal?

  • In this mode, I only want the PMCs to be properly locked. How can I turn off all the other settings?

  • Liking the mod so far. Is there a way to add or increase when PMCs have meds on them? That's the only thing I'm finding strange about the loadouts for the PMCs.

    • wondering the same thing

  • Really excited to test your mod.

    I've got a question I do have sain and I see some brain folder in this mod, does it change the behavior of the bots?

    Btw I think the mod has too many options and does too many things, I principally want it for the presets, but it seems hard to disable all other features except for the preset even while reading the config of the mod in the overview section, maybe having the variables that turn a part of the mod in bold and at the top of each section?


    Another question, does your mod changes spawns for bots? I did see some bot spawn options, but not a straightforward description of how to turn those modifications

  • How setup vanilla like spawn and rare items?

    looseLootMultiplier loose loot multiplier


    staticLootMultiplier static loot multiplier


    i should setup it like "1"?

  • hej guys,

    anybody know how to fix that?


    • Okay, I have changed “mapPmcBrainsConfig” to “live”.

      but shouldn't it now be possible to load 2 serperate configs for bear and usec? or have I misunderstood something?

    • You did everything right. I renamed fair to live. Sorry, i should mention this in change notes. I hope pmcUSEC and pmcBEAR brains are from PvE mode of Live Tarkov.

      Heart 1
  • Just so you know in Aug_T1 in the "Presets"_"Metas"_"One" folder, fails to load for lack of tactical device code, just copied code from another Aug_T2 preset. FYI for you tho. Server notified me when trying to load it up.

    • It's not an error, it's a warning. This message confused so much people i should remove it.