Featured SAIN 2.0 - Solarint's AI Modifications - Full AI Combat System Replacement 2.1.12

Bots that don't suck.

REQUIRES latest BigBrain by DrakiaXYZ
REQUIRES latest Waypoints by DrakiaXYZ


HUGE Thanks to everyone in the Discord who helped test the Alpha builds of 2.0. Ya'll are the only reason this mod works as well as it does!

  • Version 2.1.12

    This version will only work with SPT 3.8.0

    • Fixed major issue that caused bots to not get proper position info on the Player.
      • This was the cause of a lot of strange, unintentional behavior. Bots feel better than ever to fight. This should fix bots healing when in line of sight of the player, among many other issues.
    • Bots can be suppressed now. Suppressed bots won't lean out of cover and will usually wait in cover until a while after they have been suppressed.
    • Bots will shift between cover less often overall.
    • Rats will no longer shift between cover.
    • Added option in personality settings to enable or disable cover shifting.
    • Added advanced config options to modify shift cover behavior. (Global Settings / Cover)
  • Version 2.1.11

    This version will only work with SPT 3.8.0

    Update for SPT 3.8.0

    • Resolve issue where bots on Ground Zero can cause massive framerate drops
  • Version 2.1.10

    This version will only work with SPT 3.8.0

    Update for SPT 3.8.0

    • Updates necessary to work with SPT 3.8.0
    • Improved fallback behavior for bots
  • Version 2.1.9

    This version will only work with SPT 3.7.4 - 3.7.6
    REQUIRES Latest Big Brain and WayPoints updates for 3.7.4 - 3.7.6 as well
    This mod REQUIRES 7-zip to extract: 7-zip.org

    • Allow disabling bot extracting globally
    • Further improvements to bot extracting

    If updating from 2.1.6 or earlier you must delete SAIN-3.7.1.dll from BepInEx/Plugins/

  • Version 2.1.8

    This version will only work with SPT 3.7.4 - 3.7.6
    REQUIRES Latest Big Brain and WayPoints updates for 3.7.4 - 3.7.6 as well

    • Improved bot extract handling, bots will now update their chosen extract in the event it's inaccessible, and will be able to use triggered extracts if the trigger has been done. Thanks DanW!
    • Bots will now investigate IR light sources if they have NVGs on, the same way they investigate visible flashlights/lasers
    • Catch/fix a few exceptions
    • Limit bots reloading to once every 5 seconds, to avoid potential slowdowns when a weapon has bad data
    • Fix flashlight dazzle, it now properly checks the enemy player, and is more limited in how much scatter it adds.
      • This should resolve the issue where a bot starts missing you when THEY have a flashlight, and you aim at them
      • The dazzle effect is now less pronounced, bots are still relatively accurate even if you're aiming a flashlight at them
    • Player scav bots no longer spawn with boss brains
    • This version of SAIN is only compatible with SPT 3.7.4-3.7.6, not prior versions

    If updating from 2.1.6 or earlier you must delete SAIN-3.7.1.dll from BepInEx/Plugins/

  • Version 2.1.7

    This version will only work with SPT 3.7.5
    REQUIRES Latest Big Brain and WayPoints updates for 3.7.5 as well

    • Separate preset version from SAIN version, unless I make a breaking change to presets, they should no longer throw warnings
    • Allow disabling bot talk patching via Global Settings -> General Settings
    • New handling of extract timer, should work with shortened raids introduced in SPT 3.7.4
    • Allow external mods to trigger a forced extract on a bot
    • Remove all pause functionality (Pausing causes too many issues to be worth maintaining that functionality)
    • Remove SPT version number from SAIN dll filename
    • This version of SAIN is only compatible with SPT 3.7.4-3.7.5, not prior versions

    You must delete SAIN-3.7.1.dll from BepInEx/Plugins/

    The filename for the plugin has changed, this means you will need to manually delete the file `BepInEx/Plugins/SAIN-3.7.1.dll`

  • Version 2.1.6

    This version will only work with SPT 3.7.3-3.7.4
    REQUIRES Latest Big Brain and WayPoints updates for 3.7.3-3.7.4 as well

    • Fix squads not being created properly
    • Tweak to Searching to help with the run/skid/run/skid behaviour (Thanks Saber!)
    • Resolve an issue that stopped SAIN from working when SPT was in debug mode
    • Switch to 7-zip archives for releases
  • Version 2.1.5

    This version will only work with SPT 3.7.1, 3.7.2, 3.7.3 REQUIRES Latest Big Brain and WayPoints updates for 3.7.1/3.7.2/3.7.3 as well

    Updated for 3.7.1

    Also supports 3.7.2, 3.7.3

  • Version 2.1.4

    This version will only work with SPT 3.7.0 REQUIRES Latest Big Brain and WayPoints updates for 3.7.0 as well

    • Fixed Grenades sometimes spamming the console with errors.
    • Fixed (?) some Scavs getting assigned Boss Brains, leading to bizarre and broken behavior.
    • Fixed bots sometimes tracking the player through walls for a few seconds after losing line of sight.
    • Revamped how bots look at sounds they heard, they now look in the direction of the path to the sound instead of directly at its source, looks more natural when looking at a bot, and makes them slightly better to react if an enemy pops up there.
      • If Using DebugOverlay, it now displays a value which shows what a bot is told to steer toward for more information.
    • Fixed bots sometimes being too accurate when turning toward an enemy.
    • Fixed bots checking their own position when checking if a friendly squad member is close, leading to talking at unintended times.
    • Adjusted Bot dynamic lean. They will hold leaning angles for longer, and change lean less frequently.
    • Added New Boss on Streets to SAIN Settings to configure them.
    • Fixed bots sometimes jerking around when aiming at an enemy. ( I Think)
  • Version 2.1.3 hotfix

    Fixed Lighthouse Bosses getting SAIN layers when they shouldn't be.

  • Please note that due to how Woltlab works, I'm unable to get notifications when people post comments on this mod. This means it may take me a few days to get back to people's comments.

  • does this substiantially affect performance in any way?

  • Code

    hi, I don’t understand how to set up pmc aggression, where is the scale to set it? https://imgur.com/a/axkGfDp

  • Found a bug, I also use Swag Donuts so if this is more of a bug with them, then please tell me and Im sorry. I was fighting a PMC, he pulled out a Surv12 kit, started surgery, canceled, dropped the kit, pulled out another and started, canceled, after I killed him I was able to pick both up off the ground with full use 15/15

  • hello quick question , how to reduce the amount of Timmys, increase the amount of normal players, chads and giga chads please ?

    • You need to edit the personality files within the preset. The easiest way would be to increase the random chance of the personalities you want to see more of and lower for the ones you don't want to see as much. Here's my understanding of how it works. I'll give you a simplified example. There are six personalities so lets say you gave them each a random chance of 5%. 6x5 = 30% so that 30% will be assigned randomly and evenly split between the groups. The remaining 70% will then be distributed based on a "power level" stat which is basically how strong their gear is, and also a max level stat. So if you set Timmys to max level 5, anything over that will never spawn as a Timmy. Then there is % chance if requirements met, so lets say you set Chad and gigachad to 50% then if they fall into that criteria (power level and max level) then it will be split evenly between them. I don't think it has to add up to 100% so it is a weighted system. I hope this makes sense and if I'm wrong about anything I hope someone with more knowledge can correct me. Good luck!

      Thumbs Up 1
    • thank you ill try it for sure

  • Hey, is there anyway to revert the boss the difficulty to vanilla tarkov? They feel kinda easy in sain

  • Adding +1 to the comments that say headshots are too frequent after 3.8.0 with this mod. Headshot protection seems to be actually counterproductive and I got head/eyes'd more often with it on than with it off.

    Additionally bots seem to be able to respond inhumanly. For example, I can be behind cover, one story up on Ground Zero, not moving, aiming at a bot that isn't even looking in my general direction, and I'll actually watch them turn around and start opening fire on me before I've even taken a shot.

    Just running Looting Bots in addition to SAIN.

    • had that same situation happen ground zero the mounted MG peek at a bot through the ply wood panel and crate and they immediately turn around and open fire

    • Yeah i would probably agree with that from the raids i have done so far. Definitely very different to 3.7.6 behavior imo even after some tweaking

    • Use this: Headshot Damage Redirection - HDR
      I've given up trying to tell Tarkov's ai aiming code to stop headshotting people constantly, I would have to completely rewrite it and that's probably not happening. (Too much spaghetti code in EFT)

  • I just had a fun gun fight on the stairs at Offices in Factory with a gigachad bot who kept calling me a scared little pussy. His dog tag said DrakiaXYZ. 5/7 perfect score, this mod never disappoints.

    Happy 1
  • How do I lower the big team probability? I feel like every time I attack someone, there is at least 3 more.

    • SAIN does not control spawns at all. Use SWAG + Donuts

  • Please remake the UI. It's a mess. It essentially needs more seperation. And don't use 100% of the window for a button.

    • Already rebuilt for next version, sorry! I know a lot of it sucks but that's 50% the tools I have to use and 50% my inexperience with GUI design. Its a lot better now in the beta.

    • As a developer, I just made an account to let you know thank you for the work you have put in. Lots of care went in to making this. UI design and development is pain and suffering most of the time (systems developer, so obvious bias). The amount of hooks for control is truly amazing, and it is painless to adjust them all, if a bit tedious if you want to adjust multiple bots' options under Bot Settings.

      Thank you for all the work you do!

  • Just a quick question to clarify it for me:

    The settings in SAIN are different from the bot difficulty i set in the raid menu.

    So hard SAIN-Bots set to hard in SPT will be harder than hard SAIN-Bots set to medium/normal in SPT, right?

    But i love this mod so much :)

    • SAIN is built on TOP of the existing difficulty. You can't actually set what difficulty bots spawn as in SAIN, only edit their config. The presets all act on top of what is already there, if that makes sense.
      I know its confusing but its due to the nature of how sain is built.

    • Thank you for your answer. This will help me to finetune the difficulty better for my taste and (lack of) skill. :)

  • I have SAIN set to baby bots, but they are insta killing me, head eyes, almost every raid. Three times in a row on lighthouse (night raid) I peek a corner to find a 5.56 coming the other way. Bots have bush ESP, hitscan grenades and can see me in the dark.

    When I check the F6 menu, it's showing something about version 2.1.1 and 2.1.10 presets?

    Thumbs Up 1
  • Thank you very much for the mod!!! But recently, I ran into a question, does this mod also change the behavior pattern of the boss or rogue? I found that the Lighthouse rogues don't fix on the machine gun to guard the sewage plant, and I can't always find the shturman guards in the forest, is it because they are wandering around using the logic of normal scav?

  • On the last version before 3.8.0, I’d press F6 and the menu would show, now nothing happens even tho the mod was correctly installed. What do I do?

  • Thank you for the update! I knew something was off in the way AI behaved sometimes, this should hopefully fix it. Does this also fix sniping being too easy by any chance? Haven't tried 2.1.12 yet but bots pretty much never returned fire on you if you were more than a 100 or so meters away, which made snipers useless too

  • Hi, thanks for your great job! I would like to ask - is there any way to make scavs to talk live like (vanilla), exept disabling Sain talking patch option? It seems that adjusting Frequeency option does not affect at all.

  • Don't you think that Scavs a little OP? Overall default difficulty is a little too difficult.

    • We've also had users complain that the default is too easy. There's a reason SAIN is configurable, because not everyone wants to run the same settings.

      Personally I run the defaults, and find them pretty fair. I believe Solar has "Default" as just what he uses (Or atleast used back in the day), and easier/harder is just based on adjustments from that.

    • Yeah, I can see the UI for editing the config, but to be perfectly honest that UI is very unintuitive and there is no seperation at all between sections. I can't find my way around trying to configure stuff.

      Thumbs Up 1
    • Most of the stuff you want to worry about is in Global Settings. The UI is getting a rework for the next major version, so hold tight until that's ready.

  • I feel like in 3.8.0 update SAIN bots headshot too well even in normal difficulty.

    ofc I can just decrease the difficulty but I'm just comparing it with the previous version

    • We've also had users complain that the default is too easy. There's a reason SAIN is configurable, because not everyone wants to run the same settings.

      Personally I run the defaults, and find them pretty fair. I believe Solar has "Default" as just what he uses (Or atleast used back in the day), and easier/harder is just based on adjustments from that.

  • hello :)

    One question, can you set where you have two/three PMC groups as opponents? I think we only had a group of two out of 50 laps

    • SAIN does not handle spawning or grouping, it utilizes the groups that SPT or your spawn mod create.

  • idk why but latest update feels more difficult due to bots seemingly beaming me from nowhere even when i tried toying with the settings to make it harder for them to do so than i normally do...

    • First -> this is not complaining or whining just my observation and experience over last 2 days. (got newest version recently updated)

      yes to me too, also most of the times it seems like almost all the bots see me before i even aproach. Doesnt matter if scavs or pmcs. Laso i had 4 runs where they simply head eyed me. Once i took faceshield they started simply aiming on spots where i dont have any armor so armor simply became just a drag for the weight. Maybe just my feeling but bots is incredibly accurate and fast. (playing normal sain settings, only this mod with neccessary required mods + looting bots). (what most made me angry was bot shooting me in nape killing me with 2x PSO shots while wearing slick on 60 m) . Next thing bots health - seems like some having health like 800 -> ill empty 2 mags of 5.56 and some 200 and dying after simple shot anywhere, same with scavs some is incredibly tanky even without any armor wearing. Pmcs tanking af. While i get blacked limbs after shot -> running away, ill make a round to try flank and he still sees me like with esp :D and boom next blacked part while getting shot in 0.1 sec (by a fucking scav that is coming in waves because -> hey there is something lets travel over half map -> like iam marked for death or something). And some is incredibly bad and dont hit me or see me. I know its very early after new version but it is very frustrating, but i dont want to lower myself to easy diff..

    • Also recoil without Recoil reduction and overhaul mod is fucking terrible if that is vanilla i dont understand why is anyone playing online i would fucking uninstal it how frustrating is to even hit something sometimes even with top M4 its fucking annoying.

  • Hey does this mod mess with the recoil of my pmc or just bots ? not sure if its this mod or another I have.

    • This mod does not change anything about your character

  • Ran reserve RB-PSP/V underground 40+ times prior to installing this mod. First time, complete silence, no AI spawning right next to me (yay). Finishing up the last of the 4 'rooms', turn around to run out, get yelled at and instantly headshot by a surprise Glukar.

    10/10 will not become complacent again.

  • First of all, great mod, DrakiaXYZ!

    As for my question, what do I tweak to bots stop insta turning and head eyeing me?
    I've died like 10 times in a row to a PMC from 100+ meters that insta locked and blasted me, lol

    • I also find it somehow more difficult and am playing on less now. It also seems to me that if there are 10 pmc allowed in the raid, there are more in it, that's not good, there are also more scavs in the raid if I set it up like online or fewer than like in the original game. I had played 3.7.6 before and it somehow felt better/more real/realistic than 3.8.0

    • When you say "insta locked" do you mean right as you came around a corner, or do you mean you didn't notice them until they started shooting at you? I haven't personally noticed them shooting any earlier than I would expect a real player to

  • I really love this mod, have been playing w it since I started SPT.

    But I really miss the scav chatter and the chatter when they see a grenade.. is there any way to configure this, or am I just lazy'n'dumb?

    • NVM, I was just lazy. "Disable Talking Patches" in SAIN-Settings.

  • can i adjust the scavs that act like regular scavs and not scav players?, i meen, that they yell when they gona shot and dont go over the spawn scav?

    Thumbs Up 1
  • When using Mod Load Order Editor, should SAIN be loaded before or after SWAG, or is that irrelevant?

    • Don't think it matters as they are changing different things. I have always had them in their standard alphabetical order in past SPT versions and not had a single issue.

    • SAIN's mod folder starts with a `z` to indicate it should be at the end of the load order (Loaded last). Just to make sure no other mods override its settings

      Heart 1
  • not quite sure what is option " Advanced Bot Configs" do?

    it is disabled by defaults..

    if I enable it, does it mean that bots and pmc will be more vary in their behavior?

    or I missing something here?

    thank you

  • Compatible with looting bots?

  • Idk if its just me but shooting at pmc or bots from a far, they dont react at all until they die. I shot at 2 pmc from around 50 m coming out of med tents and they kept walking towards me until they died.

    • Did you try the newest version of SAIN? It fixes the issue of them being unresponsive to the player in certain situations.

  • This may be a very dumb question, but when I adjust the sliders in F6, does moving them to the right increase or decrease?

    For example, if I move the slider to the RIGHT for Aggresiveness, does that make the AI MORE or LESS aggressive?

    • Depends. When you hover over the text w your mouse you should see an explaination :)

      Thumbs Up 1