SPT Realism Mod 1.4.0

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.9.X
Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

Realistic Overhaul of SPT designed around making the game experience as realistic and hardcore as possible. Highly configurable!

  • Version 1.4.0

    SPT Realism Mod v1.4.0 for SPT AKI 3.9.2

    Please follow the download link to see the full patch notes. Update to 3.9.2 (may work with 3.9.0 or 3.9.1 but not supported), adjustments made to accommodate latest EFT updates, improved pistol ADS and stances, misc. tweaks, fixes and balancing.

  • Version 1.3.1

    SPT Realism Mod v1.3.1 for SPT AKI 3.8.3

    Please follow the download link to see the full patch notes. Fixes, improvements to hazard zones, quests to remove radiation, filters for gas masks, more zones.

  • Version 1.3.0

    SPT Realism Mod v1.3.0 for SPT AKI 3.8.3

    Please follow the download link to see the full patch notes. Hazard zones (requires medical changes, I don't want to hear it), new mechanics, rebalancing, tweaks and many fixes.

  • Version 1.2.2

    SPT Realism Mod v1.2.2 for SPT AKI 3.8.3

    Please follow the download link to see the full patch notes. Several fixes, new mechanics, rebalancing and tweaks.

  • Version 1.2.1

    SPT Realism Mod v1.2.1 for SPT AKI 3.8.1

    Please follow the download link to see the full patch notes. Some fixes, improvements to stance scroll wheel bind, and tweaks to TTK.

  • Version 1.2.0

    SPT Realism Mod v1.2.0 for SPT AKI 3.8.1

    Please follow the download link to see the full patch notes. Updated to 3.8.1, linux compatibility, added scroll wheel bind and multi-key bind options for stances, a few tweaks and fixes.

  • Version 1.1.2

    SPT Realism Mod v1.1.2 for SPT AKI 3.8.0

    Please follow the download link to see the full patch notes. This build has fixes, including for scav looting bots compatibility, and numerous tweaks and balance changes.

  • Version 1.1.1

    SPT Realism Mod v1.1.1 for SPT AKI 3.8.0

    Please follow the download link to see the full patch notes. This build has fixes for the fix for looting bots compatibility (was allowing looting bots compat option when loot changes were disabled which should not be possible), and being able to use multiple AR-15 style stocks.

  • Version 1.1.0

    SPT Realism Mod v1.1.0 for SPT AKI 3.8.0

    Please follow the download link to see the full patch notes. This release brings back bot loot progression, has important fixes, balance changes and some additional attachments and calibre conversion.

  • Version 1.0.1

    SPT Realism Mod v1.0.1 for SPT AKI 3.8.0

    Please follow the download link to see the full patch notes. This patch contains a number of fixes, balance changes and additional config options that were requested.

    Important Fixes:

    • Fixed player scavs spawning with invalid armor.
    • Fixed lack of headbob, camera aimpunch and tilting of player view when leaning. Also fixes the issue with using freelook while leaning.

  • I looked up for info, but didnt find one. Why bots spawns are so strange? I seems like they spawns in~2-3 minutes after raid starts.

    Im facing the situations, when i run through the location - empty , 3 minutes later there is shooting in this place,

    How does it works?

  • Is it this mod or some other that can display bots/their info in raid? I have seen screenshots of someone seeing their info above their head (would be handy when checking the spawns) and was wondering what mod you can do it with?

  • What's the best beginner's walkthrough in realism mod?

    What should i do first and foremost? Which traders etc

    How to get good access to surgery kits and strong painkillers?

    • That's all for the player to figure out for themselves, part of the fun

  • Any way I can use just the pmc/raider/scav/rogue gear presets from this mod?

  • What is the penalty to depleting arm stamina? I can't notice any

  • I have Sain, Swag Donuts, Dynamic Map, and Realism installed. I don't know if I'm doing something wrong, but the bots are not affected by sain settings, PMCs are shooting me through walls, and floors, and head eyeing me across the map, or when I'm hiding and PMCs come along. I changed the bot config, I turned the bot difficulty on and off to see if there was a difference. I have set Sain bots to baby - Death wish, I changed AI difficulty as in online - impossible and they keep doing the same thing. Scavs are changing but not the PMCs. Is there something I'm missing? I'm all for difficult bots but I don't want to lose every single fight with a PMC because the millisecond my head or body shows I immediately die no matter what.

  • Love the mod and appreciate the work on it. Is there a way to disable damage transfer from limbs? Can't stand getting killed by one or two shots to my arm. Thanks man.

  • One more question, with hazards on, I can often see rooms just filled with dead scavs and raiders on the underground portions of reserve.

    Is there any logic, that can make them realize, that there's something wrong? Could SAIN be the conflict for that feature?

    I have also seen groups of dead scavs in the compound for the Safe Corridor quest. This could potentially be a blocker for that specific quest, but I couldn't confirm if there was gas or radiation in that room (free cam after raid).

    • Raiders have 100% chance to have gas masks

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Whats the difference in wearing gas masks with and without filters? Are the stats to gas and radiation supposed to change with a filter installed?

  • I got an issue where the GM counter and GasAn dont make any sound, I tried putting them in my gamma,pockets,vest,backpack - no sound at all when exposed to radiation/toxic gas

    • Did you put them in the special slots?

    • Can't do that, when I tried to it's just a normal red slot highlight as when youre trying to put an armored chest rig on a Gen4

  • Is there a way to adjust the likelihood of items being in stock overall when using randomized traders, similar to the setting for stackable items?

    If not, that would be a nice thing to have at some point.

    Also: the new version works without issues and minimal need to do configs in my setup of like 30 mods, nice!

    It's very different from last time I set everything up and had to fiddle around for like 3 days to get everything to play well together.

  • On 3.9.3 if you disable the "Recoil and Attachment Overhaul" setting in the mod settings app then a bug occurs where when you change anything in your inventory your weapon ADS speed becomes extremely slow until you swap your weapon, reload it, change an attachment, etc.


      Thumbs Up 1
  • Was just wondering if anyone else was having an issue with the recoil being MASSIVELY exaggerated? I just downloaded and wiped my profile just to enjoy the new SPT update with Realism now that it's out (good god, vanilla is unplayable after using this mod) and when using a SCAR-16 it was shaking the whole screen like I firing some kind of anti-material rifle :/ Never had this happen on previous versions so just wanted to see how the community was doing with the latest 3.9.x shenaningans.

    Love the work, Fontaine! Like I said, vanilla SPT feels like garbage after having played this the last three updates

    • Figured it out, I was being goofy using the Olympus mod and with the Hercules Chest Rig your weight capacity is set to negative, which drastically increases the recoil

  • Am I the only one who has the smoothness of the transition animation from the high ready stance while running gets thrown off after a while?

  • First of all, Fontaine, THANK YOU FOR A GREAT MOD!

    I've enjoyed it so much, now its definitely one of my favourites.

    While playing SPT I've started to use more and more mods, and now I have very small amount of bots on the map for some reason. Is there a way to increase the number of bots please?

    Also I've tried other big mods and wanted to keep some things from Realism — at least knockdown and disarming for player and bots. Is there a way to use these things separately?

    • with swag+donut there are multiple presets you can choose that will affect the spawn rate of scavs and pmcs, you can also make your own presets

      theres also a bot hardcap settings where you can choose how many pmcs, and scavs you want to spawn respectively on each map (hardcap), and you can also tweak which frequency

      for pmc i recomend the starting-pmcs-only preset which will spawn pmcs at the start of the raid and scavs later on which is more like base eft

      and for scavs i recomend the scav raid preset which spawns some pmcs and more scavs at random spots to simulate a player scav going into an ongoing raid

  • Will there be a view from the chest cam?

  • i think pmc toxicity and radiation carries over to your scav. i had 20 toxicity as a pmc and went onto my scav who had 0 and he was coughing the entire raid throughout multiple raids on different maps. once i got rid of the toxicity on my pmc my scav stopped coughing. is that on purpose or a bug

  • QQ, it seems that for the majority of the items Ref has the best selling price, and by a lot.

    This is with all the checkboxes in the traders section on. F.E. an AK that I could sell to Prapor for 10800, and about the same price to skier, was over 15k to Ref.

    Is this intended, are his prices not adjusted in some way?

  • im currently on 3.9.3 and im having some issues and the game is just stuck on the title screen so i am not sure if its my fault or with the mod but i highly doubt it,and i have no idea how to revert SPT to a different version.

    Thumbs Up 1
    • same

    • Create a folder on your desktop then move all mods to that folder. Then one by one add those mods back in to the user mods folder or the BepInEx plugin folder. Then load the game and see if you get that same error. My guess is that one of those mods are not named correctly in the current 3.8.3 package file.

  • I play with realism mod on 3.9.3 and there arent any issues so far.

  • compatible with 3.9.3?

    Thumbs Up 1
  • Hey, I seem to have an issue with my shots not being registered at all, Firstly I've done some tests and tried the mod combined with Sain and Donuts and it was fine except the hit registering part, so I tried without the

    Realism mod and it worked fine, then I tried with just the Realism mod and sadly it was a bummer (note this was on a fresh install of spt and realism mod with nothing changed in the menus)

    I hope that you could help me because I geniunely enjoy the mod but its impossible to play like this.


  • for any looking for weapon stance key binds and missed them they are in the f12 menu under "12. weapon stances keybind" the default is left control

  • hello! thanks for your work friend! The mod is incredible! I wanted to ask quickly, is 9.3.2 compatible with 3.9.3? thanks my friend !

    • Don't spam the mod page, there's no such thing as "9.3.2"

    • I mean if 3.9.2 is compatible with 3.9.3

    • He kinda spammed the page not using his brain to register that you meant 3.9.2. Yikes

  • How do I change the server loading order, after installing realism it changed the last thing to load which is preventing me from loading the game.

  • Hi there love the mod and interested in the new mechanic just curious will there be any chance we could get more customization with the hazard zones in the bepinx? I like the radiation but not that it carries over from player scav to the next, it makes sense for the pmc since its the same operator, but now im spawning in every scav raid with extreme radiation poisoning and no way to treat it, and it essentially ends my runs before they start. Again love the work you do just my thoughts would love to hear yours.

    • Player scav is easy mode, it's supposed to punish being careless with the P. Scav to add rish/reward. If you check the mod page, you'll find a way to cure your P. Scav

  • Don't know if its a problem with this mod or something else but I'm just stuck waiting in the initial loading screen

  • Thanks for your amazing work! Any chance of making it possible to stash the gas masks in our special slots?

  • Hi Fontaine! Is it possible to make the mod a little more configurable, I would like to have the adrenaline effect without the total medical overhaul, Thank you!

    Thumbs Up 1
    • I know your question is well-meaning but I've already caused myself additional work and frustration having the mod as modular as it is.

      Heart 1
  • Dumb question but what percentage of features can be turned on/off? For example, if I ONLY wanted to use the AI gear progression portion of this mod, is that doable?

    • Yeah it is, i honestly prefer this progression compared to valens or ALP