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Port of most* of JustNU's Additional Clothing mods.

This is a port pack of all of the Additional Clothing mods made by JustNU, ported by kobrakon, then ported by me including:

-Digital Flora Pack

-G3 Combat Uniforms Pack

-Western Pack

This mod requires JustNU's Core to work.

Original Author: JustNU

  • The problem is now fixed

    • Still showing "Thursday, 6:49 pm"

    • I update it on the Google drive, not in the aki version tab

  • it's a pity there are only clothes without equipment

  • can you show which line needs to be edited?

    • Using answer from andr2

      const enLocale = require("G:/AkiTarkov/user/mods/AdditionalClothing_DigitalFloraPack/db/locales/en.json"); Replace it with this: const enLocale = require("../db/locales/en.json");

  • Getting error. This one is about Digital Flora, but when I delete one mod folder I'm getting same error with the next one


    • Exactly the same problem

    • Had the same problem. But I have a fix for it.
      Go into the mod, then the "src" folder. Open the "mod.js" file in notepad and replace line 13 with "const enLocale = require(`../db/locales/en.json`);"
      (without the quotes of course).

      Thumbs Up 4 Heart 3
    • const enLocale = require("G:/AkiTarkov/user/mods/AdditionalClothing_DigitalFloraPack/db/locales/en.json"); Replace it with this: const enLocale = require("../db/locales/en.json");

    • Sorry for that, that is a mistake on my side since its my game directory. I didn't quite catch that. Going to update the mod in a sec

      Heart 1