Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.
Version 1.5.0
- Fontaine
SPT Realism Mod v1.5.0 for SPT 3.10.5
Note: please see the "known issues" section at the bottom of this post before reporting issues.
Thank you to everyone who helped test and give feedback, and special thanks to Spud who helped update all the class references.
- Fixed trader-related errors caused by mod items not being set up correctly.
- Geiger + Analyser volume are now affected by headset gain.
Tweaks & Changes:
- Complete recoil rework: recoil has been completely refactored to address persistent bugs such as recoil suddenly driving upwards or downwards due to stutter or apps that take focus from EFT. It will feel different to some extent, as there is no vertical reset anymore.
- Dynamic map loot modifier: the more you loot on a map, the less loot there will be on subsequent runs. You have to play on a different map for the loot to "regenerate". Still needs to be balanced subject to feedback.
- Loot randomization: loot on bots and map loot has a chance to have the uses/resource/hp randomized. Does not apply to items inside containers yet.
- Added new visual effects for radiation, adrenaline and drug overdose. Radiation visual can be disabled.
- Weapon Collisions: config options to either tweak or override BSG's weapon collisions handling completely. Makes weapon length more meaningful and factors in ergo.
- Adapted mounting behaviour to take bipods into account properly. There is the option to enable Realism's mounting or use BSG's. Note that Realism's stances and stamina changes won't work correctly with BSG's mounting.
- Deafening mechanic had to be completely reworked due to BSG's changes to headsets and audio. It's not as in-depth as before but should be more consistent.
- Added config option to adjust aim punch. Reduced aim punch.
- Reload speed is now factored by player weight minus weapon, as factored by comfort stat.
- Improved ADSing with canted sight from stances.
- Many changes to weapon/attachment/ammo/armor stats.
- Added more logging options for debug and dev.
- Improved durability of bot weapons slightly.
- Added setting to give zombies HP more in line with Realism's balance.
- Increased the size of the heart hitbox, and increased damage dealt to it and the spine.
- Optimized bot generation.
- Completely overhauled how user templates are handled, old templates are no longer compatible but DevilFlippy and others have already made templates for most mods.
Known Issues:
- There's a stutter on shooting bots sometimes and general performance issues, it's not this mod but this specific EFT build.
- Can't treat radiation or toxicity out-of-raid except for Therapist quests at this time due to limitations.
- Balancing is always on-going.
- Glock 18C recoil is bugged, BSG issue.
- High ready sprint animation bugs out sometimes, BSG issue.
- Can hit self with melee in the legs.
- SPT/EFT is cursed.
Version 1.4.8
- Fontaine
SPT Realism Mod v1.4.8 for SPT 3.9.8 - Hotfix
Please follow the download link to see the full patch notes. Fixed Fence insurance soft-locking profiles.
Version 1.4.7
- Fontaine
SPT Realism Mod v1.4.7 for SPT 3.9.8
Please follow the download link to see the full patch notes. Some fixes and tweaks for Halloween event, enhanced weapon handling effects, rework of patrol stance:
Version 1.4.6
- Fontaine
SPT Realism Mod v1.4.6 for SPT 3.9.8 (Halloween Update)
Please follow the download link to see the full patch notes. New quest chain that introduces a new event, the finale is only available during Halloween. Also introduces new features, fixes and tweaks. Full reinstall of the mod is recommended. Therapist has the questline which unlocks on completion of Sanitary Standards.
Note that this is untested with Fika and likely will not work correctly (will not by synced between players and progression of the event will not be tracked correctly unless everyone completes quests at the same time).
Since the event revolves around Hazard Zones, both it and the Medical changes need to be enabled.The new questline will not function correctly if using any other mods to handle or change boss spawns (SWAG+Donuts, MOAR, SVM). Questing Bot's spawn changes may interfere depending on how it's set up. Please remove or configure these mods for the duration of the questline and events so that they do not affect boss spawns if you want to do the questline .
If using Amand's Graphics, it's also recommended to set the fog setting to -100 for all maps.
Version 1.4.5
- Fontaine
SPT Realism Mod v1.4.5 for SPT 3.9.8
Please follow the download link to see the full patch notes. Hazard Zone rebalance with additional features. Expanded limited passive regen. Insurance and minor economy rebalance. Various other minor new mechanic, tweaks and fixes.
Version 1.4.4
- Fontaine
SPT Realism Mod v1.4.4 for SPT 3.9.5
Please follow the download link to see the full patch notes. Fixed custom weapons with new muzzle effects, for real this time (God willing)
Version 1.4.2
- Fontaine
SPT Realism Mod v1.4.2 for SPT 3.9.5
Please follow the download link to see the full patch notes. Update to 3.9.5, new muzzle effect mechanic, accuracy fix, other fixes + tweaks.
Version 1.4.1
- Fontaine
SPT Realism Mod v1.4.1 for SPT 3.9.4
Please follow the download link to see the full patch notes. Replaced BSG's left shoulder swap since it breaks with stances, tweaks and improvements, various fixes and balance changes.
Version 1.4.0
- Fontaine
SPT Realism Mod v1.4.0 for SPT 3.9.2
Please follow the download link to see the full patch notes. Update to 3.9.2 (may work with 3.9.0 or 3.9.1 but not supported), adjustments made to accommodate latest EFT updates, improved pistol ADS and stances, misc. tweaks, fixes and balancing.
Version 1.3.1
- Fontaine
SPT Realism Mod v1.3.1 for SPT 3.8.3
Please follow the download link to see the full patch notes. Fixes, improvements to hazard zones, quests to remove radiation, filters for gas masks, more zones.
I'm confused as to the reasoning for Therapist giving the cash value of items lost. If Prapor only has a low chance to return lost items, then there is no reason not to always insure every item with Therapist. It directly offsets the cost of whatever you lost in raid if you don't care to get the specific gun build/armor back. Imo it makes Prapor pointless to insure with
Fontaine Author
Therapist = handbook value of items, often a lot less than they cost from traders. Some items are rare, cannot be bought, rarely in stock, need to be unlocked via quests, needed for quests.
Prapor = chance to get rare or expensive items back.
Heya, I don't know if I'm doing something wrong. This is my first time installing and attempting to play with RM, I made sure to clean out my mod and plugin folders and use mods that are compatible with realism. Only issue I'm having right now is infinite loading; upon removing and reinstalling mods I found that apparently waypoints with realism is causing the infinite loading bug. (the one where no bundles load and it just hangs on the loading screen). When I remove waypoints everything loads in fine. Am I doing it wrong? or Am I good?
Fontaine Author
Waypoints is not known to conflict, you're installing something wrong
Okay so I believe I found the issue, I use the RC7 testing version of SWAG + Donuts on the SPT discord. when use in conjunction with Realism + Waypoints it causes the infinite loading bug. removing SWAG + donuts and its .dll file fixes the issue.
Sorry boss, I'll tell Arys about this maybe they might have a solution if it is a donut issue.
Hello, I have encountered a problem that I could not find a solution to on the Internet. I don't even know where to turn except here. When loading into a raid, a thick fog appears and strange sounds are constantly played. On a clean version or on a version with only realism installed - everything works fine. But as soon as I install the recommended mods and go into a raid for PMCs, then suddenly this happens. I'm not sure if the problem is in the mod, but I still haven't found a solution that would not cause this, although I assure you that I searched very hard. I do not have any mods installed except for the recommended ones. Please help, someone, I have been suffering for 3 days in order to play without this fog
they got u in hell bro
hope the ancient one dont find u
Fontaine Author
Check the mod page section on hazards and read the descriptions and text for quests added by this mod, it's a quest related event
Is there a way to add modded weapons to the Bots?
Fontaine Author
not currently
it might be just me, but when i put realism into the mod folder, the server doesnt seem to start. only starts when i take realism out of the mod folder. just the mod folder thing though, the plugin works just fine.
Fontaine Author
it is just you
yo, is DRD broken?
it has 10-10-5-5 (front-back-left-right) and blunt damage is -4.9999995% which also isnt right, I assume.
I never use it so its fine, but just thought you wish to know.
Fontaine Author
it's not broken, it's pedo armor
should change it to have negative armor from the back so that backshots basically crit you even more than usual. make it immersive
So, I wanted to modify the game to be mainly about zombies and for that I tried mod "MOAR" (also tried with SVM via halloween and it also didnt work)
I tried a couple of raids and it haven't spawned any zombies (even on 100% infection or max. spawnrate of zombies) Normal scavs and pmc's spawned normally as I have set in the options.
So then i disabled realism and zombies started to spawn as they should (I checked with raid review and with realism mod on only scavs spawned)
I tried changing configurations to fix this but nothing helped me (My thought is that something with realism bot tiers can mix with zombies)
How to fix it?
Fontaine Author
if you disable this mod's spawn changes then it shouldn't affect zombies
I have almost the same problem, only for me neither scavs nor PMCs spawn on the map. Only if you do not confirm the raid settings in the MOAR settings, and this must be done before each raid exit.
I've found the problem,
Looked into error logs and i've got a message that occured only when zombie tried to spawn: "bot: assault lacks a mod slot pool for item: 5b432c305acfc40019478128 item_equipment_facecover_gasmask_GP5".
I turned off Bot Changes, Spawn Tweaks and Hazard Zones and it fixed it, zombies are spawning now.
Fontaine Author
"bot: assault lacks a mod slot pool for item: 5b432c305acfc40019478128 item_equipment_facecover_gasmask_GP5".
Assault is a Scav, not a zombie. It sounds like you had Spawn Tweaks and/or Boss tweaks on top of MOAR which will obviously conflict since they both change spawns. Bot changes should not conflict at all, I have messed with zombies with just Realism mod and it worked perfectly fine.
Do you think you could make it possible to mount Comtacs on helmets other than the TeamWendy EXFIL, like the OPSCORE
Fontaine Author
that's for BSG to do
Is it not possible to modify at all?
Can you please add short-stock and patrol stances to the mouse wheel stance switching?
Like, if you're starting from high ready and scrolling mouse wheel down, your stance would change like this:
High Ready >> Default >> Low Ready >> Short-Stock >> Patrol
Fontaine Author
not straightforward with how unity handles scroll input, would end up messy
I see. That's unfortunate...
I wanted to ask another thing. Would it be possible to make automatic height adjustment for when you try to mount the weapon on an object, like it's implemented in BSG's mounting?
I assume that works in their implementation only because it's very limited in terms of where and when you can mount a weapon, but still, having this feature in your mounting system would be amazing
Fontaine Author
it would end up just being BSG's system, which is limited
Any eta for the FIKA update?

No rush, i am just asking because ive hyped a couple of friends to finally try Tarkov - and now i dont want to play tarkov anymore because i will definitly not play without realism
Fontaine Author
ok, thanks for your reply
is spt still lagging?
random request or question, any thoughts on making an option in the mod to remove the healing but keep some of it? such as the effect of the ai-2 making the same as always but changing most things back to normal
Fontaine Author
ill give you 10 dollars if you do real talk
Fontaine Author
10 dollars is not worth hours of my time and the inevitable bugs
a shame i hope one day you will have the whim to add that change
Fontaine Author
It's not feasible
I never enabled med changes, have tried the revert option but meds are still spawning partial as loose loot... Any fix to this, anyone know? Just curious. Thanks for the hard work Fontaine!
Fontaine Author
What does "spawning partial" mean? If you mean items spawning with a random % of their uses is related to the loot changes config option
I don't know where to write down such thoughts, so I'll write it here.
It's a small thought, so get straight to the point.:
- It always seemed strange that an Operator could so courageously overcome pain during all kinds of operations without flinching a muscle on his marble face. It's really weird...
Don't we have a mod that tries to immerse the player in what we call the brutal realities of fighting in an isolated city? My suggestion is
that during operations, that is, while using surgical kits, our brave mercenary will experience the full range of pain sensations with corresponding effects. Of course, you can take painkillers to numb the pain. Well, or drink vodka / moonshine / whiskey to make it easier to undergo surgery without tormenting our soldier.
P.S.: Greetings from Russia
Fontaine Author
It's tricky to implement with how Realism's med system works. Having low HP on a body part, or blacked body part, gives you a "pain value". The lower your HP, the higher the pain value. Each pain-reducing item has a "pain relief" value, if your total pain relief value is higher than the pain value, you get rid of the pain status effect. If surgery kits caused pain, they'd simultaneously add to your pain value while healing your HP, which reduces your pain value. So using surgery will at best give you no benefit in terms of pain value, at worst cause you more pain than if you didn't do surgery. Maybe it makes sense for balance, as it will make using surgery kits have a significant consequence...I'll have to think about it more.
I am very glad that I was able to provide food for thought and a possible adjustment of the balance of such medical intervention in the future.
Hi, ik you said that there is completly no compatibility with fika, but i wanna ask if no compatibility means at all, or no compatibility with playing with others, one mod requires fika and i preety much want it. So i'm just asking.
You can play locally (solo) while having Fika installed without an issue. But if anyone tries to connect to your server their game will be broken. i.e guns can't be modified, hideout does not load etc.
There is an issue with no PMCs spawning, this is the only mod i have installed. Theres only 3 or 4 scavs at a time in a raid, Is there anything i can do to fix this?
Install Moar + bagels
Same for me! 2 scav and 1 pmc on GZ..
@fallenq I try it 10 min ago, same problem: 0 pmc and bots or 2 bot and 1 pmc in all the map of ground zero.
you have to also go to the bot tab in realism configuratior, and leave only bot loot changes and bot changes in the checkmarks on top, everything else on the top disable. Then on the bottom disable something called pmc personality changes if you have sain installed.
OK, I just wanna say- I'm through a bunch of the questline and I am absolutely impressed with the work and consideration that you've put into this mod, Fontaine. Undisputed king of SPT modding.
I'm working on Former Patients right now, and the consistent pressure the toxic fog puts on you to pay attention to your gas mask filters, and the stress of keeping up with hydration/energy when you need to remove your gear to do it- it all combines to a unique experience that I've been really enjoying. No longer am I the mistress of raids I go into. I'm loving it.
And you added dynamic props to maps! I literally just completed a Customs raid and the whole area around the crackhouse was transformed into a radioactive hellhole with containers and barriers I'd never seen before!
I do wish the fog affected enemy sightlines, since it's really just a debuff for me as a player, but I'll deal with it. Worth it.
Can't wait to see what you come up with next. You are absolutely pushing not just SPT, but the world of Tarkov itself, to new realms.
Fontaine Author
Thanks for the feedback
unfortunately bot behaviour isn't something I'll ever get into, I live that to Solar and others. SAIN might change bot behaviour based on weather? I have a couple more quests to add to that chain for the next update
Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. I'll see if I can dig into SAIN and add something to handle that.
Glad to hear there's more to come, I really appreciate the overarching narrative that you're creating. I think that's something that Tarkov really needs.
Hi, i found a bug.
After drinking or eating the food bar or the thirst bar fills normally, but if you go to a raid as a scav then it reverts back to the moment before eating. For some reason it reverts toxication and radiation too.
I dont think this is a Realism thing. Im seeing similar behavior without Realism installed.
May I ask if this MOD supports version SPT 3.10.1? When I placed the MOD, the system encountered an error and told me that it does not support this version
Fontaine Author
You answered your own question
I may have come across a bit of an issue with the current build of Realism, which I have tested on a fresh SPT 3.10.5 install with only the most recent SPT Realism loaded (v1.5.0 with a stock configuration).
It seems that when opening your inventory in-raid, the exact amount of ammo in your magazine is always displayed, as opposed to the default behaviour where ammo counts are hidden after you fire some rounds from the magazine.
Fontaine Author
I'm not a ware of any changes made to the related skill, did you test with just vanilla SPT?
I did try vanilla SPT as well, and it worked normally.
The easiest way I've found to reproduce it has been to simply take a weapon with a loaded mag into a raid. In vanilla, the mag's ammo counter is replaced with a '?' after firing some rounds until you perform an ammo check, while in my case with Realism it always displays the exact number.
hopefully it's just something i'm doing wrong on my end, but i've been running realism for a while across multiple versions and this is the first time i've come across this.
Fontaine Author
I am able to reproduce, very strange. I've no idea what I could have done to cause it. As far as I am aware mag drills skill is the only thing that affects that?
Not super well-versed on skills but I think it might be something different, mainly because when you do an ammo check with Alt+T outside of your inventory, it shows the expected amount of information based on your mag drills skill. It's only when you open the inventory that it has perfect accuracy (even without doing a mag check).
Also, to make it even more strange, I discovered that when you loot guns from crates or bots, they initially show the '?' instead of the real ammo count like normal. It's only when you start using the guns (not sure specifically which action, it's either mag check or shooting) that they become affected
Fontaine Author
It was the malfunction changes, I fixed it
When I enter the Ground zero map, the map is always empty. 0 bots, 0 players. I have not installed any other mods. Thanks for your work!
Fontaine Author
I'll have a look. Edit: at least for high level GZ they are spawning
I try to reinstall SPT and the MOD, ty bro!
I found the error "Realism Mod: Failed To Find Custom Preset For Bot marksman At Tier 2.".
Maybe can be useful.
Did you ever figure out what is causing this error? I am getting the same thing every once in awhile and it just instantly crashes the map on load.
Wait... and you did FOV fix as well??!! Bloody eck - if there was a Nobel prize for modding, think you'd be a sure thing!
I might be being dumb here, but can't see where I could just take the ready stances solo?
I'm not looking for ultra ultra realism in this playthough - just the stances for immersion 😊
Fontaine Author
You can't
What if I just want your amazing ready stances but not anything else? Like my current mod list that makes it more of a chill after work sim.
Btw I have played your full mod on older versions and my goodness you are some kind of genius bro, coming from someone that works in IT! Dunno how you do it 👏👏👏
Whenever I scope in with anything more than a 2x on some scopes my aiming sensitivity feels like it gets cut in half. Is there a way to disable that setting specifically? Couldn't find it in the config.json, Config Executable, or in the BepInEx F12 menu with advanced settings on. I probably just don't know what that specific setting is called.
Fontaine Author
This mod doesn't touch mouse sensitivity at all, have you played vanilla Tarkov before? The mouse sens is all over the place. Try FOV Fix.
I'm using FOV fix. I'm not sure what it is but I did notice a major change after installing Realism. Does FOV fix have a setting that might adjust this?
Fontaine Author
Did you check the config of FOV fix?
Hey Fontaine,
Love the mod and thank you for updating it to 3.10!
Could you add an option to the Config to turn off the new feature of "Loot randomization" that makes loose meds spawn with random uses remaining?
Thank you and much appreciated
Fontaine Author
Maybe, maybe not
Ive been having a bug that keeps me stuck in any kind of inspect menu and it just says 'blabla", Ive done some research and it seems to be an issue with the realism bullet stats? Realism is the only mod i have installed, along with SAIN. is this with the base SPT game?
Fontaine Author
If that's happening to you, you didn't install or configure the mod or SPT correctly, or do in fact have another mod installed that's conflicting that you forgot about.
Having some trouble surviving in toxic gas. I have the gas mask equipped, the mask overlay is displaying, the breathing noises are playing, and there is a full filter in the mask. The Gas Analyzer is also equipped in the special slot and is making it's typical noises for gas. Despite this, my character is coughing, gets tunnel vision, blurred vision, and loses health rapidly.
Is this caused by a potential conflict, a bug, or am I missing something?
Fontaine Author
Make 100% sure you have a filter which isnt't used up, and that the durability of the gas mask isn't at low duraiblity. If it's a gas mask from another mod it needs patches to work properly
I'm not entirely sure what is going on but it could be linked to what you mentioned about compatibility. Masks from I believe TGC or BlackCore were showing Realism stats and filter slots except for radiation and gas protection. However, I overlooked the fact that gas and radiation protection were missing prior to a fresh installation since the other masks that are standard to the game like the GP-7 were also missing gas and radiation protection that I initially did not notice but they did have the other Realism changes.
I decided to start a fresh install of SPT along with the same mods and settings from the previous version. The non-standard gas masks no longer have Realism settings while the GP-7 and a few others from base Tarkov do.
Has TGC compatibility not yet been implemented into this version of SPT Realism? I noticed a green text in the SPTServer saying that Realism recognizes TGC and is applying changes.
Fontaine Author
It sounds like you're breaking your install. Always test without any other mods installed. Never carry over files or configs or settings from previous installed that were bugged. Never do it if the previous install was a differen version of SPT. TGC has compatibility files provided by DevilFlippy, do not use any from previous installs. There's nothing else I can do for you beyond that.
when enable hardcore fleamarket, sometimes i can not open flea market
TypeError: matchingOffers is not iterable
Fontaine Author
Make sure you don't have any other mods that touch flea, including SVM
yes i do not have those mods
Anyone encounter this issue? Won't show any attachments and I cannot close it either, if I remove Realism it goes away. I installed Realism Compat because I run WTT PackNStrap, but it didn't solve my issue.
Mods that I run atm -
I've had the same. Fixes itself when I remove the weapon stock. Errors in the logs indicated something to do with the stocks and stat calculations from Realism.
You can't, however, put the stock back on again. So something is busted
Here as well. I'm running with the "rogue mod" that has special weapon mods for auto/cal changes, and when i assemble them with a stock it breaks the game like that.
Fontaine Author
The first step before reporting any issue is always testing with no other mods installed. You have a large mod list, you have mod incompatibility, nothing I can do about it.
@fack mods like that which overlap with Realism mod will not be compatible.
I was also getting this error, so I created a fresh install with just Realism and Epic's All in One and simply clicking on the "Draco" under assault rifles in the handbook causes this to happen.
I realize this is a case of "you have mod incompatibility, nothing I can do about it.", but I figured I'd let you know since DevilFlippy's compat has it listed as compatible.
Fontaine Author
mention it to DevilFlippy since he made the patch, but only after making sure you installed everything correctly, and have the right load order
How do I enable zombies? I tried using "All Zombies All Day" and SVM, but zombies still won't appear.
Is this incompatible with your mod? I have already disabled all BOT generation options.
The infection level is displayed on the map, but no zombies appear.
Fontaine Author
If you disabled the spawn changes then it's an issue with SVM
How do you brace / mount weapons ? i cant find the key in the f12 config or anything about how to do it anywhere
Should be bound to V. you should see the little weapon brace icon on the bottom right go from gray to white and see your weapon "lock" to the surface
Fontaine Author
It's now a BSG key bind
Thanks gents i got it figured out now. Cheers !