Featured Looting Bots 1.3.0

This mod aims to add more life to the bots by enhancing some EFT looting behaviors letting bots loot items, containers, and corpses during patrols. More features to come!


If you enjoy my work, support me at Ko-Fi!

  • Version 1.3.0

    Update GClasses to support AKI 3.8.0

  • Version 1.2.2

    Compatible with AKI 3.7.1 - 3.7.6


    • Prevent caching and finding loot if the BotOwner.name is empty. Should prevent exceptions from being thrown by the ActiveLootCache
  • Version 1.2.1

    Compatible with AKI 3.7.1 - 3.7.6


    • Prevent scavs from looting memory 🤖 . Fixed a memory leak due to excessive regex calls and log message concatenation
  • Version 1.2.0

    There is a known memory leak in this version, working on a fix!

    Compatible with AKI 3.7.1 - 3.7.6

    For Modders

    Thanks to DanW!

    Adds support for external commands without requiring LootingBots as a dependency for mods.

    Currently the two external commands are:

    • Force a loot scan: Forces a bot to scan for loot the next time it is able to do so
    • Inhibit looting: Stops a bot from looting and prevents them from scanning for loot for a specified amount of seconds

    For more details view the Full documentation

    New Features

    • New Setting Loot Finder (Timing): Enable examine time - Adds a delay before looting an item to simulate the time it takes for a bot to "uncover (examine)" an item when searching containers, items and corpses. The delay is calculated using the ExamineTime of an object and the AttentionExamineTime of the bot. Without any mods changing these values, it seems like the average examine time is 1 second. Looting should take a bit more time now depending on the amount of items in the container/corpse
    • Added a checkbox for PlayerScav to all the Loot Finder settings. Now you can enable/disable looting for player scavs separately from normal scavs


    • Lowered delay at the beginning of container/corpse looting to 2500 ms (simulates UI opening and waiting for the search process to start)
    • Renamed Transaction Delay to Delay after taking item and clarified the behavior in the description
    • Allow bots to try and loot "searchable" items even if they do not have room to pick them up. Was preventing loose items like backpacks and rigs from being considered as valid loot
    • Prevent friendly bots from looting things the player is looting. Enemies can still try to loot the same object as the player
    • Hide debugging F12 settings under the "advanced settings" checkbox at the top of the menu
    • A bot will now end exit the loot finding logic if the first three items found are not within the acceptable looting range. This is to prevent bots from performing the expensive path distance calculation multiple times unnecessarily as its usually the case that if the first 3 items are not in range then none of the following items will be in range.
    • Only show top level items in looting results when searching containers/equipment
    • Fixed issue with debug spheres not working
  • Version 1.1.5 (AKI 3.7.1+)


    • When scanning for loot, calculate the distance the bot has to walk in order to reach the loot. If this distance is larger than the loot detection radius, the loot will be considered too far to loot. This should prevent bots on maps like interchange from pathing from the second floor to the parking garage if some loot was detected in the garage with a small vertical distance
    • Change old loot value threshold settings to Min loot value threshold
    • Scav: Max loot value threshold and PMC: Max loot value threshold - When a value other than 0 is specified, bots will not loot items with a value that exceeds the maximum threshold. By default this is set to `0` for both scav and PMC
    • Change Delay between looting setting to Loot scan interval. This now accurately controls the time between loot scans for a bot. When a bot completes a scan or leaves the looting logic, the bot will wait the specified amount of seconds before scanning again. Previously there were 2 timers and they were not playing nicely together
    • Default Loot scan interval has been increased: 6 seconds -> 10 seconds
    • Allow bots to pick up stacks of money
    • Sort the initial results from a loot scan by distance, greatly reducing the amount of times needed to iterate through the results (Thanks Drakia)
    • Move loot finding calculations into a coroutine to avoid blocking thread with heavy calculations
    • Do not allow the looting layer to activate if the bot is healing
    • Do not allow the looting layer to activate if the bot type is not enabled for any looting. Previously bots not enabled for looting would still scan but not loot
  • Version 1.1.4 (AKI 3.7.1)

    Finally updated GClasses and NoDiscardLimit implementation to work with AKI 3.7.1! Thank you everyone for your patience! ^^


    • Added LootingLayer to the following new bot brains: BossBoar, BoarSniper, FlBoar, Obdolbs and ArenaFighter
    • Fix issue where bots were not picking up usable magazines after equipping a new weapon
    • Fix issue where PMCs/scavs with boss brains were being treated as bosses and not allowed to swap gear
    • Fix issue where helmets were not recognized as equippable
    • Fix mistake in distance math where shortest distance was not being updated resulting in horribly incorrect loot finding.
  • Version 1.1.4 (AKI 3.7.0)

    Finally updated GClasses and NoDiscardLimit implementation to work with AKI 3.7.0!!


    • Added LootingLayer to the following new bot brains: BossBoar, BoarSniper, FlBoar, Obdolbs and ArenaFighter
    • Fix issue where bots were not picking up usable magazines after equipping a new weapon
    • Fix issue where PMCs/scavs with boss brains were being treated as bosses and not allowed to swap gear
    • Fix issue where helmets were not recognized as equippable
    • Fix mistake in distance math where shortest distance was not being updated resulting in horribly incorrect loot finding.
  • Version 1.1.3 (AKI 3.6.1)

    New Features

    • NoDiscardLimit: Settings to remove loot from bot spawns - Thanks to Fontaine, the NoDiscardLimit mod now has options to prevent PMCs and Scavs from spawning with loot already in their inventories. Items such as meds/ammo/food/drinks will still be added to their inventory as part of bot loot generation

      • Settings can be found in user/NoDiscardLimit/config/config.json
      • pmcSpawnWithLoot: When set to true, PMCs will spawn with loot in their bags/pockets (default SPT behavior)
      • scavSpawnWithLoot: When set to true, Scavs will spawn with loot in the bags/pockets (default SPT behavior)
      • Default config: {"pmcSpawnWithLoot": false, "scavSpawnWithLoot": true }
    • Loot Finder (Timer) settings: Delay after spawn - Setting to control the amount of seconds a bot will wait to start their first loot scan after spawning into raid.
    • Loot Settings: Transaction Delay - New setting to control the amount of time a bot will wait after executing a looting transaction before performing another one. Used to simulate the amount of time a bot will take to loot things from a container/corpse. A looting transaction is when a bot decides to take/equip an item


    • Loot Finder scans will only run if the bot has more than 2 available slots in their inventory
    • Loot Finder scans will ignore loose items that will not fit in the bot's current inventory
    • Increased base looting time for containers and corpses to 3 seconds
    • BotDebug menu "Available space" now updated in real time as loot is transferred
    • Fix issue where bots were treated as bosses preventing them from swapping any equipment
    • Fix issue where gear looted from containers or the ground would not be equipped/swapped
    • Bots will forget their target loot when interrupted during looting, triggering a new scan when returning to the looting layer. Previously bots would attempt to navigate to the same loot after the interruption.
    • Fix issue where some items were still not insurable such as the Ronin mask
    • Fix issue where destination was not being reset after LootingLogic had ended. Caused an issue with bots thinking they were close enough to a new lootable container when they were actually not.
    • Show "Calculating path..." in BotDebug menu when distance to loot is being initialized
  • Version 1.1.2 (AKI 3.6.0)

    Update of 1.1.2 to support AKI 3.6.0. Thanks DrakiaXYZ for the updates to GClasses!

  • Version 1.1.2 (AKI 3.5.8)

    Community was quick to sort this one out!

    Update to NoDiscardLimit server mod to fix issue where items like keys and cases were able to be insured when the EnableDiscardLimit server config option was set to false. For items that have a DiscardLimit set, the server mod will now flag those items as InsuranceDisabled which will continue to prevent the user from being able to insure items like keys and cases. Restores what is allowed to be insured back to the EFT Live behavior and fixes the exploit where items can be duplicated via insurance of items in pouches. If you had previously insured items that were not supposed to be insurable, they will no longer be insured.

    You should delete Skiwzzy-NoDiscardLimit-1.0.0 mod in your user directory if you had the previous version installed.

  • How to download the beta version? i try do download but it's says "Not Found" from github itself, please reupload the beta version. Thanks!

  • Hi, PMC still spawning with loot in their inventory. "Pmc spawn with loot" is set correctly to false. Load order is set to the last one and still get the message on logs that pmc inventory is empty. I'm only using sain mod and swag donuts, but when the match starts I run directly to the guns shot, kill that pmc and there it is, random loot in their inventories...

    Anyone notice that too?

    • disable bot loot in ALP too. thats what sorted it out for me

    • So, I find out that was SWAG + DONUTS mod that is causing this. I will try to ask there for help. Thanks

  • I love this mod but when I check BepInEx log it gives a lot of error, is this okay?

    • I think I actually just fixed this error. I was able to recreate during my second raid after a certain number of bots spawned. If you dont mind, could you try using the new Beta version I just uploaded in the Beta tab and seeing if you have the same issue?

      I had delivered something in 1.3.0 that I thought should have resolved this exception but unfortunately it did not fix the issue.

    • Thx! I just raided woods with the beta version

      most of the errors are gone!

      Happy 1
  • i install 1.2.2,but the game show it is 1.2.1


  • Does this module affect the amount of ai generated?

  • i got a error code, can someone help me maybe?

    [Error :LootingBots] System.NullReferenceException

    at (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.Object.GetName(UnityEngine.Object)

    at UnityEngine.Object.get_name () [0x00001] in <ca21460feb9c47d0ac337b9893474cc6>:0

    at LootingBots.Patch.Util.ActiveLootCache+<>c__DisplayClass7_0.<Cleanup>b__0 (System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair`2[TKey,TValue] keyValue) [0x00007] in <af0e2afa5f0c4e8e9600d84bb1fc65b2>:0

    at System.Linq.Enumerable+WhereEnumerableIterator`1[TSource].ToList () [0x0001b] in <351e49e2a5bf4fd6beabb458ce2255f3>:0

    at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList[TSource] (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] source) [0x0001f] in <351e49e2a5bf4fd6beabb458ce2255f3>:0

    at LootingBots.Patch.Util.ActiveLootCache.Cleanup (EFT.BotOwner botOwner) [0x00039] in <af0e2afa5f0c4e8e9600d84bb1fc65b2>:0

    • This was reported by MusicManiac, will have a fix this week

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Haven't had game crash in months (previously had few until figured HUD mod was leaking RAM), just got one while playing on streets. Not sure if this mods fault, but bpx error log has hundreds of looting bots erros so might have been this one. Haven't kept an eye on ram so can't tell definitely if there was RAM leak or not.


    • Oooof interesting... I'll open an issue and investigate. Thanks for the report!

  • Love the mod, just had a question, is there anyway to get "found in raid" tag on items taken from the looting bots? Keep finding the Salewas and can't use for the beginning Therapist quests etc. I want to avoid modding all items to have tag.

    • Thanks! If a bot loots something that is marked as "found in raid", it will stay marked as found in raid. Gear brought in by PMCs is not marked as FIR and I dont think it makes sense for the looting bots to change the FIR status of those items after theyve been looted.

    • ahh I think I am just focusing on the medical supplies because they usually have some and still need to do the first Therapist quest. Thinking back I set it up for bots to have med supplies at start. This is sick mod, work as stated thanks.

  • Question, Does this make the game run slower or worse? You all know how Tarkov can be.

  • Hello there,

    I am using this mod on SPT-AKI 3.7.6 and I think the bots are sometimes partially disassembling their own weapons. Often I find that muzzle devices are missing or even flashlights taken out of their own 25 mm rings. Funnily enough, they don't have those items in their inventory. IDK where they're hiding them, but I think it might have something to do with this mod.

    Can someone confirm?

    Other mods I am running:


    - Late To The Party

    - Questing Bots

    - More Checkmarks

    - Server Value Modifier

    - SAIN

    - Waypoints

    - Remove Time gate from quests

    - No Discard Limit

    • Sorry been away for a bit. I'll keep an eye out for this, I have made some changes to prevent bots from stripping things when they arent supposed to but perhaps I missed something. I'll try and recreate tomorrow

  • After installing the new version, microfreezes began to appear during a raid. It seems to me that they occur at almost equal intervals. After the raid is completed, nothing happens for about a minute or two before the stats screen appears. The mouse cursor which I cannot move on a black screen. I installed version 1.1.5 back and everything works fine again.

    • Yeah there is a memory leak in the latest version, I should have a fix out in about an hour or so

    • Fix is out now, lemme know if you are experiencing issues still

    • I played for several hours yesterday and it seems to me that everything is fine now. Thanks

      Happy 1
  • Hey the newest version causes me to run out of ram insanely fast. This is while using Ram Cleaner Fix too. It can't even clean it in time before I run out and crash with resource exhaustion error. 1.1.5 has no such problem by the way.

    I have 32gb ram and I can't believe I'm actually considering upgrading to a 48gb kit to run a game lol.

    • Same, I was having tons of memory leak issues or whatever it was since updating this mod. Reverted and they went away immediately. Idk if it's Looting Bots specifically or perhaps it isn't playing nice with another mod.

    • hmmmm interesting... are we talking after the span of a few raids?

    • I'll add a few more mods to my test env (Realism mod, Sain, questing bots, donuts) and see if I can reproduce, I also have 32gbs of ram but I usually dont leave the game open for many raids in a row just due to the nature of closing it so often to test changes

    • Nah, it's first raid and every raid, very consistent

    • Yes this, it happens from the first raid.

  • Do 1.2.0 work for SPT 3.7.4? thanks for this amazing mod!

    • Yep! Should be compatible with anything from 3.7.1 to 3.7.6

    • Sweet thanks!

  • So I play with the Realism mod, Sain, questing bots, donuts, as well as this mod. Have a few questions. My main question is, does this mod alter how loose keys and possibly keys in general spawn? I have found 0 loose keys at the various spawn locations after several PMC and Scav raids at these locations. My guy is currently level 24 to give you an idea of how many raids. I have found keys through looting containers, but they feel far less common even that way and it usually just keeps giving me the fucking interchange power key over and over again, found like 10 of those. Do Scavs still spawn with keys or is there entire inventory besides there initial equipment empty? Fairly certain the only key from a kill I have gotten was from a PMC that must of found the customs USEC key.

    Realism changes how the flea market works, so besides the few barter trades for keys I can do, I am at the mercy of RNG and on top of that it feels like something is screwing with how keys spawn in general. Also, not sure if it is just SAIN or a feature of questing or looting bots, but one of those mods claims there is a chance for AI PMCs to open locked doors like the marked room for example, but I have yet to see this behavior.

    • LooseKeyModifier Mod?

    • Is that A separate mod or a setting in the config of one of the mods


    • The NoDiscardLimit server mod has the pmcSpawnWithLoot and scavSpawnWithLoot settings that will clear a bot's inventory of extra loot on initial character generation. They still have their guns/food/ammo/meds, ect but will not get any extra loot items (including keys).

      Outside of that, there is nothing else I'm doing that would prevent bots from spawning in with keys.

      By default, scavSpawnWithLoot is set to true and pmcSpawnWithLoot is set to false.

    • I dont alter any of the loot tables or loot generation for any of the maps, but since keys are definitely considered loot by bots they are more likely to be picked up from the map. The only keys bots cannot loot are single use keys.

      I wonder if bots are looting these and maybe extracting?

    • Initially that is what I thought, but if you consider dorm 220, it has a spawn for ZB-014 and 220 is a locked door. The AI could not of gotten to it. As I mentioned I have yet to see any normally locked door be opened by an AI PMC or a scav that happened to find a key. So It cannot be that. I know the spawns for loose keys are really low normally, but considering a key like ZB-014 in 220 is 100% uncontested 100% of the time (So far) either the spawn chances are far lower than I thought or a mod is conflicting with them. I could not gauge how similar just vanilla SPT is with keys because Fence had like 20 of them at a time in the brief bit I played Vanilla (Realism does not let fence have keys).

      The Realism mod seems to never let my Scav spawn with random loot like normal EFT does. Might be possible that the AI Scavs are also just being spawned in with just standard equipment despite having them set to spawn with loot in the config. When I loot them they just seem to have nothing or whatever they looted from an area.

      I do not care if Keys are made far more rare due to realism mod rebalancing of flea market and fence. My issue is I just want to know for certain if it is something working as intended or something is not correct under the hood. I do slightly mind for keys needed for quests as I will be blocked from progress for a prolonged period of time. Hoping once I hit level 30 or 35 the Realism flea will unlock the key tab. Till then I guess jackets and filing cabinets are my only way to get keys for various quests.

  • Hello great mod! I do have some questions if you dont mind answering

    I assume dropped bags, rigs etc are considered containers is there an option i can choose to sort of blacklist those types of container gear as i like to have a large container loot radius so i dont want it so they come hunting after a dropped rig from a corpse i looted etc. thanks!

    and one more question, if i make it so they check loot but increase the value cap so they end up looting nothing, does this mean they spend almost no time on each lootable container/body and will they attempt to reloot a container they already searched?

    thanks again

    really love this mod so far :)

    • Thanks! ^^

      1. Dropped bags and rigs are considered "loose items". The only sort of blacklist I have currently is the "Scav/PMC: Allowed to pickup/equip" options.

      "Allowed to pickup" is what a bot is allowed to put in their inventory

      "Allowed to equip" is what a bot is allowed to equip to their character

      There is a bug in the current release where bots are not picking up bags/rigs which should be addressed in the latest beta release

      2. Yes that is correct, the only additional delays happen after a bot loots an item. If you set your minimum threshold to a value so large that nothing meets it, the bots will quickly look at a container and walk away. I believe the fastest a bot can finish the looting process is about 4 seconds if nothing is looted. Bots put containers that they have searched on a blacklist so they will not revisit the same container for the duration of the raid

  • Do looting bots consume food/water on the spot? Or if they find if their bags are already full? I was starving and limped my way to the second floor of Interchange, but the entire food court had not one single food or drink item, and I went through every stall. I killed a scav there who had like 18 separate piles of rubles in his inventory, so he'd been hitting the restaurants for their registers, but I got the impression he'd been scarfing all the food, too, because I have NEVER seen it so empty up there. Could just be a supremely unlucky chance but it felt suspicious.

    • Theres no code in LootingBots that would force a bot to eat, but I believe they would eat any food they looted in the raid as part of their normal bot logic. Maybe just a bad case of luck and some hungry scavs?

    • Ah well, wasn't a huge deal either way. Wandering around a barren foodcourt while slowly starving to death is at least one of the funnier ways I died.

    • I had the same thing happen to me yesterday on Interchange I was desperate for food and drink. All of the food shops had nothing in them, the tills were picked clean of cash and most of the filing cabinets were open and emptied. As I was panicking looking for anything I could pick up I noticed 2 dead scavs and a BEAR in front of the Kiba store, I shit you not the scavs inventories were literally full of food and drink! Every space was full of it even a couple Moonshines and Iskra's but even though I felt slightly sorry for them I needed it more than they did.

    • Hahaha hmmm maybe I should put some sort of restriction on the amount of food items allowed in the inventory? I assume these bots mostly patrol the cafeteria in the beginning and just stock up on all the food since thats the closest loot in the vicinity

    • For what it's worth, my problem ended up being a completely different mod which was, by some bug, massively reducing all loose loot spawns, and I just hadn't noticed until I was in Interchange, where there's so much more loose loot than containers. So it wasn't relevant to this mod.

      ? 1
  • Hey Skwizzy, Question for you: if you want to bait bots to come and check a backpack you toss down, would the following tend to work fine: toss down a light flashlight (at night) and an MBSS bag like this:


    The items inside it are almost worthless. But I figure the way it ostensibly works: they detect a container and they go to check it, and it could even just be empty (but they would finish searching it more quickly).

    I'm not having huge success with this method so far. They seem to be drawn to corpses but not so much to a player dropped backpack like this.

    • Yeah thats basically how it should be working. Let me do some testing with this during the week and see what the behavior is looking like. There is no logic that adds any preference to what the bots choose to loot, its purely based on the distance the loot is from the bot at the time of the scan but there could be some sort of bug here

    • I've DEFINITELY seen them coming to search stuff; mostly corpses. But it is almost like they might be "not sensitive" to a pack if a player drops it? I've tried it a half dozen times or so now and there was one instance on Lighthouse in that village way on the eastern side (north of the tunnel and near the barbwire people use to train vitality). I took a pack just like that and placed it right at a T-intersection at night with a flashlight on the ground. I then crept away and hid behind the semi-flat-bed trailer.

      Waited about 5 minutes before I saw one come creeping up and he stopped behind some boxes that were behind the bag relative to me. He knelt down and I domed him.

      Over the next 30 minutes or so, there were at least 3 other Scavs lurking all over that area and more than once I watched them traipse RIGHT past that bag and just act like it wasn't even there.

      Could be a lot of different things going on of course.

    • I think what is happening is there is logic that is preventing the bot from trying to loot the bag because there is not enough space for them to pick up the bag. I was trying to prevent bots from moving to pick up something like a car battery only to not have enough space to pick it up when they got there. I should have this rule only apply to items that are not also searchable

    • Should have a fix for this in the beta build

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Is there any way to remove the Rogues on lighthouse from the list of bots that can go around looting bodies and containers? I've noticed a lot of the time the Rogues are not "patrolling" they are sprinting back and forth looting

    • I believe the rouges would fall under the "Raiders" checkbox in the settings for enabling looting

    • I just checked and I have had Raiders unchecked. When I play reserve or labs I dont remember them looting. I could be wrong but I dont remember noticing any extra loot on them

    • Let me take a look this week, perhaps something is off in the bot types

    • Did some testing and was not able to see any rogues looting on lighthouse without having the Raider checkbox checked. Even with raiders checked, they still seemed to prefer manning the machine guns instead of looting. I did notice there were a fair amount of normal scavs wandering around the roofs looting and stuff, could this perhaps be what you are seeing?

    • That's possibly what I was seeing. Appreciate you looking into it!!

  • Hello,

    I may have encountered a bug or unwanted behaviour.
    I was on woods, I met a scav who had just looted his dead mate, had taken his saiga; then got killed by me. I looted him in turn and found he had taken the saiga but not one mag, leaving them on the mate's corpse. It may be due to the fact his rig was too full but I don't think it's intended for bots to end up ammo less in these instances.

    Otherwise my experience has been very positive with this mod.

    • Yeah this is still an issue that can happen sometimes... I had taken some steps to try to reserve at least one empty 1x2 slot in their rigs to store mags for when they reload (so they dont always drop their mags). I always give a bot ammo in their secure container for any gun they pick up, but that doesnt guarentee that they have looted a mag.

      I can open a bug for this to see if I can maybe force the bot to pick up at least one mag if they are looting a gun that they do not have a valid mag for

    • Yep, the mentioned bot scav still had his old weapon's mags on him. Maybe you can have it drop mags for weapons they drop?

    • Yeah that logic is actually there, however there may also be a bug in that area. I'll take note to check that in the issue I just opened on github

  • Running around customs

    • Ty for the report, I'll see if this is happening in my latest changes. Havent seen this one in the logs during my customs tests this week

    • No problem! Thanks for checking it out. It doesn't always happen though while sometimes it happens, other times it happens frequently, and sometimes it doesn't happen much.

    • Seems like there can be some exceptions thrown if a loose item is picked up by the player while a bot is processing it during a loot scan. I'll try and protect against this case

    • Interesting. Looking forward to it! Keep up the great work!

  • hey im using sain with looting questing and AlgorithmicLevelProgression, should there any load order for this mods ?

    • Its recommended that the NoDiscardLimit mod be last in the load order, although I do not think there will be issues if you do not specify a load order for that list of mods

  • Hello! I really like this mod!

    I change the PMC loot cost settings (PMC: Min loot value threshold, PMC: Max loot value threshold), but they still loot cheap items. How to fix this?

    • The bots also do not close the boxes they received. Is it possible to fix this somehow?

    • What do you have set for the threshold settings? A bot should not be able to pick up anything that is lower than the specified Min loot value threshold, however keep in mind that LootingBots by default uses the trader value for its item appraisal. There is an option in the settings that will use the flea market values which tend to be pretty different than the trader value

      At the moment, a bot will only close a container if it was already opened when they looted it. Some players like seeing them opened, I think maybe they should stay open if a bot was interrupted while looting.

      In the meantime, if you find it annoying having to close containers before you can loot them again you can try out Drakia's Search Open Containers mod

    • The minimum threshold value is set to 50000, and the maximum to 0. But I still see matches, silver chains, nails, etc. from PMCs. I tried to include prices from the flea market, but the situation does not change.

      Thanks for the answer, I'll try to add a mod to close the drawers.

    • Cool I'll try to recreate today after work, ty!

    • And about containers:

      I don't find it annoying to close containers before looting them. But I try to make my SPT as similar as possible to the real one online. In online Tarkov, containers are always closed, even if someone has looted them. Perhaps I can change something in the mod so that the containers always close?

      And I set the maximum threshold to 50,000 for the sake of the test. I didn’t want to see too cheap items from PMCs and gradually increased the maximum value. But despite this, PMCs still sometimes collect very cheap items that no one takes in real Tarkov.

      I really like this mod, thank you for your work, it makes SPT similar to online Tarkov, but such moments upset me( Maybe I’m doing something wrong, but I only changed the settings listed above, I didn’t touch the rest.

      Thank you for your answers and your work!

  • Hi there, really love this mod, but i been wondering if there's a way to make it so it only affects PMC bots, i think that by affecting the scav bots, it might be lagging my game, so i been wondering if there's a way

    • Yes, you can disable all looting behavior for scavs by unchecking "Scav" from the "Enable corpse looting", "Enable container looting", and "Enable loose item looting" options

  • Hi Skwizzy,

    Love the mod, it seems to work quite well in SPT375 with SAIN+SWAG+Questing Bots! I very regularly encounter Bots (both Scavs and PMCs) who have clearly stuffed themselves full to the gills with stuff they found in raid. I also see plenty of corpses with loot scattered around them which Bots have clearly discarded in the course of looting the corpse.

    I have two questions for you that focus on the speed at which Bots loot and the exact way in which the "Transaction delay (ms)" parameter under the "Loot Finder (Timing)" section in the mods F12 menu.

    Based on conversations with Dwakiya on the SPT Discord, what I gather but want to ask is:


    First Question: the transaction delay is assigned for (a) each item; (b) at multiple steps in the looting process?

    Based on conversations on Discord I synthesized it like this:

    "A bot must engage in multiple transactions to complete a looting cycle. Each item in a container (box, crate, rig, backpack, etc.) will have to be 'seen' and each item will have to be assessed. In addition, each item which is deemed to be worth taking will have to be moved and/or other items might have to be discarded.

    EACH of these individual transactions (seeing, assessing, taking/discarding) will take 500ms for each item in a container.

    Example: a bot loots a rig with 3 magazines containing 5.56x45 M995 ammo, a basic bandage, and a LED-X. Counting each instance of magazine + ammo as two items this would mean that the rig contains a total of eight (8) items: (3 mags each with ammo [6 items], plus 7. the bandage and 8. the LED-X). Each of these items must be 'seen' and each one must be assessed, taking 500ms for each transaction in the process, or 1000ms for each item = 8 seconds for the bot to 'search the rig,' see all the items and assess the value of all of them. Assuming that the bot deemed the three magazines full of M995 to be "worth taking" as well as the LED-X that would be an additional 500ms x 4 = 2 seconds.

    Is this how it works?


    Second question: First I'll preface by saying, after playing with the mod (plus the whole SAIN+SWAG+Questing Bots package) in SPT375 for probably coming up on 100 hours, I cannot recall a single instance of seeing a bot in the midst of looting. I play with Bots on an even EASIER version of "Baby Bots" in SAIN. They are not completely blind and feckless, but they are definitely not eagle eyed with acute hearing; so I would have thought I'd have come upon one of them (or seen one a distance away) looting. In sum, I don't know if I've just been very unlucky or if they loot so fast that one is never likely to see them looting anyway.

    I DO see bots approach containers, do a little jig and in a matter of seconds turn and walk away, and I'd say I've seen that happen many times.

    This leads me to suspect that, the example of how the Transaction delay (ms) functions which I've described above is not accurate, and in fact Bots can completely loot an entire corpse in 500ms?


    I tried changing the value for Transaction delay (ms) to 30,000 on one raid, and I noticed one of my fans seemed to be working at a much higher speed (probably GPU, I keep a CPU thermometer open most of the time and those temps didn't go above normal for playing Tarkov).

    If possible I would like to get the bots to linger at their spots where they loot for a period that is comparable to how long it takes a player to loot a container. Maybe that is not possible, but I thought I'd ask!

    • So a "transaction" in terms of LootingBots occurs only when an item is "moved". So for example lets say that a scav is looting a corpse and they have room to loot everything on that corpse. Each time an item is taken off the corpse, the bot will wait 500ms before trying to loot the next item. There are some extra delays when it comes to swapping gear/weapons (due to animations) but for the most part the 500ms transaction delay is always used when taking items. When a bot reaches a lootable item/container/corpse, they should wait a minimum of 2 seconds before they start trying to loot things. This was my crude way of simulating the "discovery" time

      I was a little unsure if I should attempt to truly simulate the time it takes to "discover" loot, I suppose I could force the bot to wait 0.5 - 1 second before processing the next item. That would mean though that if a bot encounters a container/corpse with 15 items, they would spend a minimum of 15 seconds looting even if they dont end up taking any of the items which might not be totally wanted. Im happy to make tweaks to this, Im just not 100% sure what the consensus is. I do see some reports from time to time saying that they never see bots looting things but Ive also seen videos of other users proving otherwise. Definitely open to suggestions if you have any. I'll mess around with it and see if I can find a nice middle ground though

      A lot of the times when bots loot containers, they dont have room or take all the items so the "transaction delay" isnt applied as heavily causing the overall looting to be relatively quick.

      A 30 second transaction delay like you had specified is definitely overkill, I would think something more like 6-10 seconds should at least cause the bots to idle for longer after picking up an item before moving on to the next item. I havent really tested with delays larger than 10 seconds so I'm not sure of the performance impact here.

    • Perhaps collecting some different sample data of looting times from a player will prove helpful here, then I can try and tweak things so that its more aligned with an actual player looting

    • Cool! Thanks for the replies. I think it is great you are thinking about potentially changing the number. But really I think the "best" use of your time, is to basically condense what you just described above into your documentation. Most end-users who use your mod will have ample technical know-how to make sense of the F12 menu and to try out different numbers for themselves. The main thing I was not clear about was: what the "transaction delay" parameter really meant and how it was used. You've now clarified that! I don't think you could fit all the above into the in-game tool-tip, but maybe the core portions of it?

      For me, I think what I will do is change my value to 5000 (5 seconds) per transaction. See if I see more Bots looting.

      Full disclosure: since posting this question I HAVE now seen Bots loitering at a container for more protracted periods so my sense that a number like 30 seconds might be "necessary" is now largely erased by observations in game play. But I think 5 seconds might not be too bad.

      Best Regards!

  • Love the mod! I have a quick question. Is there a way to make bots loot more often? There are definitely open containers and some loot, so I think the mod is working, but the vast majority of the bots I kill have no loot at all. Thanks!

    • Thanks! If you want to increase the frequency of looting you can try to reduce the "Loot scan interval". It should work with any value greater or equal to 1. For dev testing, I usually have this set to 1 so that bots only wait 1 second after looting before the next scan is triggered.

    • Cool, thanks! I'll give it a try

  • Where is package.json it was not included in the zip and the server launcher is screaming about it being missing

    • Skwizzy-NoDiscardLimit contains a package.json. It is included in the latest zip file and can be found in user/mods/Skwizzy-NoDiscardLimit/package.json

  • What version would be best with 3.7.5?

    • 1.1.5 and 1.1.4 should both work with AKI versions 3.7.1 through 3.7.6.

    • Thank you very much :D

  • Hey, I have two questions. Does the mod work with 3.7.6? And is there an update planned for the mod?

    • The current version should still be compatible with 3.7.6, just updated my install to 3.7.6 to verify. I'll be putting out another bug fix/feature update after the new year, will be out of the country for a week

  • Hey! I wanted to report a bug.
    When I am looting a PMC body on factory and a bot comes and tries to loot the same body, then the bot loots from me/my inventory. Backpack and weapons especially in my two instances.

    • Oh interesting, Im assuming this is when you are playing as a Player Scav? I dont have code that will prevent bots from looting something that a player is looting, I can open an issue for it

  • Can I make PMC to pretend looting like SCAVs do?

    • I think the only way to do this would actually be to set the "Max Loot Value threshold" for PMC to 1. This should cause them to loot containers/corpses but since any item they would encounter would be worth more than 1 rouble, they shouldnt end up looting anything