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Adds most ammo stats to the inspect view


As with every client mod, Munitions Expert is built for a specific client version. See version details for compatibility.

Mostly clientside, but if you want the custom icons and localizations to load, it needs to be installed on the server as well. (on a local server this doesn't matter)


  • Adds Damage, Damage to armor, Armor penetration, Fragmentation chance and Ricochet stats to the inspect view
    • All of these have icons
    • Damage shows total as well as individual damage of all pellets!
    • Armor penetration also shows what class it's rated/good against (this also adapts to changes in armor class resistances)
  • Adds icons to bleed chances
  • Standardizes formatting of attributes
  • Changes Accuracy, Recoil and Durability burn stats to a colored style (negatives are red, positives blue)


Added a config option to enable Colour changes of the background of the bullets depending on Pen Values (Suggested and code from kikirio)

config file is under src/config.json

BulletBackgroundColours: true will enable the mod to change background depending on colour .


Default: Grey

above 20: Green

above 30: Blue

above 40: Violet

above 50: Yellow

Above 60: Red

HOW TO INSTALL: (this is how to install for AKI 2.3.0 onwards)

1. Open the Zip

2. inside you will see, a BepInEx folder and a user folder.


3. copy these and paste them to your AKI install folder.


4. Done! there is nothing else for you to do.


  • SPT Install / User / Mods / Faupi-MunitionsExpert 1.6.9 (this folder)
  • SPT Install / BepInEx / plugins / Faupi-MunitionsExpert.dll (this dll file)

Thanks to Valens for testing

  • Version 1.7.1


    Updated for 3.5.2

  • Version 1.7.0


    rewritten the mod to NOT require the serverside to load icons.

    all the serverside does now is change the background colours.

    hopefully fixes the issue some are getting with the inspection screen breaking

  • Version 1.6.9


    updated to 3.5.0

  • Version 1.6.8


    Some client side changes, thanks BSG,

    Updated for AKI 3.4.0

  • Version 1.6.7


    Updated for 3.3.0

  • Version 1.6.6


    Updated for 3.2.5

  • Version 1.6.5


    Updated for aki 3.2.4

  • Version 1.6.4


    Updated for AKI 3.2.3

  • Version 1.6.3


    Updated for AKI 3.2.2

  • Version 1.6.2


    updated for aki 3.2.1

    HotFixed version numbers

  • Namespace changes in 3.9.0, hope you can update the mod. Thanks!

  • Please! I'm begging you! Make us all happy again. Update this mod :)

    Thumbs Up 9
  • 🙏

    please update to 3.5.7

    ? 1 Thumbs Up 2
  • this mod not working.

    if: use realism, 100% not working. "blablabla" bug appear.

    not testing without realism!

    The 3.5.6 working fine, but 3.5.7 not.

    Thumbs Up 1
    • I don't have Realism mod, and this one still doesn't work. So yeah, mod is busted sadly. This mod is pretty much a must have to enjoy Tarkov.

  • does it work for 3.5.7?

  • CWX seems to be busy in IRL, my friend MarsyApp recompiled the dll files for SPT-AKI 3.5.6

    Also package.json has been corrected so that "outdated version" error is not displayed

    No other changes were made


    Heart 1 Thumbs Up 3
    • I can confirm, it is working correctly! Thank you for updating it!

    • good sir i would humbly ask you to ask your friend to update this if he or she can

    • FYI this version is working with 3.5.7 as well! :thumbup:

      Heart 1
    • This isn't working for me in 3.5.7. I am getting the blablabla error but that might be because of the realism mod

    • @ProfessorSad have you tried the exact version in this post above? There is a download link in FlashMode's original post I was replying to. I was talking about that specific one, not the latest original release. Also, I am not using Realism mod, so you might be using the right one from this, but RM might interfere. Not sure, I just wanted to clarify.

  • The "blablabla" bug on 3.5.5 is still present. Hopefully it will be fixed soon. :thumbup:

  • im having the "blablabla" bug on 3.5.5

    • Just came to report this. :(

    • Did you guys post to the Support thread?

  • Great mod, just need an update for 3.5.5

  • Please update to 3.5.2, with the current version your mod is crashing the game.


    Heart 1
  • Still getting the blablabla bug on 3.5.2. deleted all parts of the mod in BepinEx and user/mods/ and reinstalled but still get the same error

  • Getting the blablabla bug on 3.5.1

    For those still getting it, make sure to remove the mod files from BepInEx as well!

  • Blablabla bug stayed even after deleting mod

    • Strangely this problem occurs on 5.45 and 9x19 ammo (from starting stash)
      Other ammo work fine

  • I love your mod, it's clearly a MUST HAVE! but is it possible to have this mod WITHOUT the buffed ammo?

    Nevermind my question, there is a alternative to this mod from RaiRaiRaichu.

    • What are you talking about? This mod does not change any ammo stats.

    • "Adds most ammo stats to the inspect view as well as making it a little better overall."

      For me that sounds like changing something on the Ammo side, no?

    • This doesn't buff ammo though, it only adds the stats under the inspection screen, With different colors showing positives and negatives.

    • I never updated the content from when i copied it over from the original, it never buffed ammo, so no idea why it was there on the original, updated the page

      Heart 1
  • Latest update fixed it!

    Thank you a ton for patching this so quickly CWX <3

  • Thank you @CWX for 3.5 <3
    NOT USABLE sadly: I get non-closable inspect windows with "blahblah" in the title (same as @S_gamez post below).

    WORKAROUND (if you can live with only ammo backgrounds): y8L4geu.png

    • can you do me a favour and in your bepinex folder, check the date of the DLL

      sptinstall/bepinex/plugins/Faupi-MunitionsExpert.dll it should be 13/02/2023

      if its not that, please try downloading it again and making sure it overwrites, Valens had the same issue, for some reason it didnt overwrite

    • Ok, purged both user/mods and bepinex folders of this mod, re-downloaded and placed new files with love and care. No go sadly.


    • Bizarre, can you go here and paste your profile for me, https://codepaste.sp-tarkov.com/ also what ammo were you inspecting?

    • Same bug, ammo type doesn't matter. Checked DLL date.

      "Blablabla" :kekw:

      Happy 1
    • There you go: codepaste.sp-tarkov.com. I was inspecting 9x19mm but I think any ammo type will behave the same for me. Only one other mod used: KMC Server Value Modifier 1.5.9H1.

      By the way - thank you for making the time for this <3

  • Think i found a bug where i inspected the ammo. I then tried closing it and it gives me this un-close-able UI window. Tho i do notice that the damage the mod is i guess suppose to show is missing too.

    Thumbs Up 2
    • had same issue. client gets softlock, alt-f4 is only solution.

    • can you do me a favour and in your bepinex folder, check the date of the DLL

      sptinstall/bepinex/plugins/Faupi-MunitionsExpert.dll it should be 13/02/2023

      if its not that, please try downloading it again and making sure it overwrites, Valens had the same issue, for some reason it didnt overwrite

    • 20.12.2022

  • Tested new download. Seems to be working. Will post back if there are any issues. Thanks CWX!

  • 1.6.9 was bugged, i forgot to update the DLL in the folder, reodwnload the ZIP and it'll be working again

  • CWX, looks like maybe you build with outdated assemblies. All i did was rewire new assemblies and compiled and it worked for me.

    • I never moved the new dll to the folder to ZIP KEK

      Updated the link

      Happy 1
  • Doesn't work, softlocks game when you open ammo and just says 'blablablah' for the ammo.

    • its been doing that since 2.3.1 for me. :/

    • Redownload the zip and it should be all good now

  • On 3.5.0 latest version if i open any ammo window it wont close and will softlock the game. Have to alt-f4 to fix.

    • redownload the zip, should be fine now

  • doesnt work on 3.5.0 atm, at least not for me.

    when I right click on ammo details, top left of the ammo window it says `inspect; (0)` and below that it says BLAHBLAHBLAH

    and I cant close the window.

    Thumbs Up 5
    • redownload the zip, should be working now

    • you the man!

  • Does this take the values from the gamefiles? If so, does this work with SPT Realism mod?

  • any chance for 3.5.0 update ?

  • Works for me. Thank you so much. Very well done.

  • Not working for 3.4.0

  • It's not showing the damage, damage to armor, or armor pen stats anymore.

  • Please it is not working in version 3.3.0.

    Would you like to update?



  • Is this mod compatible with 3.3.0?