Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to bans.
Have you ever run across an open filing cabinet, and questioned why a trained PMC operative needs to close a drawer just to open it again before being able to look inside it?
No more! SPT now has the most highly trained PMC operatives, who know how to look in open drawers (And all other lootable containers)!
In simple terms, this mod allows using the "Search" action on any container that is already opened, without needing to close it first.
1) Open the downloaded zip file in 7-zip
2) Select the folders in the zip file in 7-zip
3) Drag the selected folders from 7-zip into your SPT folder
Demonstration Video (Yes, it's SAIN, but the same concept applies to all of my mods, I'm not making mod-specific extraction example videos):
Use the standard interaction menu on open containers, the default option will now be "Search"
Special Thanks
Special thanks to Gaylatea for her Use Loose Loot mod that reminded me I wanted to make this, and for the general area of code to start looking in!
If you enjoy my work, you can feed my caffeine addiction
Version 1.3.0
- DrakiaXYZ
This version will only work with SPT 3.11.x
Update for SPT 3.11
Version 1.2.0
- DrakiaXYZ
This version will only work with SPT 3.10.x
- Update for SPT 3.10.0
Version 1.1.0
- DrakiaXYZ
This version will only work with SPT 3.9.x
- Update for 3.9.0
Version 1.0.2
- DrakiaXYZ
This mod was written to be generic, and support as many versions of SPT as possible. Currently tested and known working on SPT 3.7.0-3.8.0
Version 1.0.1
- DrakiaXYZ
This mod was written to be generic, and support as many versions of SPT as possible. Currently tested and known working on SPT 3.6.0-3.6.1
This version just makes the mod even MORE version agnostic, now there is zero dependence on obfuscated method names, so less chance of a breakage in the future if BSG re-arranges their classes.
Tested and known working SPT versions:
- 3.6.0
Version 1.0.0
- DrakiaXYZ
This mod was written to be generic, and support as many versions of SPT as possible. Currently tested and known working on SPT 3.5.5 - 3.6.0
DrakiaXYZ Author
This mod was written to be generic, and support as many versions of SPT as possible. Currently tested and known working on SPT 3.5.5 - 3.7.1
Sorry for the excessive interest, but is 3.5.8 something like a developer version of SPT which will be released soon? I don't know much about the details and news of the community. and thanks for this fix mod
DrakiaXYZ Author
Yes, 3.5.8 will be the next release of SPT, it's just in testing/development at the moment.
Okay thanks
Hah, was going to make a mod like this, you've beat me to it. Good job colleague.
I've always been interested in how you, as modders, see the new SPT versio with 2. Are you already working with SPT running under the new engine update?
wait, live EFT still doesn't have this feature?
DrakiaXYZ Author
Nope, Nikita still closes every open drawer in his house before re-opening them to look for his keys, so he doesn't realize this isn't a realistic scenario for everyone else
HOOOOW are you able to create so many great mods, thank you for everything that you do!
I am also in love with Quest Tracker, Task List Fixes, and Quick Move To Containers. Great work as always.
king of SPT modding
One of the mods i think should be put straight in Tarkov Live. So annoying waiting for a random searched box to close every time, especially if using mods that make scavs loot stuff, by the time you get to a place it has every single box open.
Wish you the best mate, keep the good work!
D Rose_01
I don't see how people need this since looting bots has a close containers option in the their bepinex menu.
You're the funny one at parties huh.
I'm having issues with this mod. I still have to close the containers before I can search them. Is there any conflicting mods? I do use:…me/#comments/comment36014 but I don't think that would cause the issue, but I don't know. My log output is here:
DrakiaXYZ Author
Your log indicates you don't have this mod installed
Oops... I thought I did, lol... Sorry.
Wow a very nice mod !
Much more realistic than the original game, where you have to close and reopen the container.
10/10 Tushonkas
Would trade a LedX for this Mod!
Is there a way to do not close containers after you open them? It will be great, since i freakout sometimes after the soundsof closing containers thinking its a bot walking to me.
DrakiaXYZ Author
Lol, I totally understand where you're coming from, but not with this mod. This mod strictly hooks into the UI interface for opening/looting, it doesn't handle the actual act of opening/closing containers.
Useful with Looting Bots mod. There bots leave open containers.
Is there a way of disabling the animation still playing when looting an open container?
DrakiaXYZ Author
Probably, but it's not really worth spending time on, since it's just visual, and doesn't slow down actually showing the inventory
Can you give me a hint so I can fix this. Personally bugs me and would love to fix it. If you are not sure thanks for the time!
DrakiaXYZ Author
You'd have to dig through the decompiled assembly and figure out what code triggers the animation, and condition it on whether the container is already opened or not. Not really a simple task, which is why it's not worth the effort.
True. Thanks for letting me know.
Instructions unclear, dick stuck in filing cabinet drawer.
Seriously though, godsend of a mod. No longer having to fat finger the close button when accidentally closing the loot menu is everything I've ever dreamed of.
me accidentally tabs out while searching a filing cabinet, then accidentally opens the bottom cabinet: FUUUUUUUU
thanks man.
there is something wrong with the downloaded folder my computer says the compressed folder is empty?
DrakiaXYZ Author
It's definitely not, I installed it into my own main install using the download. Make sure your antivirus didn't delete it
Nope still showing me the issue The compressed (zipped) folder is empty / The Compressed (zipped) folder is invalid nothing seems to work
DrakiaXYZ Author
Are you using the built in Zip viewer in Windows? I recommend trying 7-zip, it's what I use to create my archives, maybe Windows is having issues with opening it:
yep that was the issue windows cant extract it only 7zip you should prob specify about this on the mod description
DrakiaXYZ Author
Tracked down the issue, 7-zip had actually created a 7z compressed file with a .zip extension. This should be fixed now for anyone else who downloads it
No need to re-download, the contents was correct, just the compression was wrong.