Fontaine's Headbob Reducer 1.4.0

Let's you set the headbob game setting slider to 0.

Headbob Reducer

Let's you set the headbob game setting slider to 0. That's it. Nothing more, nothing less.

This doesn't remove the side-side movement when sprinting and walking that patch 12.12 introduced, that seems baked into the animation. However it does reduce some of that headbob and removes the head movements when reloading, opening inventory etc.

To install, simply put the .dll file into your BepInEx/Plugins folder.

If you wish to support me and my work you can buy me a coffee.


    Thumbs Up 1
  • Is there any mod that does the opposite of this, adding more headbobbing that mimics old tarkov?

  • keeps getting deleted by virus protection... isn't doing it with any other mods/plugs

    • Damn bro you found my bitcoin miner. Don't know what you expect me to do here, you can inspect the dll with dnspy, upload to virus total or just not use the mod.

    • lmao hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣