Featured Amands's Graphics 1.6.2

Lighting and postprocessing overhaul

Experimental mods/updates can be found on GitHub

Amands's Graphics

This mod changes EFT's default lighting and postprocessing













Graphics toggle default key is Insert.

Default Brightness, lighting, fog and tone map settings can be changed by pressing F12

(click somewhere else to leave).

Advanced settings allows for better customization



Tone mapping was improved and now has options ACES and Filmic. Brightness can be changed.

ColorCorrectionCurves, LUT, CC_Vintage and CustomGlobalFog were removed to improve black levels.

Experimental maps Sun color was improved.

Presets you can save and load presets, they are saved at BepInEx/plugins/AmandsGraphics/.

EFT's PostFX still works, although I recommend disabling any Color grading.

FPS shouldn't change while GPU limited and not using Cinematic Features.

Experimental/Cinematic Features NVG overhaul, Flashlight overhaul, MysticalGlow, HBAO tweaks, Motion blur, Depth of field when using scopes, Optics Depth of field and Z-Blur overhaul.







Planned Features

Experimental maps Better Sun colors and Skylight colors.

New Cinematic Features.

Flashlights rework improvements.

Known Issues

Flashlight sometimes needs toggle to activate.

AmandsGraphics's Compatible mods


SamSWAT's Time & Weather Changer

Fontaine's FOV Fix

Thanks to CWX, SamSWAT for their mods helping me on modding in general.

r1ft's ByeByeBlackFilter mod also removes ColorCorrectionCurves.

thanks pin for beta testing










  • Version 1.6.2

    SPT-AKI 3.8.3 (29197), 3.8.0+ (29197)

    Extract the .zip and move the BepInEx folder to your main SPT directory, 7zip required.


    NEW! Smol things

    HealthEffect Pain is now a toggle.

    NightAmbientLight is now Off by default (Darker nights).

    ACES is back being the default Tonemap.

    Config file versioning.

    New Player method patch.

    FIXED! Smol problems

    HealthEffect Pain blurring entire screen.

    Debug SPT client spam, thanks Arys.

    SquidInk bug.

  • Version 1.6.0

    SPT-AKI 3.8.0 (29197) ONLY

    Extract the .zip and move the BepInEx folder to your main SPT directory, 7zip recommended.


    1.5.3 Config file is compatible with this version BepInEx/config/com.Amanda.Graphics.cfg.

    NEW! Experimental Ground Zero


    NEW! HealthEffects Pain


    Experimental Customizable Pain Radial Blur effect, Disabled by Default.

    NEW! Smol things

    Filmic is now the default Tonemap.

    Tweaked Filmic tonemap values on all maps to visually match ACES.

    Sun Brightness and Sky Brightness.

    FIXED! Smol problems

    SPT-AKI 3.8.0 compatibility.

    Squid ink bug on screen might be fixed, I didn't have the issue before so if you had let me know if it's fixed.

  • Version 1.5.3

    SPT-AKI 3.7.6 (26535), 3.6.1+ (25206)

    Extract the .zip and move the BepInEx folder to your main SPT directory, 7zip recommended.


    1.5.2 Config file is compatible with this version BepInEx/config/com.Amanda.Graphics.cfg.

    NEW! HealthEffects Hit

    Optional New Hit effect, Disabled by Default.

    NEW! HealthEffects PainKiller


    Experimental Customizable Painkiller effect, Disabled by Default.

    NEW! Smol things

    Amands On/Off UI Text.

    Streets MBOIT Scattering Support.

    High-Quality Color Notification.

    FIXED! Smol problems

    Hideout/Factory not showing muzzle flash/smoke.

    Possibly fixed NVG Rare loading errors, NVG Noise Intensity.

    Labs has received its own set of HBAO settings due to it looking different than other maps.

    Renamed useLut, CC_Vintage, CC_Sharpen, CustomGlobalFog, GlobalFog and ColorCorrectionCurves

    to avoid confusion as they are not meant to be changed individually, they disable the mod's changes.

  • Version 1.5.2

    SPT-AKI 3.6.1 (25206), 3.1.0+ (19078). SPT-AKI 3.7.0 Partially Supported.

    Extract the .zip and move the BepInEx folder to your main SPT directory, 7zip recommended.


    1.5.1 Config file and Presets are compatible with this version BepInEx/config/com.Amanda.Graphics.cfg.

    NEW! Experimental MysticalGlow



    Using my witch powers, I have summoned a lighting spell that comes from the center of the earth. You can adjust its intensity using the MysticalGlow Intensity setting and one of my goblins will dig down earth to change the light bulb power, Disabled by Default.

    FIXED! Smol problems

    If you weren't a fan of dark interiors, you can use MysticalGlow to make them brighter instead of tonemap changes.

  • Version 1.5.1

    SPT-AKI 3.5.5 (22617), 3.1.0+ (19078)

    Extract the .zip and move the BepInEx folder to your main SPT directory, 7zip recommended.


    1.5.0 Config file and Presets are compatible with this version BepInEx/config/com.Amanda.Graphics.cfg.

    NEW! Interchange Update



    NEW! Reserve Update


    FIXED! Smol problems

    SPT-AKI 3.5.5 compatibility.

    New NVG Patch.

    Interchange and Reserve slight changes to Tonemap.

    NOTES! Fog update

    BSG has changed how fog renders and it now looks better in every map, Fog Level set to -50 also looks good.

  • Version 1.5.0

    SPT-AKI 3.5.4 (22173), 3.1.0+ (19078)

    Extract the .zip and move the BepInEx folder to your main SPT directory, 7zip recommended.


    1.4.0 Config file and Presets* are compatible with this version BepInEx/config/com.Amanda.Graphics.cfg.

    NEW! Experimental NVG Overhaul



    Experimental NVG Postprocessing and Lighting overhaul for night vision goggles, Enabled by Default.

    Settings are NVG AmbientContrast, NoiseIntensity, OriginalColor, OriginalSkyColor, CustomGlobalFogIntensity and NVG MoonLight Intensity.

    NVG AmbientContrast fixes foliage pitch black issues, decals are also fixed and now appear on night vision.

    OriginalSkyColor fixes interior glow by default, set this to 1 for brighter interiors.

    OriginalColor On by default, you can turn it Off for an image without any filters.



    Interiors are now correctly lit from light portals, Use NVG OriginalSkyColor to revert this change.


    Interchange has received its own set of settings due to it looking different than other maps.

    NightAmbientContrast, NVGNoiseIntensity, NVGAmbientContrast and NVGOriginalSkyColor.

    NEW! Experimental Night AmbientLight

    Slightly brighter nights, doesn't affect interiors, Enabled by Default.

    FIXED! Smol problems

    Moon mesh is now brighter and cuter.

    INCOMPATIBLE! SPT-AKI 3.5.5+ (22617).

  • Version 1.4.0

    SPT-AKI 3.5.3 (22173), 3.1.0+ (19078)

    Extract the .zip and move the BepInEx folder to your main SPT directory, 7zip recommended.


    1.3.0 Config file and Presets* are compatible with this version BepInEx/config/com.Amanda.Graphics.cfg.

    NEW! Experimental Flashlight Overhaul



    Experimental Flashlight changes, customizable range and volumetrics, Enabled by Default.

    Planned features are brightness, more volumetrics control and better player flashlight detection.

    When comparing graphics with insert the volumetrics takes time to update.



    Inventory and gesture screen depth of field.

    Distance, Aperture, Speed and FocalLength can be changed, Distance set to 0.01 will blur the gun too.

    On Graphics settings High-quality color needs to be On for depth of field to work properly.

    NEW! WeaponDOF Update
    Weapon, IronSights, Sights and NVG are now the settings available.

    Collimators and Scopes were combined into Sights.

    NVG is now always blurred even when aiming with iron sights.

    NEW! Tonemap Update

    Streets has brighter blacks while having a similar overall brightness.

    Hideout wasn't working as intended and it was reworked.

    For the new defaults, reset their Tonemap settings.

    FIXED! Smol problems

    SurroundDOF Speed was too slow, changed from 4 to 16.

  • Version 1.3.0

    SPT-AKI 3.5.2 (22173), 3.1.0+ (19078)

    Extract the .zip and move the BepInEx folder to your main SPT directory, 7zip recommended.

    1.2.0 Config file and Presets* are compatible with this version BepInEx/config/com.Amanda.Graphics.cfg.

    NEW! DepthOfField Release


    DepthOfField is now out of experimental and should have better quality and better controls, Disabled by Default.

    Lens detection more precise focus point, Scope detection the feature will work without the need of FOV changes.

    HoldingBreathOnly the feature will be enabled only when Holding breath.

    OpticZoom the feature will be enabled if the zoom is greater than or equal this value (from 1x to 25x).

    On Graphics settings High-quality color needs to be On for depth of field to work properly.

    NEW! Experimental Weapon DepthOfField

    BSG's Z-Blur feature overhaul
    , Disabled by Default.

    Settings are available for multiple states, not aiming, aiming and using scopes.

    NEW! Experimental Optic DepthOfField


    DepthOfField inside of scopes as a separate feature, Disabled by Default.
    the feature will be enabled only when Holding breath.
    the feature will be enabled if the zoom is greater than or equal this value (from 1x to 25x).

    Raycast Auto Focus System low, high quality and foliage mode.

    Raycast Foliage includes foliage on auto focus, targets still have priority.

    Spotted Target once you aim on top of a target your focus point won't change within a radius around it.

    FIXED! Smol problems

    DepthOfField Mod support

  • Version 1.2.0

    SPT-AKI 3.4.1 (20765), 3.1.0+ (19078), 3.5.0 BLEEDINGEDGE

    Extract the .zip and move the BepInEx folder to your main SPT directory. 7zip recommended

    1.1.1 Config file and Presets* are compatible with this version BepInEx/config/com.Amanda.Graphics.cfg.

    NEW! Experimental Streets of Tarkov



    If you are playing on patch 0.13 this version of the mod works with the new map Streets of Tarkov.

    Experimental so expect places being too dark and others too bright, especially at night.

    Does not represent the final version.

    FIXED! Smol problems

    Factory tonemap tweaks, for the new defaults reset ACESS setting under Factory category.
    NVG Color fix temporary patch.

    DepthOfField now saves on preset properly.

  • Version 1.1.1

    SPT-AKI 3.4.1 (20765), 3.1.0+ (19078)

    Extract the .zip and move the BepInEx folder to your main SPT directory. 7zip recommended

    1.1.0 Config file and Presets are compatible with this version BepInEx/config/com.Amanda.Graphics.cfg.

    NEW! Experimental DepthOfField

    By default, 1x zoom scopes doesn't show the effect anymore, you can change it with DepthOfField OpticFOV.

    FOV Must be above 50 for depth of field to work properly. 51 to 75 works.

    On Graphics settings High-quality color needs to be On for depth of field to work properly.

    FIXED! Smol problems

    HBAO intensity tweaks.

    Hideout now instantly updates its graphics.

    DepthOfField FOV 60 when using thermal goggles no longer causes hideout to always have DOF.

    Stutter on some CPUs, first attempt since it's a rare problem.

    Known Issues
    NVG Color fix
    isn't working properly on 3.3.0 (night vision broken). can be disabled on the menu pressing F12 (click somewhere else to leave)

  • Could you please update Amand's Sense and/or integrate it to Graphics?

    That would be awesome!


  • i always have problem with light (like i dont see anything normal, only flashlights helps) but now i can see enemies normal, thanks!

    Happy 1
  • I am new to PC and SPT. After downloading this mod, I realized that my keyboard does not have "Insert" key, nor a numberpad, so I can't use 0 with numlock off. Is there an alternative key to activate/deactivate?

    • you can press F12 search for GraphicsToggle and click on the Insert input box and choose another key of choice, like F7

    • Strong work, thank you sir.

  • When I download the latest file and attempt to extract it shows me the file is completely empty.

    • anti-virus false positive possibly, are you downloading using firefox?

  • Does this mod have an impact on the older GPUs?

    • the mod disables/changes existing features so shouldn't impact fps.

      however, enabling any Depth of Field feature, or Motion blur will impact somewhat

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Can you make Brightness setting selection for each map separately?

    Thumbs Up 2
  • I feel like I be blind for life and just open my eyes

    Happy 2
  • was curious about something, i saw a youtuber play spt with im guessing your mod, but his flashlights light was bouncing around and lighting the area up quite well. was mostly wondering if this is actually your mod doing that or another? cause ive had no luck finding said mod or setting your mod up to do this.

    video in question. should also be at the right timestamp. the flashlight looks so good.

    love the mod btw, it makes the game beautiful.

    • it isn't, he got mods outside the hub so could be anything else

    • aaah, thank you very much. this will not be a fun search then :D

    • This was most likely a shader mod using ReShader and using RTGI from patreon Pascal Gilcher.

  • Hello. I love your work so much. I have only encountered one issue related to Optic DoF. This feature will work for many optics, but some, like the razor LPVO, that feature does not work. Is there a simple solution to this? I have tried on/hold breath only and it will not work on the razor ( and a few others), but both on and breath only work for for many other optics. Any ideas?

    • hi, can you double check the current magnification of the scopes? you can enable Advanced Settings on top of the F12 menu to see more options for OpticDOF;

      OpticDOF OpticZoom will default to 2 so a scope needs the magnification to be equal or higher than 2 for the DOF to be applied

      Thumbs Up 1
    • I will check and report back, thanks!

  • can you make a new showcase for night ambient light

  • Thank you for making this mod! I am a Chinese player and I want to ask may I repost your mod to our website? Of course I will indicate the source and your name

    Thumbs Up 1
    • I see that you have responded to my comment, can I take it that you agree? Our website is very strict with reposting.I hope you can reply directly to me. Thank you

    • yes, you can repost the mod

    • Thank you again!


    Heart 1
  • YESSS 3.8.1 just dropped - thanks Amands!

    Heart 1
  • For some reason the only DoF that works is the UI DoF. The weapon, surround, and optic ones just refuse to work, even the hold breath option. I've tried both 1.6.0 and 1.6.1 versions of the mod. It wasn't working before when I was on 3.8.0 and now still when I'm on 3.8.1 versions of SPT. I have high-quality color turned on in Tarkov. I'm on AMD, could that be part of it?

    • I have the same problem, I did notice that the weapon dof works after restarting the game. Also AMD

    • thanks for the report, just a heads up all DOF features except UIDepthOfField will not work on Project Fika/MPT; support for it is planned

    • That explains it then, I'm using Fika. Thank you!

    • i've the same problem but only use SPT AKI 3.8.3 & 1.6.2 graphics version

      Video example: http://files.calltek.dev/u/HOVJe1.mp4

    • by default, SurroundDOF only works on scope magnification higher or equal to 2x.

      you can make it to work with 1x, enable Advanced Settings on top of the F12 menu and search for OpticZoom.

  • Does this mod remove fog indoors or is that a seperate mod?

    Thanks for the help in advance

    • it reduces fog overall, for indoors the mod removes a hazy look which is a filter.

  • I have realism and sain ai, but when I try to adjust brightness or mystical glow, it doesn't change anything about the game, even switching the tonemap changes nothing. Am I doing something wrong? it worked fine before installing these two.

    • I reinstalled it and now it works fine again... strange

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Hello, first of all i wanted to thank you for improving the tarkov visuals, it's a great mod, however, i'm having issues with it, whenever i get damaged my screen goes black and starts blinking with certain colors (Video).

    I've tried to fix it by pressing insert to toggle it but it doesn't work, the only thing that worked was removing the mod completely from SPT. Thanks for your attention.

    • the issue is with Experimental HealthEffect Pain feature, you can disable it or play with the slider

  • vZ5R9JXhad the settings to turn off the pain killers like you have said an i got this have the painkillers effect disabled just like you told hoobstank an i got that result in a pic i could still go into my inv an see everything like normal but when i was out of inventory thats all i can see (it only happened when i popped a painkiller btw

    • did some testing when i have them both on then it freaks out if i have them off its fine

    • there are some edge cases with it, I might rework the feature to be completely turning off painkiller instead of being an intensity modifier.

    • oki

  • Sorry if this has been asked already, but what are the correct setting to turn Off the vision-impairing Painkiller effects?

    Does the HealthEffect Painkiller On/Off switch mean the effect is On/Off, or that Graphics is/isn't overriding that setting?
    Example: to turn it Off, do I set 'HealthEffect Painkiller' to 'On' and 'ChromaticAbberation' to '0.0', or just set 'HealthEffect Painkiller' to 'Off'?

    Same question for 'HealthEffect Hit' and 'HealthEffect Pain', what do these on/off switches actually do?

    Also, is there any way from within the game/BepinEx menu to know if Graphics is currently toggled On or Off, maybe with a console command or something?
    I'm trying to test removing the horrible new painkiller effects and I've lost track if it's on/off now :|

    Many thanks in advance, and sorry for the dumb questions

    • for the mod's features to be enabled you need them set to On.


      these settings will remove the Painkiller desaturation and Pain radial blur.

      when toggling with Insert AMANDS ON/OFF text will appear on bottom right


      as for currently toggled there's none

  • This is amazing. Thank you so much!

    Heart 2
  • Hi!!

    I've been using your mod for over a year. And it is one of the essentials, with SVM, SAIN, SWAG-DONUTS.

    I would like to post a message to thank you, and also to leave some feedback.

    Two days ago, I tested the "that's lit" mod, which allows you to use areas of darkness and also the environment for camouflage, this impacts the vision and reaction time of bots, which also allows the difficulty of PMC to be increased.

    Since then I've been trying to increase the visual of the shadow areas in your mod, and I've noticed that whatever I do, even with the brightness at 0, in the underground spaces in reserve I can see without difficulty. Which is a success for your mod, but a difficulty in the search for a more immersive intermediate experience.

    Would you have, in the near or distant future, the possibility of making the graphic parameters of your mod more accessible, such as being able to deactivate only the fog, and thus gradually adjust the visibility according to the desired immersion??

    Thank you in advance for your feedback!!

    Good day

    Thumbs Up 1
  • A button is required to control it on or off by default.

    I only need to use it in foggy or low-light places

    • Graphics toggle button is Insert

    • Thanks for the reply

      I wanted to turn it off by default when I entered the game, and turn it on when I needed to, and now it's turned on by default every time I enter the game

    • I'll include a setting to persist graphics toggle for next update

      Heart 2
  • love this mod so much and the senses on too! hope to see senses again soon. it rocked

    Thumbs Up 1
  • Hello Quick question ... I don't have a powerful pc , Dose this mode will reduce my fps if i install it i really want to try it but I'm afraid of performance problems

    • shouldn't impact FPS as the mod only changes/removes existing rendering features, but testing is the best way to know.

      some Cinematic/Experimental features does impact FPS like Motion Blur for example, they are disabled by default.

      Heart 1
    • Funny enough, this mod actually gives you more performance depending on your CPU

      Thumbs Up 2
  • with this mod installed should i have tarkovs HBAO feature turned on or off?

    • tarkov HBAO on, the mod only changes the original HBAO to fit the new lighting and gives user settings for it

  • dude, is there a way to buy you a coffee?

    Heart 1 Thumbs Up 1
  • So uhhh, the mod is not being loaded on my pc although back on the 13.5 patch spt 3.7.2 (i think it was 3.7.2) it worked fine without issue. It is in the correct folder it doesnt load in F12 menu it doesnt show up, insert does nothing. I am at a loss because I've tried pretty much everything to troubleshoot and I haven't been able to get it to work. The most strange thing is spt does load other mods just not amands graphics. I would greatly appreciete any suggestions on how to fix it (I have also made an issue post on the project github that has screenshots of the issue)

    • Update: After the second reinstall no mods are being loaded at all lmao

    • which spt version are you on? the latest graphics mod version is for 3.8.0 only, when reinstalling mods do not delete BepInEx or BepInEx/plugins/spt

  • Holy shitboxes... You are a true legend. Thank you xxx

  • The mod is good, although higher contrast monitors make the ground too dark and the sky too bright respectively, which makes it difficult on the eyes. I saw a comment earlier here about it, but I wanted to give my +1 on the ability to adjust the brightness of the sky in the future. Thanks for making such a great mod!

  • Have no idea what it would be but my trees/foliage are like black/super dark for some reason and its really weird dont know if its my settings but cant fix it? Also just like other things like fences are really weird looking?