Featured SPT Realism Mod 1.2.1

Realistic Overhaul of SPT designed around making the game experience as realistic and hardcore as possible. Highly configurable!

  • Version 1.2.1

    SPT Realism Mod v1.2.1 for SPT AKI 3.8.1

    Please follow the download link to see the full patch notes. Some fixes, improvements to stance scroll wheel bind, and tweaks to TTK.

  • Version 1.2.0

    SPT Realism Mod v1.2.0 for SPT AKI 3.8.1

    Please follow the download link to see the full patch notes. Updated to 3.8.1, linux compatibility, added scroll wheel bind and multi-key bind options for stances, a few tweaks and fixes.

  • Version 1.1.2

    SPT Realism Mod v1.1.2 for SPT AKI 3.8.0

    Please follow the download link to see the full patch notes. This build has fixes, including for scav looting bots compatibility, and numerous tweaks and balance changes.

  • Version 1.1.1

    SPT Realism Mod v1.1.1 for SPT AKI 3.8.0

    Please follow the download link to see the full patch notes. This build has fixes for the fix for looting bots compatibility (was allowing looting bots compat option when loot changes were disabled which should not be possible), and being able to use multiple AR-15 style stocks.

  • Version 1.1.0

    SPT Realism Mod v1.1.0 for SPT AKI 3.8.0

    Please follow the download link to see the full patch notes. This release brings back bot loot progression, has important fixes, balance changes and some additional attachments and calibre conversion.

  • Version 1.0.1

    SPT Realism Mod v1.0.1 for SPT AKI 3.8.0

    Please follow the download link to see the full patch notes. This patch contains a number of fixes, balance changes and additional config options that were requested.

    Important Fixes:

    • Fixed player scavs spawning with invalid armor.
    • Fixed lack of headbob, camera aimpunch and tilting of player view when leaning. Also fixes the issue with using freelook while leaning.

  • Version 1.0.0

    SPT Realism Mod v1.0.0 for SPT AKI 3.8.0

    NOT compatible with earlier versions of SPT!


    Realism Mod has finally reached version v1.0 with its update to EFT patch 14. The bulk of the features I had planned from the start are now implemented, as well as the features I had been waiting on BSG to implement like plates

    There are still many more ideas I have kicking around and a few things still need to be implemented, and there are possible new features for the future, but I now consider Realism mod to be close to "done" and feature complete as is.

    Thank you to everyone who has helped me along the way and supported me, everyone who provided feedback and bug reports, you've all been invaluable in the development of this mod. Here's a mod trailer to celebrate:

    Follow the download link to see the release notes with fixes, changes and new features.

  • Version 0.14.12

    SPT Realism Mod v0.14.12 for SPT AKI 3.7.6 - Hotfix

    NOT compatible with earlier versions of SPT


    • Fixed melee hits not registering

    Known Issues:

    • Can hit self with melee in the legs.
    • If enabling "Add Keys to PMCs" they will often spawn with multiple keys, and most of the time at least 1. I've tried everything to prevent this.
    • SPT/EFT is cursed.
  • Version 0.14.11

    SPT Realism Mod v0.14.11 for SPT AKI 3.7.6 - REUPLOADED 31/12/2023

    NOT compatible with earlier versions of SPT

    Just a small update to 3.7.6 with some minor fixes and changes.

    31/12/2023 Reupload: fixed canted sight no longer being compatible with slots it should be.


    • Fixed how the "flatness" attachment stat affects the displayed vertical recoil stat of weapons to avoid confusion.
    • Improved how tac devices are added to additional weapon slots, now almost all slots that accept canted sights will also accept tac devices.
    • Fixed BSG flea blacklist always being enforced if Realism is installed.
    • Fixed revolvers and .338 ammo not being affected by trader stock changes.
    • Fixed incorrect handling of generating ammo in bot chambers which led to error spam in the error log.

    Tweaks & Minor Changes:

    • Increased trader money stock.
    • Improved the selection of USEC helmets during night raids, at tier 3-5 they should now almost always spawn with helmets capable of accepting NVGs.
    • Nerfed AR-15 pattern rifle recoil.
    • Improved selection of 5.56 ammo for Bears at tiers 3-4.
    • Slightly increased weapon recoil by changing default Convergence Multi and Recoil Climb config values.

    Known Issues:

    • Can hit self with melee in the legs.
    • If enabling "Add Keys to PMCs" they will often spawn with multiple keys, and most of the time at least 1. I've tried everything to prevent this.
    • SPT/EFT is cursed.
  • Version 0.14.10

    SPT Realism Mod v0.14.10 for SPT AKI 3.7.4 - HOTFIX, REUPLOADED

    NOT compatible with earlier versions of SPT


    • Fixed tiered flea not allowing offers, offering anything and tiers not working,.

    Known Issues:

    • Can hit self with melee in the legs.
    • If enabling "Add Keys to PMCs" they will often spawn with multiple keys, and most of the time at least 1. I've tried everything to prevent this.
    • SPT/EFT is cursed.

  • Regarding SPT 3.8.0/EFT Patch 14

    ...Yeah, I'm thinking we're back.

    Heart 33 Thumbs Up 6 Thinking 1
    • Wish the best and do what you gotta do in real life. Looking forward to it when you're able to. :thumbup:

      Heart 2
    • Not a problem, your mod is always the best, take your time, just thanks for your job :thumbup:

      Heart 1
    • Worth waiting for a mod as fun as Realism, I'll be sure to check in from time to time. Don't stress yourself out. Good luck :)

      Heart 2
    • Take your time man, RL comes first always.

      We're just gonna have to play with dumb bots for a while.

      Heart 1
    • godspeed you! black emperor.

      Heart 1
  • I just upgraded to 1.2.1. If I don't have "PMC Type Changes" enabled, the goons spawn 100% every raid. The reason I disabled that is because I use DONUTS + SWAG and the compatibility notes on that mod's webpage state that PMC Type changes, along with a list of other settings, needs to be disabled in the realism mod config. I'm fairly certain I missed disabling that setting when I setup 1.1.2 when I started a couple weeks ago. The I only other mods I have are Amands graphics overhaul, borkel's NVG's and "the" optics rework.

    The game with realism has been great up until this learning event. Goons 100% of the time just isn't what I'm looking for so PMC Type Changes stays enabled until I can get some better advice. This brings into question the compatibility recommendations and what exactly I'm disabling for what reason. I do not understand what these mods do for spawning in the first place so how they interact is beyond me. Should I not be following those recommendations? Just looking for any insight.

  • Hey there Fontaine, upon playing around with various reflex sights in the shooting range I've noticed that some of their reticles get misaligned and move from the center of where they should be.

    I tested all of the reflex sights in game with both additional recoil enabled and disabled, i've also tested it on a clean game with only Realism enabled to make sure it's not some other mod causing the issue. It's only these two where the problem occurs:


    These following screenshots were taken after a shooting a few rounds just so you can see, the reticle gets misaligned:


    As I've mentioned above, I've tested every reflex sight there is in the game, and it's only these two causing issues, every other reflex sight works fine without any issue. Hope this gets resolved in the future update.

  • Can anyone confirm if the latest version (1.2.1) works with 3.8.3? The reason I'm asking is that I am trying to start a raid I get to a never ending "Creating loot pools... (100%)" so I can't enter any raid. I don't think it's this mod nor do any console errors point to this, but I'm just trying to rule things out.

  • Hi, I'm having an issue where the game says 'Generating PMCs (0%)' for a long time and in general it takes 10-15 minutes to load in a match sometimes. I checked my server and found this error related to SPT Realism Mod. Any suggestions or help?

  • I just realised I might have an issue with the health/medical system. When I get a bleed and/or blacked out stomach for example. All my other limbs go down a few percent aswell as expected. Once I stop the bleeding and fix the limb my health of the other limbs never increases again. The fixed limb also stays at 1 forever no matter how my water/energy looks.

    Shouldn't it slowly increase to 50%?

  • Greetings, I'm a having a plates weight error that continues to come up after the bots are generated when using the BOT CHANGES and PMC BOT CHANGES portion of Realism.


    I'm running the following mods, but don't believe I have anything that is changing equipment data and wondering if this is working as intended or if something is off.


    Thanks a ton!

  • Is there any way to disable the flea market completely? I used to use Server Value Modifier to set the unlock level to 99, but after I installed Realism, the flea is unlocked at all times regardless. I can't seem to make SVM take priority over Realism.

    I know the mod makes stuff more expensive and whatnot, but I'm trying to do a hardcore run, and it's frustrating seeing bot offers show up all the time when I linked search.

    • Have a look at the mod description and mod config, disable flea changes

  • The mod is full of shit - bots shoot through buildings and see through the whole map, and about weapons in 100% good condition that misfire through every shot.... facepalm :thumbdown:

    • it's sounds like you're mistaking issues with the mod with your own bad install/mod list, ignorance of game mechanics, skill issue and general low intelligence

      Happy 1
    • Don't worry about it, @Fontaine. Boomers like him will always find others' mistakes and choose to be ignorant. 8o

    • The reason the mod is "full of shit" is because all of your shit is dripping onto it.

      Translation: Skill issue, womp womp.

  • Can i make a suggestion?

    Could you add an option for a Realistic Eating and drinking time?

    Instead of Emptying a 0.6 liter waterbottle in 3 swigs it could loop to take a bit longer.
    Same with food.

    i think it might be possible since the animation already loops.

    Would make Eating and drinking a bit more of a time factor.

  • Is there a way to disable the traders limit on item quantities? I don't link that 80% of items have 0 stock available, it should always have 1 at least

    • yes you can edit config files or launch the realism config.exe in mod folder. You have a option for trader ( randomize item, stock and price in my memory). It's a good mod that you can customize 👍

  • I have an issue regarding the Flea Market and I'm not sure if it's this mod or SPT in general. Sometimes when I post an offer for an item at around 10-20% below avg value, it doesn't get sold, and when I filter by that item to find my offer and other offers of the same item my offer isn't listed. Did that make sense? It is like my offer is hidden or not listed at all in the general flea market, but I can still find it in "My offers"

  • just had an instance while free caming around a few raids setting up my server and with boss notifier mod i was told "Goons spawned near Destroyed House" on lighthouse. after flying around for a while.. no where to be seen. any idea where "Destroyed house" is on lighthouse? othe bosses have spawned so im unsure where in the world they could be. just curious thanks for any feedback

  • Hey,

    Really like the mod!

    I noticed that the HP variants like 5.56 or 5.45 HP Have VERY high penetration
    Is that on purpose? it seems to be VERY strong for Cheap ammo.

    5.45x39 has 93% chance of light bleed, 39% for heavy Bleed.
    110Damage an 52 pen.

    • 50-60 pen is not "very high"

  • Как сделать чтоб медицина работала как нужно?

    • В папке с модами найти SPT-Realism, затем в ней же открой exe-шник SPT-Realism Mod Config - там можно убрать и новую систему лечения, и барахолку вернуть прежнюю, и прочее

  • Hey people, I wanted to ask if anyone of you has ever encountered a performance problem and server error after updating Realism while in use with Questing Bots?

    I am not 100% sure but after updating Realism I began seeing a red error in the server and huge fps loss (same error you would see in Questing Bots' comments section, 2nd comment).

  • I put the mounting key to z. But when pressing it nothing really changes?


  • Is it normal behavior for bots to spawn within 75m of you?
    On Shoreline I cleared and looted Scav island. As I was running back over the wrecked boat two scavs, a PMC spawn on the island and I'm getting shot in the back! A bit unrealistic.

    Also when these spawns happen it appears they all spawn next to each other so there's an immediate firefight.

    I'm only running 3.8.1, accurate radar and SPT Realism 1.2.1.

    • This mod has nothing to do with any of that

  • How do I remove helmets from goons and tagillas?

  • Hello, I really like your mod. I would like to promote your mod to everyone. So I was wondering if it would be possible for me to support your translation work. I can translate your mod into Traditional Chinese for us to read and use. Thank you.

    • I appreciate the offer, but I need someone to implement the code infrastructure to allow translations in the first place

    • Got it, thank you for your reply. If you finish, you can contact me here:


  • Hey, I love the mod but mounting doesnt seem to work for me. I approach cover and the little symbol shows up in the bottom right corner but when I hit my hotkey (m), nothing happens. Does anyone know a fix to this?

  • I would really like to see more granularity over trader offers. I like the randomization function, but I got fairly annoyed trying to get a hold of carbine Mosins and VPO-215s especially for Tarkov Shooter 3. I'd like some kind of way to assure that 'shitty' items are available all the time, like the army bag from Prapor or the white armor after unlocking it from Skier, but still have the majority of items working normally.

    Hate Tarkov Shooter 3 so much.

  • (actually, saw this elsewhere) No longer need to set everything to compatibility settings?) And disable those bot options you mentioned before? Don't remember them all, but I know a couple were spawn wave tweaks, boss spawn tweaks, open zones fix etc.

  • Love everything about this mod! A friend of mine isn't too fond of certain med changes, and I've been trying to see if I could make meds heal a little bit as well. Is there any easy way for me to edit some code to say, make something like an ifak heal a body part over time, instead of just surgery kits doing that, and at a faster rate? I've tried fiddling with it a little bit and can get meds to heal like a stim, but it seems to lose the ability to heal bleeds then.

  • congratulations for the mod, essential.

    I have a question, in the f12 menu, some miscellaneous options do not appear, such as the one relating to malfunctions, can you tell me why?

    Thank you

    • if you disable features they won't show up in the F12 menu

    • Thanks for the reply.

      the options are correctly selected in the config file, but no further options appear in game.

      for example, I would like to disable the malfunction without inspection, but I don't have the option

  • Hello, I was wondering if anyone can tell me how to disable the med changes? I know it's through the config and it's the "revert med changes" but my meds stay the same regardless even after saving said changes and wiping a character. Is there something else i need to change or am i missing something?

    • restart the server, load the game with the mod installed and that option ticked

      Thumbs Up 1
    • Thank you that worked.

  • is there a config or something I could add gear into that would add it into their loot pool I am mostly wanting to add armored rigs/backpacks from painter and just unsure how

  • I'm having some issues with Realism in 3.8.1 Whenever I run the game and bots spawn I get a lot of these. It doesn't happen if I turn off the Bot Changes, but that is the main part I use it for. I'm running SVM, QuestingBots, LootingBots, SAIN, Swag+Donuts.

    Plate slot: Right_side_plate lacks weights for armor: 61bc85697113f767765c7fe7, unable to adjust plate choice, using existing data
    Plate slot: Front_plate lacks weights for armor: 609e8540d5c319764c2bc2e9, unable to adjust plate choice, using existing data
    Plate slot: Back_plate lacks weights for armor: 609e8540d5c319764c2bc2e9, unable to adjust plate choice, using existing data
    Plate slot: Left_side_plate lacks weights for armor: 609e8540d5c319764c2bc2e9, unable to adjust plate choice, using existing data
    Plate slot: Right_side_plate lacks weights for armor: 609e8540d5c319764c2bc2e9, unable to adjust plate choice, using existing data
    Plate slot: Front_plate lacks weights for armor: 61bc85697113f767765c7fe7, unable to adjust plate choice, using existing data

    And much more. I'm trying to figure out why. I wasn't having any issues with it in 3.8.0 so not sure if it's my end or something else.


  • Getting the following error when trying to load into raids. Happens on woods, shoreline, interchange, ground zero, and customs. Any idea how I might fix?

  • Even when this is the only mod I instal I still have the same issue.
