Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.
Version 3.0.1
- Fontaine
Fontaine's FOV Fix v3.0.0 for SPT 3.10.0
Note: this build does not have a server mod component, do not carry it over from older builds.
BSG added variable zoom to optics in the build used by SPT 3.10.0. This means that the "Variable Zoom" part of this mod has been made redundant and removed. I am not happy with BSG's implementation, I will attempt to address that in the future.
The mod has been streamlined, the following functionality is removed and may or may not be added back in the future:
- Main Camera FOV based on scope magnification (currently only option is optic vs. non-optic)
- Standardization of magnification between optics (1x on the Vudu is the same as 1x on the Burris, etc.)
Tweaks & Changes:
- Added the ability to increase the base FOV beyond the standard 75 cap.
- Standardized mouse sensitivity of all scopes. Each scope now has the same base sensitivity, whereas previously BSG had manually and seemingly randomly assigned sensitivity to each. It is now fully based on the config settings where you can adjust it per magnification level. Note that, for example, 4x sensitivity setting may not apply to all 4x scopes, others may be affected by 3x or 5x. This is because BSG is not consistent with assigning an FOV value to each scope, and the sensitivity settings depend on the scope's FOV.
Known Issues:
-Thermals are no longer variable due to BSG's changes.
-FOV/zoom between scopes of the same magnification is not consistent due to BSG.
-Numerous inconsistencies in scope FOV leading to inconsistent application of sensitivity config settings due to BSG.
Version 3.0.0
- Fontaine
Fontaine's FOV Fix v3.0.0 for SPT 3.10.0 - Test Build 1
Note: this build does not have a server mod component, this will most likely change for future versions.
This is a test build, that means there may be bugs or unforeseen issues. Please use the Github page's issues section to report them. Any reports without useful info and reproducible steps, logs and not tested without other mods installed, will be removed.
BSG added variable zoom to optics in the build used by SPT 3.10.0. This means that the "Variable Zoom" part of this mod has been made redundant and removed. I am not happy with BSG's implementation, I will attempt to address this in the future.
The mod has been temporarily streamlined, the following functionality is removed but will be added back in the future:
- Main Camera FOV changes based on scope magnification (currently only option is optic vs. non-optic)
- Mouse sensitivity based on scope magnification
- Standardization of mouse sensitivity for all sights
- Standardization of magnification between optics (1x on the Vudu is the same as 1x on the Burris, etc.)
Plans for the future:
- Rework how scroll input is handled for variable zoom to make it more responsive and granular (zoom by defined steps)
- Standardize scope magnification and sensitivity
- Possibly rework the size of reticles for variable optics to be closer to their IRL counterparts where appropriate
- Re-add UI indicator for current scope magnification for variable optics
For the sake of posterity I would like to state that prior to adding variable zoom optics, and this mod existing, BSG claimed that adding variable zoom to EFT was not possible, and that they would not do it. This mod showed that it was actually possible.
Version 2.1.8
- Fontaine
Fontaine's FOV Fix v2.1.8 for SPT 3.9.8
Improved detection for if Realism mod's stances are enabled or not, this should fix issues with pistol ADS when using Realism mod but have stances disabled. Smoothing for Realism's new Patrol stance (v1.4.7).
Version 2.1.7
- Fontaine
Fontaine's FOV Fix v2.1.7 for SPT 3.9.x
No need to download this if you are not using Realism's stances. Added smoothing for stance to ADS transitions when using Realism mod. Camera movement should be significantly less jarring for both rifles and pistols when using stances.
Version 2.1.6
- Fontaine
Fontaine's FOV Fix v2.1.6 for SPT 3.9.x (with or without Realism Mod)
This should hopefully fix compatibility for those not using Realism mod. If still not working then GGs I guess.
Version 2.1.4
- Fontaine
Fontaine's FOV Fix v2.1.4 for SPT 3.9.x (REALISM MOD ONLY)
Improved compatibility with Realism mod and hold breath toggle zoom sensitivity fix.
Version 2.1.3
- Fontaine
Fontaine's FOV Fix v2.1.3 for SPT 3.9.x
Because certain combinations of Realism + FOV Fix, and their config options, require different offsets for left shoulder ADS, it is now a config option that the user can set themselves according to their needs and set up.
Version 2.1.2
- Fontaine
Fontaine's FOV Fix v2.1.2 for SPT 3.9.x
Fixed the movement speed blocking from last build not working, my bad.
Version 2.1.1
- Fontaine
Fontaine's FOV Fix v2.1.1 for SPT 3.9.x
See release notes for details. A couple fixes and improvement to controls.
Fixes:- De-Optimized code that made free-look cause screen to zoom in.
- Fixed left-shoulder swap causing weapon to be too far forward from camera.
- If using mouse scroll + key combo for variable zoom, it will no longer change movement speed.
Version 2.1.0
- Fontaine
Fontaine's FOV Fix v2.1.0 for SPT 3.9.x
Updated to 3.9.x, added more config options, improved camera smoothing. DO NOT CARRY OVER YOUR OLD CONFIG FROM SPT 3.8.X OR BEFORE!
Fontaine Author
This is on pause till Realism is updated. However the current build is perfectly stable. In future updates I will add back some functionality.
Hi someone updated scope and red dot sight overhaul. Can you add it to recommended?…igan-update-by-murasame/#
I would like to report that the Monstrum Tactical Compact Prism Scope currently provides a magnification comparable to 1x, when it is meant to be 2x. Good luck updating Realism as well, looking forward to it.
Fontaine Author
I do not touch scope FOV as per release notes. High FOV or not zooming in when aiming will cause the apparent magnification of PiP optics to change, just nature of the beast. I have not yet found a good way to change scope FOV without breaking stuff
Damn, that's too bad. This game's code must be an absolute mess. Thanks for the mod, makes the gunplay in this game so much better.
is it possible to make thermals variable again?
Fontaine Author
Probably not, BSG broke lots of stuff
Could I request a per-weapon or per-optic override for the eye distance field? The P90's default ring-sight has way too much eye relief. I've been setting the eye relief manually whenever I use that gun, but it would be nice to have it apply automatically.
Fontaine Author
Nope too much work, unless you want to make a PR
Fair enough, thanks for your consideration. I don't know enough about coding to be of any help I'm afraid.
Fontaine Author
It's all good. Maybe for a future version
Current version 3.0.1 download points to 3.0.0.
drippin jimmy
it's different bro trust, it says in the new download that thermals aren't variable anymore and the new update says the same thing
Fontaine Author
I believe in your ability to use deductive reasoning
Hey i was just checking. Typically when a mod or a file updates so does the same of said folder when they have the version number in it. i see theres a 3kb difference now. Thanks.
Fontaine Author
I had a test build for 3.0.0, I then uploaded the full build. The site doesn't allow to repeat the same version, it's not that meaningful in the end just how it was uploaded
Thanks for all your hard work and the mods, this is a must have.
Does anyone have any tips on the best settings to maintain accuracy on both red dot and optic scopes?
Is it still true that magnified scopes are not accurate at high FOV, and Holos/red dots have the opposite problem?
Fontaine Author
I don't think it's a significant enough problem, especially vs. bots
As someone who dies all the time, how *dare* you
But thank you for the information!
Help, zoom toggle keeps being set to F13 when I try to change the keybind. Clearing it works but as soon as I press the keybind, it automatically sets it to F13
Fontaine Author
Something about your system is fucked
Not so sure about that because other mods that offer changing keybinds in their settings work just fine and don't automatically set themselves to F13. I'll try a fresh reinstall with this only mod and see if something changes when I have time.
Fontaine Author
That's not the first time someone's said something like that, for it turn out to be an issue on their end. If it's the mod causing it, it'd be happening to me too and everyone else
Found the actual cause. It's Nvidia Overlay. Turned it off for Tarkov and now it stopped doing that. Weird.
Fontaine Author
Fontaine vindicated once again, beat the allegations
can i add smooth zoom back to the config i want it on for thermals to have smooth zoom
Fontaine Author
Read the release notes
hey thx this did not answer my question
im not asking if you will add it i want to do it my self like do i need to go in to the dll and change something to true to enable it
Fontaine Author
The release notes do answer it, it explicitly states variable zoom was made redundant and removed. You can't "just enable it", please use common sense and have some courtesy
no that dose not answer the question i didn't ask if you removed it i asked if i could put it back yes its redundant and not needed but i want it its not common sense in my experience with mods you can simply re type the code that was removed that is what I'm asking not if you are adding it back if you removed it or if its able to be enabled could i if i wanted to code in a variable zoom toggle to make it work with any optic not just the ones that have smooth zoom and curtesy for what being blowing off a question because you think you addressed it fully and a new question has been asked and pointed to a non answer so i retyped it because it seems you don't understand the question I'm asking
Fontaine Author
I can't tell if you're trolling or just that ignorant, anyways I blocked you, bye!
Love it. One of my favorite mods of all time. Being able to zoom on key with or without weapon is such a great feature I wish more games have (arma is the only game I can think of that has it)
Sweet Guy
Here is a suggestion for scaling.
Currently, the scope scaling is simple stepwise,
but I think it should be logarithmic for convenient use.
Currently, it goes up by 1 unit like 1-2-3-4-5-6,
so the scaling suddenly jumps from 1 to 2, then goes down to 1.5x, 1.33x.
If it goes according to the rules, it should go up like 1 - 1.4 - 2 - 2.9 - 4.2 - 6 to feel smooth.
Fontaine Author
It's BSG's variable zoom
Can we increase the fov ?
If you read the info for update 3.0.0 it would answer your question - >>> Mod/FOV changes in update 3.0.0 <<<
I actually did read it but I just didn't understand it, I guess the first one is what I was looking for ? isn't it kinda worded weirdly tho ? Anyway thanks for pointing it out.
Yes, the information I outlined in yellow is the answer to your question about increasing the fov. The mod has been temporarily streamlined and things will be added back again in the future.
Quite a lot has changed in 3.10 and mod authors need time to make adjustments to their mods as certain things can break or just not work. Just be patient and I am sure an update will follow after the Christmas holidays
Fontaine Author
This mod never let you increase base FOV, options at the moment are to increase/decrease ADS FOV and "hud" FOV. I can add an option to adjust base FOV in the future
That would be sick.
Hi Fontaine, happen to have a quick question. Do you plan to release the weapon stances (High ready, low ready) from Realism as a seperate mod from realism itself?
Fontaine Author
Beautiful mod, muchas gracias comrade!
drippin jimmy
upon downloading the updated version of this mod, I cant see anything in the f12 menu. if FOVfix is deleted, things show up in f12. I have checked to make sure no other things would have conflict with FOVfix. Is there any known way to fix this or is there anything I could be doing wrong?
Thanks for the update boss.
lets fucking go, Fontaine back with the milk
Yeah, would love to play this, but it seems sketchy... the trojan warning. Even if i download I can't preview the zip due to permissions (first mod i've ever seen like that)... I know you showed your link below... I'll check again when it's trustable...
Edit: think it's ok, see response below
Fontaine Author
Either a troll or technologically illiterate and deficient in reasoning
I gave it another shot after he responded, redownloaded and it seems ok. I haven't played the mod yet, but the file ran through virus and malware scans no problem and oddly the permissions lock on the zip wasn't there this time.
Fontaine Author
I have no idea what a "permissions lock" is, unless you're referring to Windows Defender preventing you from unzipping a file it flagged as maliscious. Please read up on how Defender or AV in general works and false positives, thank you.
Fuck yeah, it's updated.
Microsoft defender is picking this up as "Trojan:Script/Wacatac.B!ml"
Fontaine Author…42208da28708d9a6225326197
Do you want me to phone Microsoft and tell them to make Defender less shit or what do you expect from me?
fuck yeah thank you legend ❤️❤️❤️
is it possible to implement variable zoom on PS-320 or is it just bugged on my end?
The ps-320 goes straight from 1-6 in real life just like how the Elcan Spectre goes straight from 1-4 in real life
Well, I understand the reason, but I find this scope itself very clean and a variable version would have been great. After all, it's a mod, not everything has to be real life.
But it makes sense.
Hey I've been having an issue with the reticles, they are flickering in and out of view, I have the latest version of; SPT, This mod, Geffs red dot and scope overhaul, Amands graphics, Realism mod. I have tried turning off amands graphics and fucking around with the Anti Aliasing settings but nothing seems to work so far
here is the video of the issue;
I tried isolating the mod by itself and trying out the scopes but I had the same flickering issues.
Sounds more like a game / graphics issue to me. Texture flickering is also common in games if either the hardware can't keep up or something else if f'ed.
Pretty sure it's not a mod issue. At least I don't have it.
I’ve been having an issue when installing this mod, assuming due to a conflict but I’m unsure which as of right now and wanted to comment to ask if anyone had similar issues,
When i either enter a raid or attempt to use the firing range while this mod is installed, my character draws their gun at their hip but does not fully raise it, it points barrel down at the hip. The ammo readout from using a HUD mod reads like the mag at 0/0 and i become unable to interract with anything, movement and jumping becomes sluggish and unresponsive and no keybinds work, nor does walking away from the firing range remove this issue. I have tried with numerous weapons and the issue occurs across all of them (tested SR-25, AXMC, G28, AS VAL, M4 and MDRs)
it becomes permanent till the game is closed forcibly and occurs once again if you try and enter raid/firing range while installed. If anyone has any info on what could be causing this it would be greatly appreciated while i troubleshoot!
Do you have Realism mod on?
Just wanted to say that this as an absolute game changer, if i had to choose 2 mods i would definetely go with this and sain